Conversation Between theweaves_dad and carlyincanada

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Ahhhh now I got you! As soon as our contract with Rogers ends in August we are cancelling the phone, cable, internet and probably my cell and more then likely going back to Bell! Chris switched his internet to Rogers last year as he got a really good deal in the mail but now we both HATE it and their webmail has more ads in it then the email messages! Nice to see ya back!
  2. Hi! I'm alive haha, just my laptop/internet was out of service, lol Switched to Bell internet/satellite so I'm good to go now!! haha I'll PM you soon!
  3. Hey! Where you been hiding??? I see you were online last night at 7:37... Have not gotten a pm for you in a real long time!!!!!!! Was wondering if you were still alive or what? *LOL*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4