User Tag List
Results 1 to 15 of 6738
Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 03:26 PM #1
- Join Date
- Mar 2006
- Location
- Kingston, Ontario
- Age
- 42
- Posts
- 8,841
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- 796
- Trading Score
- 6 (100%)
This list is currently being maintained by FallenPixels. If you have concern about any fraud or scam please send a private message and she will look into it. She also will update this list frequently with the latest spammers.
While it may seem like there are a lot of members, this list goes back to trades from early SC days and has been maintained since 2009. For the most part, trades are completed without issue
Contact: **FallenPixels** deals with all trades, inquiries etc.
The Trade Red List
These users are currently catching up on trades or have other issues, once their trades are received they will be removed. Please do not trade with these members until they are removed unless specified
The Trade Blacklist
Before trading with someone please make sure that their mailing address is not on this blacklist:
The * represents hidden number to protect their privacy.
BFMamaof2 - missing large trade & not communicating
juliep_coupons - currently behind on trades /skipped out on pkge train and injured/moved
*icki Ju*ge
*270 Masstown Rd
Debert, NS B*M 1B*
Lacey Gawiuk
Box 70*46
Olds, AB T4H *A3
This address has been used by the following users all with negs:
free_feels_good, larosa2001 (same name) and in 2011, nguyen3828 (different name)
*usan Trin*
*828 Pass*ay Rd
Mississauga ON L*N 8*6
Cheri *est
*-230 Mc*ill Blvd
Lethbridge, AB T*K 4*6
goes by Karell Prevost / Ludivine Langlois / Lauraly Meilleurs/ Laure Meilleure / Laurianne Dumont / Laure Lou / Laure du dit Godbout and Lucille Lapointe
*3940 av des É*ables-Argentés, Saint-*yacinthe, Québec J*R 1*4
Hugo godbout
*90 boul des aurentides, St-Jé*ôme, Québec J*Z 4*5
Djstar8/SilverStar82 Keeps making multiple user names.
D. Gusp*d*ryk (and other similar names) : 44*9, 6* Panatella Street N.* Calgary, Alberta, Canada T*k-0m4
A**ison *olbourne: *2 *atrick St, Scot**town, NS *1H 2X2
Shel*y M**eod, : *1 Patrick St, Scot**town, NS B*H 2X1
Ale* O*rien ; *236A Hinchey Ave, New Wa*er*ord, NS B*H 2L4
Vexy - several trades & trains missing, has not been on SC since
GINA : *086 Don Mills Rd Unit 1*, North York, ON M*J 3C3
melissa h*llis: box 9*, wembley ab t0h 3*0
Halifax girl, as marked on her trading profile has not made good on several trades, made a multiple username
Jennifer35, Spartan34 Steals trades and SDM points
4*3 gerrard st east # 31*, toronto,ontario, M*A2H1
Kyriakos aka Miss brittany
Kyriakos Pan**las: 12*25 Place Minerve, Cartierville Quebec H*J 1X3
AND 294*A Th*mas Street, Nanaimo, BC, V*T 2Y4
Candymom1 lots of missing trains and trades, claims Canada post fault and never received the other end of the trades either
Aim*e G*roux:20*-90 Warren Road, Toronto, Ontario, M*V 2S2
NewmommyjenHasn't made good on trades, logged in or responded to my pms
Jennifer K*nny: 4-*50 W*llington St Port Colborne, ON L*K 2K6
Pat*ick Gr*ham: 2*6 am*ranth cr, dartmouth ns b*w4b9
Missesta and Lizabeth and *mystique*Co*rtney D*mmings (pr an alias)
5*1-280 Wentworth St W Oshawa, ON L*J 1N2
or 41*-139 Mary St N, Oshawa, ON L*G 7X1
Star_lover28, Gladueam, Winchesterlust Same user DO NOT TRADE WITH
JESSICA B*KER : 500* B *3 ave PONOKA AB T*J1E5
Deborah: 21*8 mor*llo Place Courtenay BC V9N 9*9
Sulley1234 aka P. Singhi aka Crispie Creme are the same users scamming large quanitities of fpc's and come back for more rounds. Do not trade with. Possible users filing reports of fraud with police.
30*-1*11 Temperance Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0*5
and Justdoit200830*-1*11 Temperance Street Saskatoon, Sk S*N 0P5
MAVERICKMOM Ignoring pms for over a month yet logs in everyday.
Hunni, logs in all the time will not make good on trades.
Trudy Fr**ser : 5*4 Rocky H***hts Rd Comox Bc V*M 3E7
Has gone MIA on many trains, has not logged on
Rose Gentry: 6**6 1**A Street Surrey BC V*N 6A5
Tammy7769 In hospital, trying to make good on trades -trades still not complete Aug 2012.
1*04 Cr***wood Drive *E Medicine Hat, Alberta T*A 7S8 and Box *5 Tru*x, SK S*H 4A0
Drader Babe
Real Name: Allison E**i**t 5*6 *th St Estevan,SK S4*0V*
D.Ver**tte Box 1*34 Niverville, Mb. R*A *E0
UPDATED FEB 7th/2011: 1*5 Johnson St, Unit * Victoria BC V8V 3N6
Do not initiate trades with Moony25
1*5 Market St PH 1, Hamilton on, L*R *H5
"SPARKLES"-has not honored her trades...has not been on SC since Nov 22/10
T. Riel 25* B Pinemill Mews NE, Calgary, alberta T*Y 4R*
2)Please do not trade with DRAMACITA until further notice, she has a few pending trades and is not returning pm's.
~~ This other user goes by S. Lekivetz. Never honors his/her trades.
box 322, Dysart, Sk S0G 1H0
~~ This user sends used stamps in exchange for Similac cheques. Goes by Kristina K.
9*0 Broughton st. #20* Vancouver BC V6G 2A5
~~ This one creates different usernames and goes by D. Bush, Tanya M., Martin H. Their situation always involves hospitals.
1275 Elgin St. p* Burlington, On
~~ Mrowe, trolls boards looking for "spare" coupons. On at least 5 other boards and posts her address publicly. User lies about situation to recieve coupons and roaks, a different story for every site.
M. Rowe Box 788, Creighton, Sk S*P0A0
also C. Kittle Box 88 Creighton, Sk S*P0A0
~~ Goes by Lori Godin, Emma Baxandall, Jamie Willey and more... creates multiple user names and is still around
Suite 313, 901* 106 Ave. Edmonton AB T5H 4K3
N. Noiles * Spring St Apt * Amherst NS
M. Lucas 7-1*0 Grove Street, Simcoe, ON
These names are people who have been blacklisted on facebook groups and shared with us. They are sorted by last name, but as you are probably aware, many people have fake accounts on facebook so they may go by other names
- *ngela *nderson
- *tephannie *arker
- *ammy Bec*
- *osee Beau*me
- *randy B*nson
- *ulian Binde*
- *amantha Bio*ch
- *arine *isson
- *rystal *luthner / R*iden Bl*thner
- *obby B*acelin aka *am H*ghes-L*flamme
- *rystal *rown
- *arrlee *uchan
- *isa *utler
- *risti Ca*ger (*oss Haven Dr)
- *ary Cel*p aka Mary C (*epper ave, Belleville ON)
- *harlotte *oates
- *olette *ole
- *arcy *omeau
- *eather *harlery
- *orie *ackus-*harlton
- *ave / M*ry Jane couponer
- Fredricton Couponer
- Mary Jane Couponer
- *manda Steer-Couponning
- *hane Jones Couponing
- *aren *urrie
- *ammy *ynn Davis
- *rica *emerchant
- *elissa *eschene
- *rancisca *ias
- *ennifer *omoslai
- *ichelle Douglas
- *udry D*ke
- *athia *upelle (*atherine St, Hawkesbury ON)
- *ristle *usa
- *harlotte H*rwood
- *rew H*nting Ea*ton
- *isa *dwards
- *ackayla *lizabeth aka *shley *ozzini aka *lizabeth *rank
- *manda *lynn aka *andy F*ynn
- *tephanie *audette
- *atie G*rbasi
- *mie Dan G*ieve
- *arcel *rigor
- *azie *awkins (Sydney Mines NS) aka Jay Stewart, Jason Stewart, Jason O’Handley (Pond Rd, King St, Main St)
- *hristine *olt
- *iara *utchings
- *hantal *utchings
- *nn *ameson
- *rystal *ardine and *teven J*rdine
- *shley K*nyo (Christie Cres, Barrie)
- *elanie *atryna
- *manda *ilfoil
- R*m K*lla
- *ulie Marie K*sowan
- *am Hughes L*flamme
- *ianka L*liberte
- Erica Couponing Fellows Lane
- *sabelle *anglois
- *elanie L*rocque
- *indy L*veille
- Lavoie Lavoie and *artin *avoie
- *mber *eighton
- Alice Louise / *lice *acLellan (Kearney Lake, Halifax NS)
- *icole *ewett Louttit
- *ecile *arcoux
- *aitlyn Mc*onald
- *uzanne M*lanson
- J*nnie *erkley
- *andra *ichaud or J*anie *ichaud
- Kelly Sa*nachan M*erik
- *arah *orrison
- *esley *orrison
- *amantha Lee N*adow
- *helse Marie *icol
- J*son *’Handley (Sydney Mines, NS)
- *ichelle M*tchell
- *icole *elletier
- Liz *eters (Liz Z*ck)
- *ngie P*per
- MJ Christina / MJ Palmer / MJ D*ve Palmer
- T*yet Maria P*am-N*uyen
- M*lania P*lizzi
- Ja*s Ti Lap*n R*ncourt
- R*e Lynn R*smussen
- *hannon R*en
- *ikita R*ynolds
- T*acey S*eppard R*bble
- K*rlee R*ce
- *asmine R*binson
- *elissa *obitaille
- C*rmen Ro*e
- M*rie Ro*s
- *shley R*zzini
- L*cey *mith
- *lexandra Smith*aris
- *manda S*eer / M*ndy *teer
- S*mantha S*eves
- *ason S*ewart
- Tw*ggy S*tyla
- M*riem T*babbi
- Alex* T*rrieure
- *lysha T*omas-Peters
- J*ssica *hornton
- L*ri Tr*han
- M*ri Tw*nsa
- *aige W*igey aka P*ige Sh*rp (Hamilton, ON)
- J*na Warzab*t
- S*awna Wa*ters
- J*ssica W*bb
- K*m Wolk*wski
- L*saNphil Wyli*
- N*el W*nters
- M*ra Yu
Most Trades on SmartCanucks are Wonderful
Most trades on SmartCanucks are executed very smoothly and 99.999% of trades are pleasant and positive with both traders getting what they were expecting.
Are Scams something I should be worried about?
Every now and then something wrong happens. Either someone has some kind of personal crises and cannot honour the trades temporarily or very very very rarely someone tries scamming members. To get an idea of how rare this is, we've had less than five serious scammers since 2006 with the last two eventually honouring their trades.
Not everyone who doesn't honour their trade is a Scammer
To protect members we have setup a new policy on here. If many members complain about someone not honouring their trades and scamming people, we will first make sure they are not having some kind of personal crises. It happens! People sometimes go through very rough times. From that member's feedback history on here and contribution to the community we can kind of tell whether they are simply unable to respond at the moment or whether they are trying to scam.
What Action is taken against Scammers?
If it is determined that the person is trying to scam, we will personally email that person and give them a few of days to get back to her. If she hears nothing, all SmartCanucks members involved will be contacted and we will proceed to file a fraud/scam report to their local police station. You can argue about the effectiveness of such a procedure. But personally I would not want ten or twenty different people calling my local police station and complaining about me. I would also not want to scam people who have my home address (but that's just me). Also, not only is it an unethical thing to do, but the long term losses of not being able to trade on here far outweigh the one time gains. On top of reporting the scammer to the police we will make sure that the user can never even view the forums again by banning them completely from here.
How to Avoid Getting Scammed
Make good use of the trade rating/feedback system. If you go to any user's profile page by clicking on their name you can click on the "Feedback" tab and read about other people's experience with the user. From a user's profile you can also see their recent posts and kind of tell where else they are trading, how helpful to the community they are and so on.
Also be careful of people who are willing to make huge trade sacrifices, e.g. a user willing to trade away a $100 gift card and only get another $50 Gift Card in return sounds fishy. Almost all scammers in the past were involved with things like Gift Cards and Shoppers Drug Mart Points. If the trade is too good to be true, it probably is!
How can I find out who else is currently trading with a Member
Unfortunately, at the moment there is no easy way of finding out (but I am working on an extension that would allow that). In the meantime this will be one of the purposes of this thread. If you want to check who else is trading with someone you can post a simple question on here e.g. "Can I please know who else is currently trading with Boo Radley" and others would let you know.
I'm New Here and I have No Positive Ratings, Help!
That's a tough one! Unfortunately, just like everything else in life, at first you need to build good reputation and trust and eventually you're the one helping out new people. If you're new what I suggest you do (this is only a suggestion not a rule) is that you trade with some of the highly positive rated members and you send out your trade first. Since they have high ratings you can trust they will honour their part of the trade AND once they get yours they'll send out their part.
You can also check out the "Adopt a Newbie" thread and you'll find a lot of members are willing to help you out on there
We will update this thread consistently. Please make sure that you do NOT use this thread to bash other members. Remember that attacking other members is not allowed on SC. This thread is for us to share information in a civil respectful manner and be more informed.
Bashing and attacking members is not allowed on this thread or anywhere else on SC.Last edited by FallenPixels; Fri, May 27th, 2016 at 09:32 PM.
Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 03:36 PM #2
- Join Date
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- 487 (100%)
Thank you, Boo! Unfortunately, we do need such a thread recently...
Just one question, posting someone's name and/or address wouldn't be considered a harassment ? Cause I still remember the PM I got from faithisabel!
Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 03:40 PM #3
- Join Date
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I agree with the posting the full address part. I'm not sure how lawful it is but surely it's unethical to breach someone's privacy like that. At the end, it's only coupons really. If someone is scamming other's GC, that's a different story. IMO, I think partial address is perhaps more acceptable.
Trade & Wishlist:
but I'm open to anything!!
Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 03:43 PM #4
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- Feb 2009
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Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 03:57 PM #5
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Hey Boo,
Just one thing you might want to correct,
Bashing and attacking members is now allowed on this thread or anywhere else on SC.
Thanks for this thread
Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 04:02 PM #6
- Join Date
- Mar 2006
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- 6 (100%)
Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 05:25 PM #7
- Join Date
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- In a parallel universe
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Thanks Boo
(I think this thread should be stickied)
Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 07:38 PM #8
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ohh wow im surprised we are allowed to bash in this thread now?? :O
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Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 11:07 PM #9
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Boo, can you sticky this thread?
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Thu, Sep 24th, 2009, 11:16 PM #10
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Boo, it needs to be a sticky so people could see it rather than searching about other traders on the forum... just a thought. Guess, I am just not good doing search or it never comes up when I need it, lol.
Fri, Sep 25th, 2009, 12:34 AM #11
Where can I post a name for the blacklist. This has been burning a hole in me for a long time.
Fri, Sep 25th, 2009, 02:57 AM #12
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This is a great idea. Definately puts my mind at ease. This way we don't fix the problem, we prevent it. Please make this a sticky. Now what do we do about nasty comments, poking fun at other members not in jest, and bashing sort of behaviour? Is there something for that?
Everything is Possible
Fri, Sep 25th, 2009, 03:02 AM #13
Great and if everyone keeps using the trade ratings properly and leaving negative feedbacks, this list will get longer and scammers will be revealed (hopefully there won't be any more to have to reveal, but you know what I am saying). No scamming allowed!!!
Fri, Sep 25th, 2009, 03:24 AM #14
- Join Date
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Thanks for the post
please make this a sticky. This should be really useful
Fri, Sep 25th, 2009, 08:47 AM #15
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- Jul 2008
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- random
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- 586 (100%)
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