Conversation Between happycathy and pateyface

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi!
    Yes, our beautiful baby girl graced us with her arrival on March 6th. She is such a good baby and we are so blessed & thankful to have her. How are you?
  2. man Ash.. it must be any day now hey?? i guess you guys can't wait!! i'm so excited for you!!!!! what can i say: breathe?? and.. CONGRATS!!!!
  3. Hi Cathy!
    No problem, I like to do my part here on SC. And thanks for the congrats, we're VERY excited and cannot wait to meet her in around 9 weeks. We always get the 3D/4D ultrasound done because we love seeing them. We think she is cute already, can't wait to actually meet her. Thanks again! Have a great week!!!
    - Ashley
  4. Pateyface!!!!! Just looked at your online coupon thread because i'm trying to learn (haven't tried any yet, a. because i'm nervous.. and.. don't have a colour printer for now): WOW for your thread: HUGE undertaking!! AND was going to close the page, when i saw your state and cute eccho: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! OMG!!!! She's ALREADY adorable!!!!!! And... a girl after 3 boys: YAY!!! (i think that's what Victoria Beckham is aiming for too ) CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! (she's realllllllly adorable!! - LOVE those 3D echos..) Wishing you all the BEST of everything!!! Cathy
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