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Thank you so so much
A bit about me..
My name is Alysia, I’m 27, and I was born and raised a land-locked prairie girl on a farm in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada. I put on my first pair of *****ers when I was a teenager; my dad got my family certified as a holiday gift. I’ve been addicted ever since!
My love of the ocean brought me to beautiful Vancouver Canada, which I currently call home. I’m super nerdy and currently work as a Business Technical Support homie for one of the largest communication companies in Canada. You call me, I’ll fix it! But, it’s not really my dream. And, even though I can look out at the ocean every day from my desk, it’s just not enough anymore. Time to start living a life that I want!!
Fun facts about me:
I’m 4’11 and could kick your butt at hide and seek
I’m a vegetarian
I’ve never broken a bone
When I’m not diving I’m singing and rocking out on my ukelele
My favourite (that’s how we spell favorite in Canada) fish is a six line wrasse