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  1. #466
    Mastermind NancyM's Avatar
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    i feel a post anything thread fight a coming between bub and trucks lol

  2. #467
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    O.k. so for anyone interested in an update. Last week my friend sent a letter to the principal of her daughters school about that horrible video and the stupid math teacher who has been terrorizing the kids all year. After a few letters back and forth and getting nowhere because the principal was calling it a he said/she said incident. Remember the math teacher came in and told the kids "F&^k the math today I;m hungover everyone just chill" she asked me to write a letter because english is her second language. So I pretty much demanded explanations for the statement by the math teacher, accused the principal of taking sides and ignoring the video also by saying they didn't have access to Youtube so she couldn't watch it at school.

    The final straw; last Thursday the math teacher went ballistic, screaming at the class and finally slamming his hand down on a kids desk breaking his watch and telling the kid next time it will be more than the watch that gets broken. Needless to say the kids were terrified, they went to the pricipals office and told the story and this is what the principal told them, after denying to my friend that there was a problem and blaming the kids. She said we are trying to fire him but they are protected by the union. Apparently though this incident was enough to at least have him removed immediately from the class.

    I feel bad for the principals in this province, I have seen this happen first hand at my sons school. We had one great principal who came in and was determined to clean up the school. She told the janitor he had to start working(imagine!), that teachers had to do more supervision and get more involved, do you know within a couple of days she had ALL the unions come down on her, the school board and everything.

  3. #468
    Mastermind NancyM's Avatar
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    i've said this befroe and i'll say it again you can't fire teacers tht easily because of the dam union which i feel is so wrong i hate the fact that teachers are holding our kids hostage int eh school and that they have their own agenda my oldest son and youngest son too havebeen subjected to some horrible teachers too over the years and i can't do a dam thing about it right now my oldest son has to stay behind school 15 minutes everyday to sweep the cassroom stack the chairs like wth is that not the janitors job good luck finding soap anywhere in the kids washrooms and the amount of ice that is left for them to play on (ok not this year) one year my oldest son fell and cracked his head on the ice and the principal thought t was funny he had a goose egg on his head i'm so sck and tired of the i don't care attitude of these schools and yet i can't do anything about it because they just label you as a problem whiney parent oki rant over, now as for the teacher that threatened the students i feel the police should get involved maybe that will shut him up

  4. #469
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    My question is this. How did it get like this and how can we break the cycle of the union stronghold over this?

    Quebec is notorious for being run by the unions. It's not right. Quebec has more civil servants than California!

  5. #470
    Mastermind NancyM's Avatar
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    good question patty but the problem is you can't unions are well just too strong and they will fight to keep the person from being fired no matter what they have done in some cases a person will be fired but wait just for awhile then they are brought back to work as if nothing ever happened so let's say that teacher does get fired rest assured he will be back but at a differn't school teaching and the parents will have no clue as to what he has done

  6. #471
    Mastermind NancyM's Avatar
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    hello woofy

  7. #472
    Mastermind NancyM's Avatar
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    i'm so lonely

  8. #473
    Special Agent Gibbs kool_105's Avatar
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    nancy morning;
    Putting the fun back in dysfunctional

  9. #474
    Mastermind NancyM's Avatar
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    how are you feeling today woofy?

    hope you took easy over the weekend

  10. #475
    Mastermind NancyM's Avatar
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  11. #476
    Mastermind NancyM's Avatar
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    barn junkie did you get to go see your horsie?

  12. #477
    CaNewbie barn*junkie's Avatar
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    good morning everyone
    Check me out, it's worth the click!

  13. #478
    Special Agent Gibbs kool_105's Avatar
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    everyone gone again?
    Putting the fun back in dysfunctional

  14. #479
    Mastermind NancyM's Avatar
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    i'm back

  15. #480
    Canadian Guru Woofy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NancyM View Post
    how are you feeling today woofy?

    hope you took easy over the weekend
    Hope you had an awesome birthday, nancy!

    Eye took a turn for the worse. Made an appointment to see my GP for a referral to the opthalmologist.
    At the right time, a kind word from a stranger, or encouragement from a friend, can make all the difference in the world. Kindness is free, but it's priceless. ~ Doe Zantamata

    "And it's always the right time!" ~ Woofy

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