Conversation Between MortgageQueen and DaveP

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Nope. No worries there. The UN is already well on it's way to planning it's demise. Understandably considering world events. Regardless, we don't know how it will happen. I am quite fascinated how it will come about, but guess I'll just have to wait. . .
  2. Religion is showing no signs of being destroyed. Islam is ascendant , and may well destroy the world. It could be this the Bible refers to.
  3. Please don't worry about it. I just made a reply in "public" defense. I know you're a great guy.
    It's ironic as all this religious violence actually plays into bible prophecy of religion being destroyed very soon. Makes sense really. At the rate these extremists are going, it has to come to a head soon one way or the other. . .
  4. I know you are, that's why I made the connection. I was trying to think of the most non-violent Christian group I could think of. It was down to the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Amish, but the Amish wouldn't be driving a car. I'm sorry for involving your faith in my badly delivered point.. I have nothing but respect for you.
  5. No worries Dave! We are thick skinned bunch. Not offended at all. Just surprised you would connect us to any violent act as we are very pascivist people?
  6. Hey Dave -thanks for like. Just about to post something just for you. . . unsupervised men. .
  7. Thanks Dave!! Hope you had a fantastic long weekend!
  8. Thanks for Like Dave. Have a Great DAy!
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