Conversation Between misslollieputty and ccmp1974

3 Visitor Messages

  1. That's okay, things get busy. We've been having problems with our youngest cat - 3 unscheduled visits this week. It's been a rough week for us. I'm just glad you were able to enjoy the chocolates - I knew if I was going to send anything that's what I was going to send! You have a great week too!
  2. Sorry I was late posting because things have been crazy busy here and I just had to sit and think of the words to thank you.My oldest DD sits and stares at the card talking about how nice it is and I shared the last chocolate with my Mom over a cup of tea this after.Thanks again and have a great week
  3. You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it! My first card ended up being sent to her I was a bit nervous when I didn't hear if you got it or not.
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