Conversation Between cyn88canada and Badger81

1 Visitor Messages

  1. I really appreciate that you spend so much time posting all the flyers early online. Our carrier is always late coming around. The fact that you put it online lets me have more time to write out my list for the week. It also lets me decide if I should go back and buy something from last week's sale, because it is not going to be on sale during the next week. I saw that you liked it when someone sent you some coffee. Tell me what type and roast you like, as well as your mailing address, and I will sent some to you to show my appreciation for what you do, unless of course you would prefer something else. I am on ODSP, and my Dad is fighting for LDT from his employer. That leaves my Mom as the main provider in our house. I know that she really appreciates all the knowledge that I learn from your posts too. ps. I was born the day before halloween so I get a kick out of your zombia comments. yours truly, Andrea Hewerdine.
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