Conversation Between eco-chic and carlyincanada

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello! Thanks for your kind words & support!! I'm disappointed in SDM about my points....but I'm not letting it ruin our Christmas I got a few things with my GC (from Swagbucks/SuperPoints), a PS3 game, book, cd for DS (24yrs) & had most of my gifts purchased already...the stuff at SDM was a few extras & a couple things for me...but that can wait!!
    I'm looking forward to spending time with family & thats all that matters!

    Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New year!!
  2. Just wanted to say HI! and sorry to hear on your points must be going through hell but as my mom always said to me and I will pass it on to you "It is not how it looks like you just have to believe". Just believe that something good will come, even though it doesnt seem like it will right now. All the best! Merry Christmas
  3. Thanks Carly for the rep! And yes another week without the whine...which is a good thing i think! Although the comments people made in the treads used to make me giggle while at work!
  4. Hey thanks for the nice rep!
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