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Thread: Opened my "store" stockpile to my friends/family..:)

  1. #31
    Junior Canuck
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    I have a stock pile for my household but I also have a "Dollar Store" that my friends and family have shopped at for the past 2 years. They don't have the time to coupon or shop around for the good deals. They save LOTS of dollars and I make a dollar or two which I use to restock the "Dollar Store". However, my store is depleting as it has become more difficult to stack with new coupon wording so I have had to close shop until I get more inventory. Needless to say that I have some sad family members.....I say Way to Go!!!
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  2. #32
    Canadian Guru
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    OP, you can do whatever you want with your stockpile, because it is your property. It is hard work to go out deal hunting, so if you need to be reimbursed for your OOP/time/gas/whatever, good for you for getting the money. I know way too many people who would take stuff from me, not even say thank you, and leave so I'm glad you are getting something for your efforts.
    Apply every possible promo code to your cart, at every store that you visit (and get points for cash back on top of that?). It's sweet and easy with HONEY.

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  3. #33
    Smart Canuck RedEng's Avatar
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    Sounds like you found a way to share your savings with family and friends. Thanks for sharing with SC.

  4. #34
    Smart Canuck ChristieJ's Avatar
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    Nice to see you paying it forward, OP. Don't let others get you down. It's no different than if your family asked you to pick something up from the store and you two had agreed that they'd reimburse you for it.

    One weekend, my car was in the shop, and my partner had to be at work at 7 a.m. for in-service training, so he had to take his car. I had planned to do grocery shopping and a Costco run because we were having a BBQ on Sunday. My brother called me and I explained how I couldn't do all my shopping, since my partner was done at 4, and we wouldn't have enough time for Costco and the supermarket. My bro drove 45 minutes to my house, took me to Costco, No Frills, back home, help put away my groceries, clean my grill and get my meat marinating and then drove 45 minutes back to his home By the time my bro left, my partner had come home from work!!

    The following week, we were on the phone and he said he had to go to Loblaws and get Lever 2000 soap and Gillette deodorant. I was going to Loblaws too, so I took 4 Lever 2000 and 2 Brandsaver coupons and got him 6 packs of soap and 12 deodorants. I probably spent $10 total, and dropped it off at his office on my way home. You don't know how much he appreciated it, and I told him to keep his money. Keep helping out your family lizamarie....after all, charity starts at home!

  5. #35
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    thank you to all for your positive comments--I know I am helping people out---BTW my friend bought some body wash for $2 (cost me $1.50 plus tax) and sold it to her husband friend for $4...she said I should raise my prices I was too

  6. #36
    it Is what it is
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    Good for yo OP! The way I see it, is it is My stockpile,

    I have no problem Sharing my stockpile with those who help me. Extra inserts, requesting HOT coupons via their Facebook and save for me. But those who expect donations are dreaming! My neighbour behind us is forever lifting the fence my my DS to play over there for a little bit, so I can have some extra time to start supper, etc. I have no isses handling over stockpile items to those people.

    To expect it is another story! To the food bank it would go!

    My one neighbour text me the other day, with a sick child....out of gatorade, Tylenol

    . She came to buy things since she does not drive. I donated that to her, but my brother in law has shown up, low on groceries, looking for hand outs, and that does not happen.

    I have volunteered my time, and coupon to help others, and if they are to lazy to do it themselves, all the while complaining that they are broke, tough for them!
    redfox, Jezebel, lizamarie and 1 others like this.

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  7. #37
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    I should start doing this. I tend to just give items away, but it would be nice to get a bit back.
    Patty Smyth and Ceren like this.

  8. #38
    Canadian Genius
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    Exactly. If I was to do all the work and then give everything away, might as well stay home and watch Dr. Phil.

  9. #39
    Smart Canuck GeorgiaK's Avatar
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    Just today, I was on the phone with my older sister and she said that she had run out of Dove shampoo. Her two teenaged daughters depleted her stockpile. She was going to go to Costco and pay full price! Oh the horror!! I told her no way jose, just tell me what you need and I will pull it from my inventory. I ended up giving her 1 Biore moisturizer, 2 Dove shampoos, 4 Nexxus shampoos to try, and 2 packs of Dove soap bars.

    She has been the one who provides the most care for our mom after her stroke and heart attack, going to the appointments and the such, since myself and my younger sister have young kids. I think that a little compensation is what is needed and this is the way I compensate her and say thank you for being a great person.

  10. #40
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    I agree people don't seem to appreciate the time and effort and gas that it takes to get things for "free". I could never do that, I don't have the time or inclination, I really should get into that...they don't want to take the time and effort. I love to help out people, but many don't appreciate it and even those that do, can take you for granted sometimes and almost expect you to get things for them. Good for you for letting them give you something back. That's a win-win situation. Thanks for sharing.

  11. #41
    Smart Canuck Sunshyne1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    He laughed in my face as he was carrying the bags to his car.
    I would've kicked him in the family jewels!!!

  12. #42
    Canadian Guru hollyquaiscer's Avatar
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    I say don't let anyone ruin your brag. We each are different views, likes and dislikes. This is the brag secvvtion, if you don't like it, leave the thread without saying anything, I for one think you are doing just fine and keep on doing what you please. It's nice that you have a stockpile and are able to help out others with saving as well. WTG!
    We all need a little sunshine every now and then

  13. #43
    Coupon Goddess princesskimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jezebel View Post
    please let's not attack ppl ! this is the bragging section!

    Like OP I have things in my stash that I got with coupons but I also have 20 jars of Ragu...I paid $1 per coupon.....10 Method laundry soap $3 ea on coupon /javex no coupon and many other such items......

    so just because ppl have stockpiles does not mean they aquired it all for free
    Nor do you have to give it away for free - I donate to a cancer charity as well as a womens shelter but friends and family know i reusable bag = $20 full of there choice of products. That money goes to pay the taxes on other things I will be adding to the stockpile.

  14. #44
    Just Jez
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    Quote Originally Posted by princesskimmi View Post
    Nor do you have to give it away for free - I donate to a cancer charity as well as a womens shelter but friends and family know i reusable bag = $20 full of there choice of products. That money goes to pay the taxes on other things I will be adding to the stockpile.
    oh I wasn't suggesting they give it away for free....

  15. #45
    ♥ New Mommy ♥ ashokia's Avatar
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    I hadn't thought of charging my friends and family to buy things 'at cost' so to speak, but I think it's a pretty good idea! They don't want to bother with coupons, and this way they'd still be getting the deals and I'd have a little extra money to buy more steals.

    I've got family members who come to my house and just try and steal things from my stockpile. I don't care if I got it free - I spent the hours ordering, clipping and organizing the coupons. I found the sales that would let me get it free with my coupon. I went to the store to buy the damned thing and I paid the taxes. SO BACK OFF OF MY STOCKPILE!

    (I feel better now! )
    Jezebel, lizamarie and smileyKT like this.

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