I moved away from Sudbury a few years ago and I just want to say that I miss it SO much. No matter the complaints you have, I totally feel like I moved back in time 10yrs when i moved to southwestern ontario. I'm not going to rant about it, but I really appreciated the green/ recycling initiatives, bell park, integration of people of various abilities instead of segregation, putting money into services rather than esthetics, proper sidewalk snow clearing or calling about it and it being done in a reasonable time frame, friendly people...

If I could move back, I would. No city is ever perfect but oh my, I think I've been given the worst first impression ever. I keep thinking it has got to get better and then the city itself is violating the law causing further oppression... Sudbury isn't perfect, but in all ways except the one i had to leave for, it was a good place for me. I'm in a foreign land about as distant from my personal values as possible, and where I've failed to meet like-minded people. Ironically, I grew up in this area of the province so I'm really not a true northern girl. However, I grew into adulthood in Sudbury and became the person i wanted to be.