Well hey all I missed ya guys....

I went 4 1/2 years with the wrong dx of BPD(borderline Personality disorder), to my true diagnosis on May 9th 2015 of Schizophrenia and Psychosis. SO yes I hear voices! I used to hallucinate but lately haven't until today which I would say I thought I was going deep into Psychosis and I was afraid and scared. I have also have Social Anxiety and Seasonal Affective Disorder. So I have been going through a deep depression for the last 12 days. Plus my voices have been totally over the top, loud and obnoxious. I take meds and not gone off them whatsoever. I don't do illegal drugs nor do I do alcohol since I am officially sober today March 12; 20 months !!!

Yet there is lots of stigma towards being schizophrenic it seems as soon as you mention it to people assume you are going to be violent or out to hurt them, which is just not true most schizophrenics may act out but rare occasions that they are actually are trying to come after you usually its a hallucination that has gotten them freaked which makes it look like they are after.