Conversation Between French Lady and Natalka

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the rep; Happy July!
  2. Thanks anyway Natalka. I sent a note about it to the Writers Guild of Alberta. Maybe they can help.
  3. Gee, I won't be able to help you with that - I have no clue what freelancers get, either for articles or photos. They may have a standard fee, I'm not sure. Good luck with it all, and happy writing!
  4. Hi Natalka, I see you used to be employed by a newspaper. I've been writing articles for a non-profit community paper. I have a couple of article ideas which I want to pitch to the Examiner, which is a weekly paper run by Postmedia here in Edmonton. I don't want to get lowballed on the fee. I've been getting 50 dollars each for most articles for the non-profit. Do you have an idea as to what I should charge the Examiner for say 500 words and photos? Any advice would be appreciated.
  5. I enjoyed your Pysanky photo. Have tried making them a few times but I find it so hard. I guess it's something that gets better with time and practice. I love the symbolism in it.
  6. Hope that you've had a great long weekend!!!
  7. Thanks for the reppie! As you may have guessed "French Lady" is my new name on this website. I was having privacy problems.
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