Conversation Between jezz and couponandoff

20 Visitor Messages

  1. Granola bar
  2. your avatar is dumb & lazy. I'm certain you can do better.
  3. What is that thing a picture of?? a alien....a washed out coupie...


    p.s. working hard on working less!!
  4. Lonely. Quit your job and shop with me.
  5. I want the puppies & back. You can keep what's left of the donuts. I'm going to Steamworks @ 9am. BE THERE!
  6. I'm tired of your children. I'm going to throw donuts, puppies and over your fence to keep them occupied so we can shop.
  7. I love The River...soo spooky!! and we forgot to tape it....oh noooooo!!!

  8. ok. I'm sure it was fun and all... but its time to come home now. miss you.
  9. Coyote....if I didn't like you so much I might have to /hate you!! (that goes for you too coups)....JK!! I wish that was my brag....sweeeet deal! I suck at stacking!! I will get more stuff for free!!! muahaha!
  10. I'm all over that nothing!

  11. Here's a train for you to ride GET ON GURL! ur tarded - I only saw the message below, because I just came to YOUR page. If you want to leave me pubic message - post on MY page.... ur so lovin the hoff - especially his hot pocket. LMAO gag
  12. Don't worry - Today most of the store Flyers are released - no inserts for Port Alberni this week.
  13. Today is flyer day?!? I thought RedSauce was the 24th...I need a new list!!! Thanks for the note...and I loved the coffee/convo....

    Warrior Jezz on the prowl
  14. FLYER DAY! Today we begin our plan of attack
    (bunnies for Chik / death & destruction for Warrior Jezz)
  15. opps wrong spot for message!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 20