Conversation Between allboys4 and chelleroth

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I'll keep my ears open. I have a coupon for free nestle starter cereal if you want it?
  2. Well right now I'm good for diaper coupons, lots of those....I use Nestle Goodstart formula though if you happen to know anyone with coupons for that...
  3. Thats great. Do you need baby coupons?
  4. I moved to Wallaceburg about 4 years ago, a friend of mine told me about this site. I just had a little girl she's almost 4 months now.
  5. Have you llived in Wallaeburg all your life and do you have kids?
  6. Hi, I'm slowly trying to figure it out, it's pretty confusing!
  7. Hi, are you on this site very often?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7