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Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 01:56 PM #1Expired
I have busy organizing my coupons into catorgories and am still not finished but am almost there.
I have seperated everything I have into categories. For example: If you want to view "Half Price Coupon Sale!!!:" just place your mouse cursor over top of "Click Here" and then Click your mouse. You will then be taken to a page that will provide a photo of each coupon.
Half Price Coupon Sale!!!:
Updated Aug 15 @ 12:47am
The way this works is if you pick $30 in coupons from the list, I will then pick $15 in coupons from your trade list. If you don't have a trade list I can send you my wish list.
Click Here
Current Auctions:
Updated Aug 15 @ 12:44am (Currently 0 Active)
Click Here
Really LF Wish List coupons located Here. However if you don't have anything, Please PM me with your trade list and I'd be happy to see if you have anything I can use.
Some coupons I haven't added into the catergories yet so they will be listed in this post below.
If your a looking for something specific I have seperated the coupons I have into categories. For example: If you want to view Food Coupons just place your mouse cursor over top of "Click Here" and then Click your mouse. You will then be taken to a page that then lists all food coupons and then below that provides a photo of each coupon that's listed.
Browse All Categories (Excluding\\P&G Aug 15 @ 8:30pm
Click Here\\P&G Coupons:Updated June 29 @ 4:40pm
Click Here
Food Coupons:Updated Aug 15 @ 8:30pm
Click Here
Health & Beauty Coupons:Updated Aug 15 @ 9:45pm
Click Here
Cleaning Product Coupons:Updated Aug 15 @ 12:38am
Click Here
Laundry Coupons:Updated Aug 15 @ 12:39am
Click Here
Pet Coupons:Updated Aug 15 @ 9:45pm
Click Here
Mail In Rebate Offers:Updated July 18 @ 2:45pm
Click Here
Baby Coupons:Updated Aug 15 @ 12:42am
Click Here
Coupons with No Expiry:Updated July 18 @ 2:35pm
Click Here
Stackables:Updated July 18 @ 2:50pm
Click Here
Coupon Bundles:Updated July 16 @ 12:30am
Click Here
Thanks for looking, Lets make a deal!
This thread is currently associated with: Coupons, WebsaverLast edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Aug 15th, 2010 at 10:47 PM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 01:57 PM #2
**(If you are interested in anything on my trade list but don't have anything from my wish list let me know. Since there are new coupons always found I would love to have a look at your trade list as it will probably have something I would want..)**
Really looking for Stouffer's Pins or anything with ***
1 Litre of Milk FPC (from Kellogg's Cereal Boxes) ***
12x355ml Pepsi, Diet Pepsi FPC ... UPC 46701187 - From Pepsi/Tostitos Offer (See Picture Click Here) ***
Any FPC from Stouffer's Promo ***
Aveeno FPC
Bananas FPC (from Kellogg's Ceral Boxes)
Chef Boyardee FPC (from scratch contest cards)
Danone Yogurt (from Kellogg's Cereal Boxes) ***
Doritios/Lays Chips/Tostitos FPC - From Pepsi/Tostitos Offer (See Picture Click Here) ***
Dove Full Bottle FPC
Dr. Oetker Ristorante FPC ***
Food Items FPC (just ask and I'll see if I can use it)
GLAD Garbage Bags FPC (not forceflex, Good on Extra Large)
Kellogg's Cereal FPC (from Kellogg's Cereal Boxes)
Melitta Coffee FPC (not filters) ***
Minute Maid Concentrate FPC (from Kellogg's Cereal Boxes)
Nestea 12-can pack FPC expiry 2011 ***
Pepsi FPC
Pilsbury FPC (from Life Made Delicious Website)
Purina Maxx Scoop Cat Litter FPC (See Picture Click Here) ***
Purina Puppy Chow FPC
Skinny Cow Ice Cream FPC (from Stouffer's promo) ***
Stouffer's Bistro FPC ***
Unilever FPC (Good on Any) ***
High Value Coupons
$10 good on any Fisher Price toy (no minimum purchase) ***
$10 Pampers from the company
$3 or $5 Chapmans ***
$3/$4/$5 Quaker ***
$4 Stouffers Sautee Sensations
$5 Cadbury vouchers
$5 Cashmere Toilet Paper
$5 General Mills
$5 Kimberly Clark vouchers expiry 2011 ***
$5 or $10 Colgate-Palmolive
$5 Playtex (red/white) ***
$5 Schick Product (Rep handout at Walmart) (See Picture Click Here) ***
Presidents Choice, Zellers, Food Basics, Walmart GC (Any Amount) ***
Regular Coupons
$0.50 or more Aylmer Diced Tomatoes from the can (not sauce bag)
$0.50+ Doritos
$0.75 off any Dempster's Wholegrains, White or Wheat Bread (Expiry Dec 31)
$0.75+ Gladware Containers, Glad Bags or Glad Wrap (See Picture Click Here) ***
$0.75+ Nordica Cottage Cheese *Any One* (Not Single Serve)
$0.75+ Reynolds
$1 Always Infinity *Any* (sept 30/11) from P&G coupon booklet inside Pampers box
$1 Astro Original yogurt (from Lactancia MIR offer) - expiry Jan 31/11 ***
$1 Astro Original yogurt - expiry Dec 31/10 ***
$1 Bounce dryer bar *Any* (Sept 30/11) from P&G coupon booklet inside Pampers box
$1 Cavendish (good on any product) ***
$1 Charmin *Any* (Sept 30/11) from P&G coupon booklet inside Pampers box
$1 Colgate good on ANY toothpaste
$1 Colgate-Palmolive ***
$1 Dempster's Pita (Expiry Dec 31) (fr. Canadian Living Magazine, July Issue) ***
$1 Johnson/Penaten from J&J call in
$1 Johnsonville Brats (not WUB2, have those thanks)
$1 Kimberly Clark vouchers expiry 2011 ***
$1 Kraft Bagel-Fuls
$1 Lactancia Butter (from Lactancia MIR offer) - expiry Jan 31/11 ***
$1 New Mini Wheats Little Bites ***
$1 Nutrigrain ***
$1 off any Gaylea Product (fr. Company - no expiry) ***
$1 Playtex (red/white coupon) ***
$1 Quaker
$1 Royale (No expiry) from the company ***
$1 SC Johnson blue peelie
$1 Special K Fruit Crisps (Nov Expiry)
$1 Tide *Any* (Sept 30/11) from P&G coupon booklet inside Pampers box
$1 Tide stain release *Any* (Sept 30/11) from P&G coupon booklet inside Pampers box
$1 VH Sauce
$1 Vicks NyQuil *Any* (sept 30/11) from P&G coupon booklet inside Pampers box
$1 wub 2 Christie crackers (Ritz, Vegetable Thins, KD Crackers, Cheese Nips) - expiry Sept 30/10 ***
$1.25 Dempster's Pita Product *ANY TWO*
$1.50 DanActive ***
$1.50 Huggies Wipes expiry Dec 2010
$1.50 off any 1 Dr. Oetker Ristorante (not wub) ***
$1.50 off Nestle product (From Shoppers Voice) ***
$1.50 Pantene Pro-v expressions or restoratives *Any* (Sept 30/11) from P&G coupon booklet inside Pampers box
$1.50 wub 2 Motts Applesauce (dec 31/10) ***
$1.50+ Real Dairy Ice Cream ***
$1.50+ Skinny Cow ***
$1/$2/$3 Campbell's vouchers ***
$1+ Bounty Paper Towels
$1+ Cavendish Farms (good on any) ***
$1+ Kraft Salad Dressing (not wub)
$1+ Pillers Meats ***
$2 Band-aid, Purell, Reach, Visine, Bengay Expiry 2011 (pink from J&J call in) ***
$2 Club House La Grille ***
$2 ConAgra (fr. Company) ***
$2 Dove Nutrium Body Wash
$2 Frank's Hot Sauce (Dec 2010 expiry) (found at The Beer Store) ***
$2 Hidden Valley (shoppers voice) ***
$2 Janes Chicken (from Company) - epiry 2011 or no expiry date ***
$2 Kellogg’s (fr. Company) (No Expiry Date) ***
$2 Nutrigrain ***
$2 off any Dove Cream Oil Body Wash
$2 off any Gaylea Product (fr. Company - no expiry) ***
$2 off wub 2 participating Coca-Cola sparkling beverage 12 pack - (Expiry Sept 30) ***
$2 Pampers box (Sept 30/11) From P&G coupon booklet inside Pampers box
$2 SC Johnson orange peelie ***
$2 Skinny Cow multipack - expiry Nov 30 ***
$2 StayFree/OB Expiry 2011 (from J&J call in) ***
$2 Tylenol/Pepcid/Zantac Expiry 2011 (from J&J call in) ***
$2 wub 2 Doritos, Ruffles, Tostitos ***
$2 Ziploc (good on Any, Not Printable)
$2.50 good on Wonderbread, D’Italiano, etc (fr. Company)
$2/$3 Royale Toilet Paper
$2/$5 Mars Pet Vouchers ***
$2+ Milk (good at any store)
$3 Aveeno Expiry 2011 (Blue from J&J call in) ***
$3 Garnier wub 2 products UPC 66411967 expiry Dec 31/10 ***
$3 Glad Blue Bags
$3 Nestel Real Dairy Ice Cream (fromm Shoppers Voice) ***
$3 Pampers Baby-Dry, Swaddlers or Cruisers expiry Jan 31 2011 (see pic below) ***
$5 Garnier wub 3 products UPC 66411970 expiry Dec 31/10 ***
Aeroplan Pins (For a list of Participating Product click Here) ***
Alcan Tin Foil
Armstrong Cheese ($2 and up)
Aunt Jemima Syrup/Pancake mix (no breakfast entrée coupons please) ***
Betty Crocker (ie. Toaster Strudels, Pizza Pops, Old El Paso, Cake Mixes) (not ***
BOGO any Bistro Crustini or Pizzeria product
BOGO Stouffers (panini/crustini/single serve)
Breyers Ice Cream
Bulls Eye BBQ Sauce
Campbell's Condensed Soups 284 ml (not when you buy 3) ***
Canadian Tire Money *Will trade Very Generously for, Make me an offer!* ***
Del-Monte Fruit Cups
Dempster's Country Harvest +PLUS Bread (must be good on, +Fibre, +Iron, +Folate)
Dole Fruit Cups Individual Sizes
Dole Salad
Glad Garbage Bags ***
Glad Press’N Seal ***
Heinz Ketchup
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter ***
Imperial Margarine
J&J up to $7 ***
Kellogs Peelie (for cereal) ***
Kimberley Clark Blue/Silver Vouchers for WIPES ***
Kraft Cheez Whiz (not when you buy)
Kraft Dinner Boxes (regular KD boxes)
Kraft Miracle Whip (more than $0.30, please) ***
Kraft Peanut Butter
Lipton Tea To Go
McCain Fries (good on any) ***
Mini Wheats (not wub)
Motts B1G1 AppleSauce (not $1 wub2 pls) ***
Oral-B (Floss) OR (Good on Any Product)
Pampers GTG Codes (From Diapers, Wipes & Splashers) ***
Pampers UPC's ***
Philsbury Pizza Pops (Sept expiry) ***
Popsicles ***
Quaker Granola Bars
Quaker Instant Oatmeal (not wub) ***
Reach UPC's
Schneiders Grill'ems (not wub) ***
Soft Soap Hand Soap
Stouffer's Pins (will trade generously for) ***
Thinsations (not wub, Dec Expiry) ***
Tropicana Juice $ off or FPC (good on 1.89L)
Weight Watchers Bread, Bagels, Wraps, not printable
Whiskas UPC from 1.5kg or 2kg bag only
Whiskas Wet Canned Cat Food (380g) (If any exist) ***
Smart Source Coupons
$1 Elastoplast Bandages 11/15/10 (from Smart Source)
$1 Whiskas Dry Food For Cats 10/31/10 (from Smart Source)
$1.50 Elastoplast Heavy Fabric Bandages 11/15/10 (from Smart Source)
$3.50 Finish Quantum, Powerball Tabs 25's+ or Gelpacs 25's+ 12/31/10 (from Smart Source)
Smart Source Coupons (Aug 7th Issue)
$3 Pledge Fabric Sweeper 12/31/10 (from Smart Source)
B1G1 free scrubbing bubbles trigger or aerosol 01/31/11 (from Smart Source)
$1 Fantastik Triggers 01/31/11 (from Smart Source)
$0.75 Arm & Hammer Toothpaste 12/31/10 (from Smart Source)
$0.50 All Bran Bars 180-600g 11/30/10 (from Smart Source)
$1.50 on any spinbrush, pro clean, pro select or pro whitening battery toothbrush 12/31/10 (from Smart Source)
$3 on any spinbrush pro clean sonic battery toothbrush, rechargeable toothbrush or sonic replacement brush heads 12/31/10 (from Smart Source)
Some pictures of coupons I'm currently looking for:
(Expiry March 31, 2012)
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Aug 15th, 2010 at 09:34 PM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 01:59 PM #3
Here you will find a list of Food Coupons in Alpha. Order below the list will be all the food coupons in pictures listed by month of expiry.
**Toonies for Tummies valid in Ontario and Atlantic Canada ONLY**
= Newly Added
Food (In Alpha. Order)
Activia Desserts *Any 4x110g* ~SAVE $0.50~ **UPC 29503735** - Dec 31/10
Allegro Cheese *Any One* **UPC 8450397** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Allegro Cheese *Any One* **UPC 8450399** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Aquafina Plus+ Vitamins or Aquafina Plus+ Vitamins 10 Cal. Vitamin Enhanced Water 591ml *All Flavours* B2G1 FREE - Dec 31/10
Arctic Gardens *Any Frozen Product* **UPC 8020096** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
Arctic Gardens *Any Frozen Product* **UPC 8020090** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
Arctic Gardens Rice Product *275g to 300g* **UPC 8020091** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Armstrong Cheese *Any One* **UPC 5070398** ~SAVE $0.75~ - July 30/10
Astro BioBest *650g, 750g, or 8x100g, 12x100g probiotic yogourt* **UPC 11909297** ~ SAVE $0.75~ - Jan 31/11
Astro BioBest Maximmunite *Any One* **UPC 11909242** ~ SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Astro BioBest Maximmunite *Any One* **UPC 11909314** ~ SAVE $0.75~ - June 30/11
Astro BioBest Smoothie *Any 4x200ml* **UPC 11909301** ~SAVE $0.75~ - June 30/11
Astro BioBest Smoothie *Any 4x200ml* **UPC 11909239** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Astro Original Yogourt *Excluding 175 g Cups* **UPC 11909200** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Back to Nature Nut or Trail Mix Products *Any Two (2)* **UPC 05526462** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Sept 30/10
Baker's Semi Sweet Chocolate *Buy 2* **UPC 05524310** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Bertolli Olive Oil *500ml or larger* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Black Diamond Natural Cheese *Any Size, 200g, 300g, 500g or 750g* SAVE $0.75 - Sept 30/10
Cadbury Products *Any One 175g clusters, 200g peanuts or 200g raisins* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Cadbury Products *Any 2 Clorets Multipack, Dentyne Multipacks, Stride
Cake Mate Decors Product *Any One* **UPC 20904760** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Nov 30/10
Campbell's Soup *Buy Any Three (3)* & get One (1) FREE can of Campbell's Vegetable Soup **UPC 00922294** - Aug 31/10
Canada Dry Green Tea Ginger Ale or White Tea Ginger Ale with Raspberry Flavour *Any One, 10x 355 mL cans* ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
Canton Stand Up Pouch Sauce or Gravy **UPC 2220236** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Carl Budding Original Thin-Sliced Meats *Any Two (2) Packs* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.55~ - Dec 31/10
Catelli Garden Select Pasta Sauce *700 ml* **UPC 05748886** Jan 1/2011
Catelli Healthy Harvest Pasta *Any One (1)* **UPC 10832093** ~SAVE $0.75 - Dec 31/10
Certo Pectin *Any Two (2)* **UPC 05526299** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Clover Leaf *Any 2 Valid on Chunk Crabmeat, Clams, Shrimp, Oysters & Mussels* **UPC 25407756** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Clover Leaf Flavoured Tuna *Any Two (2) 85g* ~Save $0.50~ - June 30/11
Clover Leaf Tuna Steak *Any One (1), 85g* ~SAVE $1.00~ - June 30/11
Clover Leaf Skinless Boneless Atlantic Salmon *Any One (1), 170g* ~Save $1.00~ June 30/11
Clover Leaf Solid White Tuna in Water *Any Two (2), 170g* ~Save $1.00~ - June 30/11
Country Harvest Vitality Bread *Any One* **UPC 27540159** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
Dare Brenton Minis, Vinta Snacks, Vinta Roasted Red Pepper or Breton Basil & Olive Oil *Any One* **UPC 11623784** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Delissio Flatbread Melt *B1G1 FREE, not to exceed $3.99* **UPC 05525876** - Sept 30/10
Delissio Crispy Flatbread Pizza *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
D'Italiano Rolls *Any One* **UPC 7540173** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
D'Italiano Product *Any One* **UPC 7540172** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
Dole Sparklers or Liption Ice Tea *Any Flavour* **UPC 21901342** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Doritos Chips *Any Two (2), 250g Bags* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
Dofino Havarti *Any One* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Dr. Oetker Shirriff Mousse or Dr. Oetker Mousse 50 Calories *Any One* **UPC 88622369** ~SAVE $0.30~ - June 30/11
Dr. Oetker Shirriff Mousse or Dr. Oetker Mousse 50 Calories *Any Two (2)* **UPC 88622372** ~SAVE $0.75~ - June 30/11
Dr.Pepper, Crush, Schweppes beverages *any two (2), 12x355ml, or two 6x710ml, or four 2L bottles* **UPC 12807622** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Aug 31/10
Egg Creations Liquid Egg Product *Any One* **UPC 42404457** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Egg Creations Liquid Egg Product *Any One* **UPC 42404460** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Egg Creations Liquid Egg Product *Any 500 g* **UPC 42403760** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Egg Creations Liquid Egg Product *Any One* **UPC 42404431** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Eggo Waffle Product *Any One* **UPC 71575735** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 15/10
Eggo Waffle Product *Any One* **UPC 71575722** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 15/10
Ensure, Ensure Plus, Ensure HP or Ensure Fibre *6 x 235 ml or 12 x 235 ml package* Cheque ~SAVE $3.00~ - June 5, 18, 30
Europe's Best Frozen Fruit Product *Any One* **UPC 09243994** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 15/10
Europe's Best Frozen Fruit Product *Any Two* **UPC 09244186** ~SAVE $3.00~ - Aug 31/10
Europes Best Frozen Vegetables *Any Two (2)* & GET 1 *FREE* **UPC 09244199** - Aug 31/10
Fanta 1.5L FREE when you buy a combination of *2 (12x355mL coca Cola or 10x355 mL fanta or 2L sprite)* - Aug 31/10
Fleischmann's Canada Brand Corn Starch **UPC 67900552** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Fibre 1 Cereal *PLUS* any Fibre 1 Chewy Bars **UPC 76140017** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Filippo Berio Olive Oil *500 ml, 750 ml, 1 L or 1.5 L* **UPC 10907056** ~SAVE 1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Gay Lea Spreadables Butter *Regular or Light* **UPC 02705545** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 15/10
Glucerna Nutritional Drinks or Bars *Any 6 Pack Drinks OR Any 4 Pack Bars* **UPC 18215306** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Nov 30/10
Heinz Beans *Buy Any 3* & Get 1 FREE **UPC 05748815** - Dec 31/10
High Liner Pan-Sear Selects *Any 540 g* **UPC 12613986** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
High Liner Product *Any 500g OR 700g* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Pan-Sear Selects *Any 540 g* **UPC 12613726** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Pan-Sear Selects *Any 540 g* **UPC 12613713** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Products *Any 500g or 700g* **UPC 12613683** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Products *Any 500g or 700g* **UPC 12613931** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Selects *Any 680 g* **UPC 12614064** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
High Liner Selects *Any 680 g* **UPC 12614048** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
High Liner Selects *Any 680 g* **UPC 12614077** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
High Liner Signature Product *Any 680 g* **UPC 12614022** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
iGor Brand *Canoo 125g, Bongo 125g, Conga 150g or Bag A Loo 400g* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Jake's Bake House Bread **UPC 7540167** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
Jell-O No Sugar Added *Any (2) Two* Jelly Powder **UPC 05524437** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Janes Disneys Kids Chicken Nuggets or Meal Makers Oven Roasted Carved Chicken Breasts *550g* *TFT* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Feb 1/11
Knorr Sidekicks Side Dish *Any One* **UPC 87410057** ~SAVE $0.25~ - Sept 1/10
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410082** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10 ---- NONE LEFT
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410153** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410157** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410159** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10 ---- NONE LEFT
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410160** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410217** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr Frozen Entree *Any One* **UPC 87410077** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr Ready-to-Serve Soups *Any (2) Two, 500 ml* **UPC 87410044** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr Sidekicks Side Dish *Any One* **UPC 87410031** ~SAVE $0.25~ - June 10/10
Kraft Dream Whip & Jell-O Instant Pudding *Must be purchased at same time to qualify for savings* **UPC 05524323** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Kraft aMOOza Twists Cheese Snacks *252g Pack* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
Kraft Macaroni Pasta Salad *Buy Two (2)* **UPC 05525544** ~SAVE $0.30~ - Dec 31/10
Kraft Dinner BOLD Snack Cups *Buy Two (2)* **UPC 05525355** ~SAVE $0.50~ - June 30/11
Kraft Dinner Crackers *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Kraft 100% Parmesan Grated Cheese *250g* **UPC 05525690** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Kraft Sizzling Salads Entree Salad Kit *Any One* **UPC 05526925** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Lactantia PurFiltre *4L Milk or 2x 2L Milk* **UPC 13609753** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Lactantia Premium Milks *Any 2x 2L* **UPC 13610210** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Nov 30/10
Lactantia Smart Growth Milk *Any 2 L or 4 L* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Li'l Ones Yogurt *Any One* **UPC 5070426** ~SAVE $0.75~ - March 31/11
Lipton Green Tea *Any One 20 Pack* **UPC 87410188** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Mar. 30/11
Lipton Iced Tea *Any One (1) 12 x 355 mL can pack* **UPC 21401406** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Maille Mustard *Any One* **UPC 4250650** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Maple Leaf Top Dogs Product *AND* Heinz Value Pack *Together* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
Mazola Right Blend Canola and Olive Oil Blend ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
McCain Plank Cut or Crinkle Cut Sweet Potato Superfries ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Melitta World Harvest Fair Trade Coffee *Any One* **UPC 14707966** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Melitta Coffee *Any One* **UPC 14707676** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Melitta Filter *Any One* **UPC 14707689** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Mr. & Mrs T or Rose's Cocktail Infusions Product *Any One* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Oct 31/10
Nature's Treat Yogourt * Any One* **UPC 5070413** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Nov 30/10
Naturegg Omega Pro 500 g Liquid Egg Product *500 g* **UPC 42404587** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Naturegg Simply Egg Whites *Liquid Egg Product *500 g* **UPC 42404529** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Naturegg Simply Egg Whites *Liquid Egg Product *500 g* **UPC 42404705** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Naturegg Break-Free *500g Liquid Egg Product* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Naturegg Omega Pro 500 g Liquid Egg Product *500 g* **UPC 42404486** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nabob Coffee *311g - 326g sizes* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Nescafe Cappuccino or Latte *Any One* **UPC 10027891** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nestle Aero Bubble Chocolate **UPC 10028937** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Nestle Noir Chocolate Tablet **UPC 10028461** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nestle Products on participating Nestle products (4x130ml Drumstick Caramel Nut, Real Dairy 1.5L tub, Rolo Peanut Butter 1.5L, 10x50ml Mini Coffee Crisp, Parlour Chocolate & Banana 1.5L tub, 4x130ml Skinny Cow Caramel Vanilla Cones, 5x118ml Skinny Cow Cookies and Cream Sandwiches, Del Monte Lemon Gelato 1.5L tub) **UPC 10029275** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Nestle Real Dairy *Any 1.5L Tub* **UPC 10029389** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Nestle Real Dairy *1.5L Tub* **UPC 10029523** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Nestle Carnation Breakfast Anytime! *Any 4 x 315ml and 400g* **UPC 10028155** ~SAVE $1.00~ - May 31/11
Nordica Cottage Cheese *Any Single Serve* **UPC 02706476** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Aug 31/10
Nordica Cottage Cheese *Any Single Serve* **UPC 02706434** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 15/10
Ocean Spray 100% Juice Blend *Any One 1.36L* **UPC 23005596** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Feb 28/11 ---- NONE LEFT
Oka *Any One* **UPC 2390023** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Odwalla Beverage *Any One* **UPC 65311325** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
Odwalla Beverage *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
Orville Redenbacher's Ready To Eat Courmet Popcorn *170g* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Orville Redenbacher's Buttery Toffee or Creamy Caramel popcorn *170g* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Pam Grilling Spray *with the purchase of any Ziploc Brand Product* **UPC 44401955** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Patak's Original Product *Any One* **UPC 07505052** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Piller's Product *Any One* **UPC 49805606** ~SAVE $ 0.50~ - Nov 30/10
Piller's Product *Any One* **UPC 49805592** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Oct 31/10
Pillsbury Cookies or Cinnamon Rolls *Excluding Seasonal Cookies* **UPC 76140727** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
Pogo Originals *10's, 20's, Mini 32's & All Beef 8's* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Renee's Cooking Sauce *Any One* **UPC 59013453** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Rice Krispies *525g, Vanilla Flavour 420g, Cocoa 420g or Multigrain Krispies 385g* **UPC 71577119** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Rockstar Energy Drink *WUB 2, 444ml/473ml Cans* **UPC 08527891** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Schneider's Juicy Jumbos **UPC 00603225** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Shake' n Bake *140g or Larger, Any Variety* **UPC 1816716162** ~SAVE $0.30~ - Dec 31/10
Smart White Bread with 16 Whole Grains **UPC 12516722** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Smucker's Ice Cream Topping and Breyers Classic Vanilla Frozen Dessert *Together* and get 1 Gay Lea Real Whipped Cream FREE *up to $3.29* - Dec 31/10
Smucker's Pure Jam Product *Any One 500 ml* **UPC 51524858** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 15/10
Smucker's Squeeze Fruit Spread Product *Any One* **UPC 51525284** ~SAVE $0.50~ - April 1/11
Smucker's Squeeze Fruit Spread Product *Any One* **UPC 51524861** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 15/10
Smucker's No Sugar Added Fruit and Concentrated White Grape Juice Spread *Any One, 310 ml* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Stoneyfield Farm or Yobaby Product *Any One (1), 8 x 100g, 650g* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Jan 31/11
Stouffer's Saute Sensations *Any 640g* **UPC 10028184** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Stouffer's Saute Sensations *Any 640g* **UPC 10028142** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Tetley Specialty Tea Canisters *Buy Any Two (2), 20's & 24's* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Tre Stelle Slices *Any One* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Uncle Ben's Bistro Express Rice or Natural Select Rice *240 g or 250 g* OR *365 g or 397 g* **UPC 08294816** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
V8 Fusion Cranberry/Blackberry or Pasionfruit Tangerine *1.36L* **UPC 00922366** SAVE $0.75 - Dec 31/10
VH Rib, Stir or Cooking Sauces *341ml OR 355ml Size, with the purchase of any Ziploc Brand Product* **UPC 44401968** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Weight Watchers Smart Ones Ready-to-Serve Soups *Any One* **UPC 005748802** ~SAVE $.1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Yoplait Creamy *Any One 16 x 100 g, 4 x 100g or 650 g* OR Yoplait Basket Fat Free *Any One 16 x 100g* **UPC 29211265** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Oct 31/10
Yoplait Creamy *Any One 16 x 100 g or 650 g* OR Yoplait Basket Fat Free *Any One 16 x 100g* **UPC 29211281** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Yoplait Minigo or Tubes *6 x 60 g or 8 x 60 g* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Food (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
June 2011
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Aug 15th, 2010 at 09:21 PM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:02 PM #4
Here you will find a list of Health & Beauty coupons in Alpha. Order below the list will be all the Health & Beauty coupons in pictures listed by month of expiry.
**Toonies for Tummies valid in Ontario and Atlantic Canada ONLY**
= Newly Added
Health & Beauty (In Alpha. Order)
Advil Cold & Sinus Product *Any One* **UPC 12921993** ~SAVE $3.00~ - Jan 31/11
Advil *Any Large Size, PM me for details* **UPC 12922127** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Jan 31/11
Advil *Any Large Size, PM me for details* **UPC 12922446** ~SAVE $2.50~ - June 30/11
Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Nourishing Hair Care Collection **UPC 04382759** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Sept 30/10
Alberto European Styling Product *Any One* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 10/10
Bic Comfort 3 Advanced Shavers *Any 4-Pack or Larger* **UPC 35410687** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Bic Flex 4 Shavers *Any 3-Pack or Larger* **UPC 35410674** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Bic Soleil Razor Starter Kit or Soleil Cartridge Refill 4 Pack **UPC 35410283** ~SAVE $4.00~ - Dec 31/10
Bic Soleil Razor Starter Kit or Soleil Cartridge Refill 4 Pack **UPC 35410632** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Bic Soleil Disposable Shavers *Any One 3-Pack or Larger* **UPC 35410645** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Canes Oral *Any One* **UPC 07654158** ~SAVE $3.00~ - April 30/11
Canes Oral *Any One* **UPC 07654161** ~SAVE $3.00~ - April 30/11
Claritin Products *Any One* **UPC 60311085** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal *14 Count* ~SAVE $7.00~ - July 31/11
Clean & Clear Morning Burst *OR* Clean & Clear Makeup Remover Product **UPC 04380157** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
Degree Women *Any One* **UPC 89287951** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Degree Product *Any One* **UPC 89287960** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Degree Women Product *Any One* **UPC 89287942** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Degree Mens Product *Any One* **UPC 89287940** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Dial or Tone Body Wash, Bar or Liquid Soap *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Dove Hair Care Products *Any Two (2)* **UPC 89287877** ~SAVE $2.50~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Hair Products *Buy Any Two (2)* *GET 1 FREE Styling Product* **UPC 89287882** - Dec 31/10
Dove Products *Any Two (2) Different Full Sized* **UPC 89287844** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Products *Any Two (2) Different Full Sized* *Coupon Zone, Coupon* ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Products *Any Two (2) Different Full Sized* **UPC 89287842** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Styling Product *Any One* **UPC 89287880** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Hair Care Product *Any 750 ml or 950 ml* **UPC 89287879** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier HerbaShine *Any Shade* **UPC 66410922** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier HerbaShine *Any Shade* **UPC 66411361** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier HerbaShine *Any Shade* **UPC 66411518** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier Fructis Damage Repair *Any One* **UPC 66411749** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier Fructis Damage Repair Product *Any One* **UPC 66411749** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier Nutritioniste Ultra-Lift Products *Any Two (2)* **UPC 66411228** ~SAVE $5.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier Skin Renew Cleanser *PLUS* One (1) other Skin Renew Product **UPC 66411475** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Gillette Body Wash *Any One* **UPC 66006754** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Aug 7/10
Gillette Fusion Razor OR One (1) pack of 8 Cartridgers & *get a BONUS Gillette Hair Care or Body Wash FREE* **UPC 66006187** - Sept 30/10
Gillette ProSeries Product *Any One* **UPC 63751707** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
G-U-M Product *Any One* **UPC 34107209** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Hawaiian Tropic Product *180ml or Larger* OR Hawaiian Tropic Lip Gloss **UPC 25331527** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Hawaiian Tropic Suncare Product *120ml or Larger* **UPC 25332038** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/11
Hawaiian Tropic Product *120ml or Larger* **UPC 25332041** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Jan 31/11
Jergens Moisturizer *375ml or larger* **UPC 40014252** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/11
Jergens Moisturizer *375ml or larger* **UPC 40014366** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/11
L'Oreal Everstrong Products *Purchase Three (3) Products, 1 Shampoo 250ml, 1 Conditioner 250ml & 1 Night Treatment OR 1 Deep Replenishing Mask* **UPC 66410919** ~SAVE $10.00~ - Dec 31/10
L'Oreal Paris Healthy Look Creme Gloss Color *Any One* **UPC 66410717** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
L'Oreal Hair Expertise Products *Any Three (3)* **UPC 66411550** ~SAVE $10.00~ - Sept 30/10
L'Oreal Excellence To-Go Product *Any One* **UPC 66410720** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Sept 30/10
L'Oreal Excellence To-Go Product *Any One* **UPC 66410951** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Sept 30/10
Lax-A-Day *238g* **UPC 80903231** ~SAVE $2.00~ Dec 31/10
Lax-A-Day *238g* **UPC 80903172** ~SAVE $2.00~ Dec 31/10
Lax-A-Day *510g* **UPC 80903185** ~SAVE $5.00~ Dec 31/10
Lever 2000 *Any 4 or 8 pack* **UPC 89288002** ~SAVE $1.00~ - May 31/11
L'Oreal Everstrong Products *1 Shampoo 250ml, 1 Conditioner 250ml and 1 Night Treatment or 1 Deep Replenishing Mask* **UPC 66410919** ~SAVE $10.00~ - Dec 31/10
L'Oreal Paris Color Spa Misture Actif *Any One* **UPC 66410906** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
L'Oreal Paris Couleur Experte, Preference Dream Blonde, Touch on Highlights, Coloriste Secrets *Any One* **UPC 66411853** ~SAVE $3.00~ - Dec 31/10
L'Oreal Paris StudioLine *Any One Indestructible, Mineral FX or SFX Product* **UPC 66411534** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 30/10
Lubriderm *Any 480ml* **UPC 04383202** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Neutrogena Clinical Product *Any One* **UPC 04383462** ~SAVE $10.00~ - Dec 31/10
Neutrogena Face Care Product *Any One* **UPC 04381163** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nivea Visage *PLUS* One Nivea Body Creme, or Hand Product **UPC 08917629** ~SAVE $5.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nivea Body Creme, or Hand Product **UPC 08917645** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nivea Visage Product **UPC 08917632** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Noxzema Product *Any One* **UPC 85113057** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Nov 30/10
Nexxus Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Product *Any One, Excluding Special Packs* **UPC 85113103** ~SAVE $3.00~ - Aug 31/10
Pantene Styling Product *Any One* **UPC 63748589** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Nov 30/10
ProNamel Toothpaste *Any One* **UPC 83827336** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
ProNamel Toothpaste *Any One* **UPC 83826926** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 30/10
Pepto Product *Any One* **UPC 0014966176** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/11
Playtex Gentle Glide or Sport *Any One box, 36 Count* **UPC 25332083** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Nov 15/10
Right Guard, Soft & Dri OR Dry Idea Product *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Robax Product *Robax Platinum, Robaxacet or Robaxisal Product* **UPC 12922244** ~SAVE $3.00~ - March 31/11
Royale 3 ply Ultra Bathroom Tissue *Any Size* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Royale Facial Tissue *6 multi-pack size or larger* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Royale bathroom tissue ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Sensodyne Toothpaste *100 ml* **UPC 83827495** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 30/10
Sensodyne Iso-Active *Any One* **UPC 83827831** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/11
Sensodyne Toothpaste *100 ml* **UPC 83827365** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 30/10
Schick Hydro Razor or Refills *Any One* **UPC 29006742** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Schick Xtreme 3 Disposable Razor *Any One* **UPC 29006638** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Schick Xtreme 3 Disposable Razor *Any One* **UPC 29006700** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Schick Quattro for Women TrimStyle Razor or Refills *4's or 8's* **UPC 29006696** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Schick Quattro for Women TrimStyle Razor or Refills *4's or 8's* **UPC 29006641** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Speed Stick *PRO Skin or Extra Dry Antiperspirant 76g* **UPC 80002273** ~SAVE $2.00~ - June 1/10
St. Ives Facial Care Product *Any One* **UPC 85113015** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
St. Ives Facial Care Product *Any One* **UPC 85112940** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
TRESemme *Any 900 ml, Shampoo or Conditioner* **UPC 85112793** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
TRESemme Naturals or Fresh Start Product *Any One * **UPC 85113060** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
TRESemme Fresh Start Product *Any One * **UPC 85113086** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
TRESemme Naturals *Any One * **UPC 85113073** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Tylenol Muscle Aches & Body Pain *110s or 72s **UPC 04383345** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
U by Kotex *Any One* **UPC 49087488** ~SAVE $1.00~ - March 31/11
Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer *Model #V150SG or V150SG-CAN **UPC 2878511278** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Oct 31/11
Vicks NyQuil Product *Any One* **UPC 2390013176** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Health & Beauty (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
January 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
September 2011
October 2011
December 2011
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Aug 15th, 2010 at 10:43 PM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:02 PM #5
Here you will find a list of Cleaning Product Coupons in Alpha. Order below the list will be all the Cleaning Products coupons in pictures listed by month of expiry.
**Toonies for Tummies valid in Ontario and Atlantic Canada ONLY**
Cleaning Products (In Alpha. Order)
Cascade ActionPacs *up to 25 ct. (Tubs not Included)* **UPC 63649198** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 31/10
Green Works Natural Cleaning Product *PLUS* One (1) Green Works
Green Works Products *PM me for details* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Mega Shower Foamer or Toilet Gel or Bathroom Cleaner *Any One* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Mr. Clean Products *Any Two (2) Different* **UPC 63649387** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Royale Ultra Absorbent Paper Towels *Any One (1)* **UPC 68003441** ~SAVE $0.70~ - Sept 30/10
Scrub Free Bathroom Cleaner *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower Foamer, Toilet Cleaning Gel or Bathroom Cleaner *Any One (1)* **UPC 33682642** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
SpongeTowels EnviroCare *6 Rolls* **UPC 12014415** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Spot Shot *Any One* ~SAVE $0.60~ - Dec 31/10
Cleaning Products (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Aug 15th, 2010 at 01:38 AM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:06 PM #6
Here you will find a list of Laundry Coupons in Alpha. Order below the list will be all the Laundry coupons in pictures listed by month of expiry.
**Toonies for Tummies valid in Ontario and Atlantic Canada ONLY**
= Newly Added
Laundry (In Alpha. Order)
2X Ultra Sunlight *Two (2) Bottles, Any Size* **UPC 72613312** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Mar 31/11
Method Laundry Detergent *Any One 25 OR 50 Load* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
New Sunlight Green Clean **UPC 72613208** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10 --- NONE LEFT
New Sunlight Green Clean *Any One* **UPC 72613267** ~SAVE $1..00~ - Mar 31/11
New Sunlight Green Clean Super-Concentrated Laundry Detergent **UPC 72613218** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10 --- NONE LEFT
New Sunlight Green Clean **Coupon Zone (Valid at Loblaws, Zehrs, RCSS etc.)** - ~SAVE $1.00~ - Mar. 31/11
Purex or Baby Soft Liquid Detergent *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ -Sept 30/10
Snuggle Fabric Softener *Any One* **UPC 72613278** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Mar. 31/11
Snuggle Fabric Softener *Any One* **UPC 72613285** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Tide Stain Release *Any Size* **UPC 37000 13876** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Nov 30/11
Tide Stain Release *Any Size* **UPC 37000 13876** ~SAVE $1.00~ - July 31/11
Laundry (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
0 x of Above Picture
March 2011
Coupon Zone Above
July 2011
September 2011
November 2011
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Aug 15th, 2010 at 01:39 AM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:07 PM #7
Here you will find a list of Pet Coupons in Alpha. Order below the list will be all the Pet coupons in pictures listed by month of expiry.
= Newly Added
Friskies Dry Cat Food and get *2 FREE 156g* Tins of Cat Food - Aug 31/10
Natural Defense Premium Dry Dog Food for Adult Dogs ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Natural Defense Healthy Snacks for Adult Dogs ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Pedigree Denta Stix *Any One, Any Size* **UPC 08296186** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Pedigree Denta Stix *Any One, Any Size* **UPC 08297802** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Pedigree Snack and Treat *Any Size, Any One* **UPC 08295369** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Pedigree Vitality+ Dry Dog Food *16kg* **UPC 08295688** ~SAVE $6.00~ - Sept 30/10
Purina Beneful Dry Dog Food ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug/10 (Tonnies for Tummies)
Pets (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Aug 15th, 2010 at 10:45 PM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:09 PM #8
Here you will find a list of Mail In Rebate Offers in Alpha. Order below the list will be all the Mail In Rebate Offers pictures listed by month of expiry.
Mail In Rebate Offers
Mail In Rebate Offers (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Jul 18th, 2010 at 03:44 PM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:10 PM #9
Here you will find a list of Baby coupons in Alpha. Order below the list will be all the Baby coupons in pictures listed by month of expiry.
= Newly Added
Baby (In Alpha. Order)
Huggies Baby Wipes *64 ct or Larger* **UPC 49083369** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Sept 20/10 --- NONE LEFT
Huggies Little Swimmers *Any One* **UPC 49090752** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 30/10
Huggies Little Swimmers *Any One* **UPC 49090749** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 30/10
Huggies Baby Wipes *64 ct or Larger* **UPC 49083372** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10 --- NONE LEFT
Huggies Diapers *Any One* **UPC 49074664** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10 --- NONE LEFT
Gerber 1st and 2nd Foods Purees *Buy 10* **UPC 10026566** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
Nuk Learner Cup *Any One 5 oz. (150ml)* **UPC 15618375** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 31/10
Pampers Easy Ups Trainers *Any One* **UPC 3700 42182** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Aug 31/10
UnderJams Night Wear *Any One* **UPC 3700 48178** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 31/10
Baby (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Aug 15th, 2010 at 01:41 AM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:13 PM #10
Here you will find a list of Coupons with No Expiry in Alpha. Order below the list will be pictures of each coupon.
Coupons with No Expiry (In Alpha. Order)
Cap'n Crunch *Any Size* ~SAVE $0.50~ ---- NONE LEFT
Corn Bran Cereal *Any Size* ~SAVE $0.50~
Crispy Minis Rice Chips *100g or 170g* ~SAVE $0.30~
Harvest Crunch Cereal *Any Size, Any Flavor* ~SAVE $0.50~
Life Cereal *730g* ~SAVE $0.50~
Life Oat Bran Cereal with Oats Plus Wheat & Corn *435g* ~SAVE $0.50~
Rice Cakes *Any One* ~SAVE $0.30
Oat Bran Creamy Hot Cereal *625g* ~SAVE $0.50~
Oat Squares Cereal *Any Size* ~SAVE $0.50~
Rice A Roni or Noodle Roni *Any Flavor* ~SAVE $0.30~
Spudz Potatoe Crisps *142g* ~SAVE $0.30~
FruitKicks Down Under Natural's *Any Hair Product, Excluding Travel Size* ~SAVE $0.30~
Coupons with No Expiry (Pictures)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Mon, Jul 19th, 2010 at 12:24 AM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:15 PM #11
If you have any questions about a specific coupon please pm.
The way this works is say you pick $30 in coupons from here, I will then pick $15 in coupons from your trade list. So whatever your total is I will pick half.If you don't have a trade list I can send you my wish list.
25 x Arctic Gardens *Any Frozen Product* **UPC 8020096** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
15 x Alberto European Styling Product *Any One* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 10/10
Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Nourishing Hair Care Collection **UPC 04382759** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Sept 30/10
1 x Back to Nature Nut or Trail Mix Products *Any Two (2)* **UPC 05526462** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Sept 30/10
10 x Black Diamond Natural Cheese *Any Size, 200g, 300g, 500g or 750g* SAVE $0.75 - (expiry Sept 30/10)
4 x Bounty ExtraSoft Paper Towels Product SAVE $0.50
4 x Bounty Napkins Product *Any One* SAVE $0.50
4 x Bounty, Charmin or Puffs *Any Two (2)* SAVE $1.25
Country Harvest Vitality Bread *Any One* **UPC 27540159** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
5 x Campbell's Soup *Buy Any Three (3)* & get One (1) FREE can of Campbell's Vegetable Soup **UPC 00922294** - Aug 31/10
Cascade ActionPacs *Any One* SAVE $1.50
15 x Cascade ActionPacs *up to 25 ct. (Tubs not Included)* **UPC 63649198** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 31/10
4 x Cascade ActionPacs *Any One* SAVE $1.50
5 x Cetaphil Restoraderm Eczema Moisturizing Wash or Lotion SAVE $2.00
4 x Charmin Bathroom Tissue *Any* SAVE $0.50
4 x Crest Pro-Health Multi-Protection Rinse *Any One* **UPC 63746293** SAVE $1.50
4 x Crest Toothpaste *excluding cavity protection and tarter control* **UPC 63752582** SAVE $0.50
10 x Dr.Pepper, Crush, Schweppes beverages *any two (2), 12x355ml, or two 6x710ml, or four 2L bottles* **UPC 12807622** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Aug 31/10
5 x Doritos Chips *Any Two (2), 250g Bags* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
10 x Dial or Tone Body Wash, Bar or Liquid Soap *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
10 x Delissio Flatbread Melt *B1G1 FREE, not to exceed $3.99* **UPC 05525876** - Sept 30/10
15 x D'Italiano Product *Any One* **UPC 7540172** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
15 x D'Italiano Rolls *Any One* **UPC 7540173** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
2 x Europe's Best Frozen Fruit Product *Any Two* **UPC 09244186** ~SAVE $3.00~ - Aug 31/10
3 x Europe's Best Frozen Fruit Product *Any One* **UPC 09243994** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 15/10
Eggo Waffle Product *Any One* **UPC 71575735** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 15/10
Eggo Waffle Product *Any One* **UPC 71575722** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 15/10
10 x Fanta 1.5L FREE when you buy a combination of *2 (12x355mL coca Cola or 10x355 mL fanta or 2L sprite)* - Aug 31/10
1 x Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys *Buy Two (2), 85g cans, any variety* & Get One (1), 85g can of Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys, any variety FREE - (expiry Sept 5)
4 x Febreze Air Effects *Any One (1)* SAVE $0.50
4 x Febreze Candles (excluding Home Collections) SAVE $2.00
4 x Febreze Fresh Scent Products *Buy Any Three (3)* SAVE $3.00
4 x Febreze Noticeables Starter Kit *Any One* SAVE $3.00
9 x French's Products *Any Two, (2)* ** SAVE $1.50
Fibre 1 Cereal *PLUS* any Fibre 1 Chewy Bars **UPC 76140017** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x Friskies Dry Cat Food and get *2 FREE 156g* Tins of Cat Food - Aug 31/10
5 x Gay Lea Spreadables Butter *Regular or Light* **UPC 02705545** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 15/10
1 x Gillette Fusion or Fusion Power Razor *Any One* **UPC 63746987** SAVE $4.00 - (expiry Sept 7)
9 x Glade Jar Candle or Glade Scented Oil Candle Refill **UPC 33683993** SAVE $1.00 (Sept 7x4, Sept 9, Sept 27 & Sept 29x3)
8 x Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills **UPC 33684000** SAVE $1.00 (Sept 7x3, Sept 9, Sept 27 & Sept 29x3)
9 x Glade Sense & Spray Refill **UPC 33684013** SAVE $1.00 (Sept 7x4, Sept 9, Sept 27 & Sept 29x3)
Gillette ProSeries Product *Any One* **UPC 63751707** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
1 x Gerber 1st and 2nd Foods Purees *Buy 10* **UPC 10026566** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
Gillette Hair Care or Body Wash FREE* **UPC 66006187** - Sept 30/10
10 x Green Works Products *PM me for details* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Heinz Nurture Product *Any One* **UPC 87200384** SAVE $5.00
High Liner Pan-Sear Selects *Any 540 g* **UPC 12613986** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x Huggies Little Swimmers *Any One* **UPC 49090749** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 30/10
10 x Huggies Little Swimmers *Any One* **UPC 49090752** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 30/10
Iams Canned Cat Food *B1G1 FREE*
Iams Canned Dog Food *B1G1 FREE*
15 x Jake's Bake House Bread **UPC 7540167** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
Knorr Sidekicks Side Dish *Any One* **UPC 87410057** ~SAVE $0.25~ - Sept 1/10
Lactantia Smart Growth Milk *Any 2 L or 4 L* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
4 x L'Oreal Colour Riche Lipstick *Any One* SAVE $2.00
4 x L'Oreal Healthy Look Product *Any One, (1)* **UPC 66411778** SAVE $2.00
4 x L'Oreal RevitaLift Product *Any One, (1)* **UPC 66411824** SAVE $4.00
4 x L'Oreal Skin Genesis Skincare Moisturizer *Any One* SAVE $4.00
4 x L'Oreal True Match Products *Any Two* SAVE $5.00
4 x L'Oreal True Match Roller Foundation *Any One* SAVE $3.00
10 x L'Oreal Excellence To-Go Product *Any One* **UPC 66410720** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x L'Oreal Excellence To-Go Product *Any One* **UPC 66410951** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x L'Oreal Hair Expertise Products *Any Three (3)* **UPC 66411550** ~SAVE $10.00~ - Sept 30/10
9 x Melitta World Harvest Coffee *Any One* SAVE $2.00
4 x Mr. Clean Magic Eraser *buy any 2* SAVE $1.00
4 x Mr. Clean Spray and Any Mr. Clean Liquid SAVE $0.50
8 x Muskol Lotion **UPC 60312831** SAVE $1.00
10 x Mr. Clean Products *Any Two (2) Different* **UPC 63649387** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
5 x Nestle Aero Bubble Chocolate **UPC 10028937** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
5 x Nordica Cottage Cheese *Any Single Serve* **UPC 02706476** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Aug 31/10
5 x Nordica Cottage Cheese *Any Single Serve* **UPC 02706434** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 15/10
15 x Nexxus Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Product *Any One, Excluding Special Packs* **UPC 85113103** ~SAVE $3.00~ - Aug 31/10
1 x Nuk Learner Cup *Any One 5 oz. (150ml)* **UPC 15618375** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 31/10
9 x OFF! Products *Any One, (1)* **UPC 33685335** SAVE $1.00 - (expiry Aug 31)
9 x OFF! Products *Any Two, (2)* **UPC 33685319** SAVE $5.00 - (expiry Aug 31)
15 x Oka *Any One* **UPC 2390023** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x Orville Redenbacher's Ready To Eat Courmet Popcorn *170g* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
10 x Odwalla Beverage *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
10 x Odwalla Beverage *Any One* **UPC 65311325** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
2 x Pampers Baby-Dry.Swaddlers or Cruisers **UPC 63944189** SAVE $2.00
2 x Pampers Easy Ups, UnderJams or Splashers *Any One* **UPC 63944206** SAVE $3.00
Pampers Easy Ups Trainers *Any One* **UPC 3700 42182** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Aug 31/10
2 x Pampers Wipes *Any One* **UPC 63943854** SAVE $1.00
2 x Pampers Wipes and Diapers **UPC 66007395** SAVE $5.00
5 x Pillsbury Cookies or Cinnamon Rolls *Excluding Seasonal Cookies* **UPC 76140727** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
10 x Pogo Originals *10's, 20's, Mini 32's & All Beef 8's* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
9 x Post Grape-Nuts Cereal *Any One* SAVE $0.75
4 x Puffs *Any One **UPC 63651140** SAVE $0.50
3 x Purina Beneful Prepared Meals Wet Dog Food *B1G1 FREE* - (expiry Sept 5x2, Sept 7)
7 x Purina Pro Plan Selects Dog Food (2.7kg,7.95kg or 15kg) **UPC 27660209** Save $7.50 - (expiry Sept 5, Sept 7, Sept 29x5)
10 x Purina Beneful Dry Dog Food ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug/10 (Tonnies for Tummies)
10 x Purex or Baby Soft Liquid Detergent *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ -Sept 30/10
5 x Pedigree Vitality+ Dry Dog Food *16kg* **UPC 08295688** ~SAVE $6.00~ - Sept 30/10
5 x Right Guard, Soft & Dri OR Dry Idea Product *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
15 x Royale 3 ply Ultra Bathroom Tissue *Any Size* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
15 x Royale bathroom tissue ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
15 x Royale Facial Tissue *6 multi-pack size or larger* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
15 x Royale Ultra Absorbent Paper Towels *Any One (1)* **UPC 68003441** ~SAVE $0.70~ - Sept 30/10
4 x Scope Mouthwash *710mL or Larger* **UPC 63746121** SAVE $1.00
5 x Schneider's Juicy Jumbos **UPC 00603225** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
4 x Swiffer Dusters or Swiffer Dust & Shine *Any One (1)* **UPC 63652563** SAVE $1.50
4 x Swiffer Refills *Any One* **UPC 63652491** SAVE $1.50
5 x Smart White Bread with 16 Whole Grains **UPC 12516722** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
5 x Smucker's Pure Jam Product *Any One 500 ml* **UPC 51524858** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 15/10
5 x Smucker's Squeeze Fruit Spread Product *Any One* **UPC 51524861** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 15/10
10 x TRESemme Colour Revitalize Shampoo *900ml* **UPC 85113174** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x TRESemme Colour Revitalize Conditioner *900ml* **UPC 85113174** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x TRESemme *Any 900 ml, Shampoo or Conditioner* **UPC 85112793** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x TRESemme Fresh Start Product *Any One * **UPC 85113086** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x TRESemme Naturals *Any One * **UPC 85113073** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
10 x TRESemme Naturals or Fresh Start Product *Any One * **UPC 85113060** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
9 x Tums *Any One 60, 72, 100, 150 or 160ct* **UPC 83827655** SAVE $1.00 (Sept 5x2, Sept 7x4, Sept 9 & Sept 29x2)
11 x Tums *Any One 60, 72, 100, 150 or 160ct* **UPC 83828049** SAVE $0.50 (Oct expiry)
14 x Uncle Ben's Bistro Express Rice or Natural Select Rice *240 g or 250 g* OR *365 g or 397 g* **UPC 08294816** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
UnderJams Night Wear *Any One* **UPC 3700 48178** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Aug 31/10
Vicks NyQuil Product *Any One* **UPC 2390013176** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Mon, Aug 16th, 2010 at 12:06 AM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:17 PM #12
Here you will find a list of currently active Auctions and the date and time ending.
For details about an Auction click on the link provided.
Thanks & Happy Bidding to ALL!
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Aug 15th, 2010 at 01:43 AM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:20 PM #13
Here you will find a list of every coupon category. Coupons are listed in Alpha. Order below the list will be pictures listed by month of expiry. Followed by that will be the next category with pictures etc.
**Toonies for Tummies valid in Ontario and Atlantic Canada ONLY**
= Newly Added
Really LF Wish List coupons located Here. However if you don't have anything, Please PM me with your trade list and I'd be happy to see if you have anything I can use.
Some newer coupons including, I haven't added into catergories/pictures yet so if your looking for something specific, just ask.
Here you will find a list of Food Coupons in Alpha. Order below the list will be all the food coupons in pictures listed by month of expiry.
Food (In Alpha. Order)
Activia Desserts *Any 4x110g* ~SAVE $0.50~ **UPC 29503735** - Dec 31/10
Allegro Cheese *Any One* **UPC 8450397** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Allegro Cheese *Any One* **UPC 8450399** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Aquafina Plus+ Vitamins or Aquafina Plus+ Vitamins 10 Cal. Vitamin Enhanced Water 591ml *All Flavours* B2G1 FREE - Dec 31/10
Arctic Gardens *Any Frozen Product* **UPC 8020096** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
Arctic Gardens *Any Frozen Product* **UPC 8020090** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
Arctic Gardens Rice Product *275g to 300g* **UPC 8020091** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Armstrong Cheese *Any One* **UPC 5070398** ~SAVE $0.75~ - July 30/10
Astro BioBest *650g, 750g, or 8x100g, 12x100g probiotic yogourt* **UPC 11909297** ~ SAVE $0.75~ - Jan 31/11
Astro BioBest Maximmunite *Any One* **UPC 11909242** ~ SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Astro BioBest Maximmunite *Any One* **UPC 11909314** ~ SAVE $0.75~ - June 30/11
Astro BioBest Smoothie *Any 4x200ml* **UPC 11909301** ~SAVE $0.75~ - June 30/11
Astro BioBest Smoothie *Any 4x200ml* **UPC 11909239** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Astro Original Yogourt *Excluding 175 g Cups* **UPC 11909200** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Back to Nature Nut or Trail Mix Products *Any Two (2)* **UPC 05526462** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Sept 30/10
Baker's Semi Sweet Chocolate *Buy 2* **UPC 05524310** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Bertolli Olive Oil *500ml or larger* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Black Diamond Natural Cheese *Any Size, 200g, 300g, 500g or 750g* SAVE $0.75 - Sept 30/10
Cadbury Products *Any One 175g clusters, 200g peanuts or 200g raisins* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Cadbury Products *Any 2 Clorets Multipack, Dentyne Multipacks, Stride
Cake Mate Decors Product *Any One* **UPC 20904760** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Nov 30/10
Canada Dry Green Tea Ginger Ale or White Tea Ginger Ale with Raspberry Flavour *Any One, 10x 355 mL cans* ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
Canton Stand Up Pouch Sauce or Gravy **UPC 2220236** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Carl Budding Original Thin-Sliced Meats *Any Two (2) Packs* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.55~ - Dec 31/10
Catelli Garden Select Pasta Sauce *700 ml* **UPC 05748886** Jan 1/2011
Catelli Healthy Harvest Pasta *Any One (1)* **UPC 10832093** ~SAVE $0.75 - Dec 31/10
Certo Pectin *Any Two (2)* **UPC 05526299** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Clover Leaf *Any 2 Valid on Chunk Crabmeat, Clams, Shrimp, Oysters & Mussels* **UPC 25407756** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Clover Leaf Flavoured Tuna *Any Two (2) 85g* ~Save $0.50~ - June 30/11
Clover Leaf Tuna Steak *Any One (1), 85g* ~SAVE $1.00~ - June 30/11
Clover Leaf Skinless Boneless Atlantic Salmon *Any One (1), 170g* ~Save $1.00~ June 30/11
Clover Leaf Solid White Tuna in Water *Any Two (2), 170g* ~Save $1.00~ - June 30/11
Country Harvest Vitality Bread *Any One* **UPC 27540159** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
Dare Brenton Minis, Vinta Snacks, Vinta Roasted Red Pepper or Breton Basil & Olive Oil *Any One* **UPC 11623784** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Delissio Flatbread Melt *B1G1 FREE, not to exceed $3.99* **UPC 05525876** - Sept 30/10
Delissio Crispy Flatbread Pizza *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
D'Italiano Rolls *Any One* **UPC 7540173** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
D'Italiano Product *Any One* **UPC 7540172** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
Dole Sparklers or Liption Ice Tea *Any Flavour* **UPC 21901342** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Dofino Havarti *Any One* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Dr. Oetker Shirriff Mousse or Dr. Oetker Mousse 50 Calories *Any One* **UPC 88622369** ~SAVE $0.30~ - June 30/11
Dr. Oetker Shirriff Mousse or Dr. Oetker Mousse 50 Calories *Any Two (2)* **UPC 88622372** ~SAVE $0.75~ - June 30/11
Egg Creations Liquid Egg Product *Any One* **UPC 42404457** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Egg Creations Liquid Egg Product *Any One* **UPC 42404460** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Egg Creations Liquid Egg Product *Any 500 g* **UPC 42403760** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Egg Creations Liquid Egg Product *Any One* **UPC 42404431** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Eggo Waffle Product *Any One* **UPC 71575735** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 15/10
Eggo Waffle Product *Any One* **UPC 71575722** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 15/10
Ensure, Ensure Plus, Ensure HP or Ensure Fibre *6 x 235 ml or 12 x 235 ml package* Cheque ~SAVE $3.00~ - June 5, 18, 30
Europe's Best Frozen Fruit Product *Any One* **UPC 09243994** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 15/10
Fleischmann's Canada Brand Corn Starch **UPC 67900552** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Fibre 1 Cereal *PLUS* any Fibre 1 Chewy Bars **UPC 76140017** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Filippo Berio Olive Oil *500 ml, 750 ml, 1 L or 1.5 L* **UPC 10907056** ~SAVE 1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Gay Lea Spreadables Butter *Regular or Light* **UPC 02705545** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 15/10
Glucerna Nutritional Drinks or Bars *Any 6 Pack Drinks OR Any 4 Pack Bars* **UPC 18215306** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Nov 30/10
Heinz Beans *Buy Any 3* & Get 1 FREE **UPC 05748815** - Dec 31/10
High Liner Pan-Sear Selects *Any 540 g* **UPC 12613986** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
High Liner Product *Any 500g OR 700g* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Pan-Sear Selects *Any 540 g* **UPC 12613726** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Pan-Sear Selects *Any 540 g* **UPC 12613713** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Products *Any 500g or 700g* **UPC 12613683** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Products *Any 500g or 700g* **UPC 12613931** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
High Liner Selects *Any 680 g* **UPC 12614064** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
High Liner Selects *Any 680 g* **UPC 12614048** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
High Liner Selects *Any 680 g* **UPC 12614077** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
High Liner Signature Product *Any 680 g* **UPC 12614022** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
iGor Brand *Canoo 125g, Bongo 125g, Conga 150g or Bag A Loo 400g* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Jake's Bake House Bread **UPC 7540167** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 30/10
Jell-O No Sugar Added *Any (2) Two* Jelly Powder **UPC 05524437** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Janes Disneys Kids Chicken Nuggets or Meal Makers Oven Roasted Carved Chicken Breasts *550g* *TFT* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Feb 1/11
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410082** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10 ---- NONE LEFT
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410153** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410157** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410159** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10 ---- NONE LEFT
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410160** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr *Any (2) Two Products* **UPC 87410217** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr Frozen Entree *Any One* **UPC 87410077** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr Ready-to-Serve Soups *Any (2) Two, 500 ml* **UPC 87410044** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Knorr Sidekicks Side Dish *Any One* **UPC 87410031** ~SAVE $0.25~ - June 10/10
Kraft Dream Whip & Jell-O Instant Pudding *Must be purchased at same time to qualify for savings* **UPC 05524323** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Kraft Macaroni Pasta Salad *Buy Two (2)* **UPC 05525544** ~SAVE $0.30~ - Dec 31/10
Kraft Dinner BOLD Snack Cups *Buy Two (2)* **UPC 05525355** ~SAVE $0.50~ - June 30/11
Kraft Dinner Crackers *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Kraft 100% Parmesan Grated Cheese *250g* **UPC 05525690** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Kraft Sizzling Salads Entree Salad Kit *Any One* **UPC 05526925** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Lactantia PurFiltre *4L Milk or 2x 2L Milk* **UPC 13609753** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Lactantia Premium Milks *Any 2x 2L* **UPC 13610210** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Nov 30/10
Lactantia Smart Growth Milk *Any 2 L or 4 L* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Li'l Ones Yogurt *Any One* **UPC 5070426** ~SAVE $0.75~ - March 31/11
Lipton Green Tea *Any One 20 Pack* **UPC 87410188** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Mar. 30/11
Lipton Iced Tea *Any One (1) 12 x 355 mL can pack* **UPC 21401406** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Maille Mustard *Any One* **UPC 4250650** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Mazola Right Blend Canola and Olive Oil Blend ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
McCain Plank Cut or Crinkle Cut Sweet Potato Superfries ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Melitta World Harvest Fair Trade Coffee *Any One* **UPC 14707966** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Melitta Coffee *Any One* **UPC 14707676** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Melitta Filter *Any One* **UPC 14707689** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Mr. & Mrs T or Rose's Cocktail Infusions Product *Any One* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Oct 31/10
Nature's Treat Yogourt * Any One* **UPC 5070413** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Nov 30/10
Naturegg Omega Pro 500 g Liquid Egg Product *500 g* **UPC 42404587** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Naturegg Simply Egg Whites *Liquid Egg Product *500 g* **UPC 42404529** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Naturegg Simply Egg Whites *Liquid Egg Product *500 g* **UPC 42404705** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Naturegg Break-Free *500g Liquid Egg Product* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Naturegg Omega Pro 500 g Liquid Egg Product *500 g* **UPC 42404486** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nabob Coffee *311g - 326g sizes* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Nescafe Cappuccino or Latte *Any One* **UPC 10027891** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nestle Aero Bubble Chocolate **UPC 10028937** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Nestle Noir Chocolate Tablet **UPC 10028461** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nestle Products on participating Nestle products (4x130ml Drumstick Caramel Nut, Real Dairy 1.5L tub, Rolo Peanut Butter 1.5L, 10x50ml Mini Coffee Crisp, Parlour Chocolate & Banana 1.5L tub, 4x130ml Skinny Cow Caramel Vanilla Cones, 5x118ml Skinny Cow Cookies and Cream Sandwiches, Del Monte Lemon Gelato 1.5L tub) **UPC 10029275** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Nestle Real Dairy *Any 1.5L Tub* **UPC 10029389** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Nestle Real Dairy *1.5L Tub* **UPC 10029523** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Nestle Carnation Breakfast Anytime! *Any 4 x 315ml and 400g* **UPC 10028155** ~SAVE $1.00~ - May 31/11
Nordica Cottage Cheese *Any Single Serve* **UPC 02706476** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Aug 31/10
Nordica Cottage Cheese *Any Single Serve* **UPC 02706434** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Sept 15/10
Ocean Spray 100% Juice Blend *Any One 1.36L* **UPC 23005596** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Feb 28/11 ---- NONE LEFT
Oka *Any One* **UPC 2390023** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Orville Redenbacher's Ready To Eat Courmet Popcorn *170g* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Orville Redenbacher's Buttery Toffee or Creamy Caramel popcorn *170g* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Pam Grilling Spray *with the purchase of any Ziploc Brand Product* **UPC 44401955** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Patak's Original Product *Any One* **UPC 07505052** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Piller's Product *Any One* **UPC 49805606** ~SAVE $ 0.50~ - Nov 30/10
Piller's Product *Any One* **UPC 49805592** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Oct 31/10
Pogo Originals *10's, 20's, Mini 32's & All Beef 8's* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Renee's Cooking Sauce *Any One* **UPC 59013453** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Rice Krispies *525g, Vanilla Flavour 420g, Cocoa 420g or Multigrain Krispies 385g* **UPC 71577119** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Rockstar Energy Drink *WUB 2, 444ml/473ml Cans* **UPC 08527891** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Schneider's Juicy Jumbos **UPC 00603225** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Shake' n Bake *140g or Larger, Any Variety* **UPC 1816716162** ~SAVE $0.30~ - Dec 31/10
Smart White Bread with 16 Whole Grains **UPC 12516722** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Smucker's Ice Cream Topping and Breyers Classic Vanilla Frozen Dessert *Together* and get 1 Gay Lea Real Whipped Cream FREE *up to $3.29* - Dec 31/10
Smucker's Pure Jam Product *Any One 500 ml* **UPC 51524858** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 15/10
Smucker's Squeeze Fruit Spread Product *Any One* **UPC 51525284** ~SAVE $0.50~ - April 1/11
Smucker's Squeeze Fruit Spread Product *Any One* **UPC 51524861** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 15/10
Smucker's No Sugar Added Fruit and Concentrated White Grape Juice Spread *Any One, 310 ml* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Stoneyfield Farm or Yobaby Product *Any One (1), 8 x 100g, 650g* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Jan 31/11
Stouffer's Saute Sensations *Any 640g* **UPC 10028184** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Stouffer's Saute Sensations *Any 640g* **UPC 10028142** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Tetley Specialty Tea Canisters *Buy Any Two (2), 20's & 24's* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Tre Stelle Slices *Any One* ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
V8 Fusion Cranberry/Blackberry or Pasionfruit Tangerine *1.36L* **UPC 00922366** SAVE $0.75 - Dec 31/10
VH Rib, Stir or Cooking Sauces *341ml OR 355ml Size, with the purchase of any Ziploc Brand Product* **UPC 44401968** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Weight Watchers Smart Ones Ready-to-Serve Soups *Any One* **UPC 005748802** ~SAVE $.1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Yoplait Creamy *Any One 16 x 100 g, 4 x 100g or 650 g* OR Yoplait Basket Fat Free *Any One 16 x 100g* **UPC 29211265** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Oct 31/10
Yoplait Creamy *Any One 16 x 100 g or 650 g* OR Yoplait Basket Fat Free *Any One 16 x 100g* **UPC 29211281** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Oct 31/10
Yoplait Minigo or Tubes *6 x 60 g or 8 x 60 g* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Food (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
June 2011
Health & Beauty (In Alpha. Order)
Advil Cold & Sinus Product *Any One* **UPC 12921993** ~SAVE $3.00~ - Jan 31/11
Advil *Any Large Size, PM me for details* **UPC 12922127** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Jan 31/11
Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Nourishing Hair Care Collection **UPC 04382759** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Sept 30/10
Bic Soleil Razor Starter Kit or Soleil Cartridge Refill 4 Pack **UPC 35410283** ~SAVE $4.00~ - Dec 31/10
Bic Soleil Razor Starter Kit or Soleil Cartridge Refill 4 Pack **UPC 35410632** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Bic Soleil Disposable Shavers *Any One 3-Pack or Larger* **UPC 35410645** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Canes Oral *Any One* **UPC 07654158** ~SAVE $3.00~ - April 30/11
Claritin Products *Any One* **UPC 60311085** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
Count Crest Whitestrips Adv anced Seal *14 Count* ~SAVE $7.00~ - July 31/11
Clean & Clear Morning Burst *OR* Clean & Clear Makeup Remover Product **UPC 04380157** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
Degree Women Product *Any One* **UPC 89287942** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Degree Mens Product *Any One* **UPC 89287940** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Dec 31/10
Dial or Tone Body Wash, Bar or Liquid Soap *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Dove Hair Care Products *Any Two (2)* **UPC 89287877** ~SAVE $2.50~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Hair Products *Buy Any Two (2)* *GET 1 FREE Styling Product* **UPC 89287882** - Dec 31/10
Dove Products *Any Two (2) Different Full Sized* **UPC 89287844** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Products *Any Two (2) Different Full Sized* **UPC 89287842** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Styling Product *Any One* **UPC 89287880** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Hair Care Product *Any 750 ml or 950 ml* **UPC 89287879** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
Dove Visibly Smooth *Any One* **UPC 89287920** ~SAVE $0.50~ - June 30/10
Garnier HerbaShine *Any Shade* **UPC 66410922** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier HerbaShine *Any Shade* **UPC 66411361** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier HerbaShine *Any Shade* **UPC 66411518** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Product *Any One* **UPC 66411068** ~SAVE $1.00~ - July 1/10
Garnier Fructis Damage Repair Product *Any One* **UPC 66411749** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier Nutritioniste Ultra-Lift Products *Any Two (2)* **UPC 66411228** ~SAVE $5.00~ - Dec 31/10
Garnier Skin Renew Cleanser *PLUS* One (1) other Skin Renew Product **UPC 66411475** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Gillette Fusion Razor OR One (1) pack of 8 Cartridgers & *get a BONUS Gillette Hair Care or Body Wash FREE* **UPC 66006187** - Sept 30/10
Hawaiian Tropic Product *180ml or Larger* OR Hawaiian Tropic Lip Gloss **UPC 25331527** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Hawaiian Tropic Product *120ml or Larger* **UPC 25332041** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Jan 31/11
L'Oreal Everstrong Products *Purchase Three (3) Products, 1 Shampoo 250ml, 1 Conditioner 250ml & 1 Night Treatment OR 1 Deep Replenishing Mask* **UPC 66410919** ~SAVE $10.00~ - Dec 31/10
L'Oreal Paris Healthy Look Creme Gloss Color *Any One* **UPC 66410717** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
L'Oreal Hair Expertise Products *Any Three (3)* **UPC 66411550** ~SAVE $10.00~ - Sept 30/10
L'Oreal Excellence To-Go Product *Any One* **UPC 66410720** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Sept 30/10
L'Oreal Excellence To-Go Product *Any One* **UPC 66410951** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Sept 30/10
Lax-A-Day *238g* **UPC 80903231** ~SAVE $2.00~ Dec 31/10
Lax-A-Day *238g* **UPC 80903172** ~SAVE $2.00~ Dec 31/10
Lax-A-Day *510g* **UPC 80903185** ~SAVE $5.00~ Dec 31/10
Lever 2000 *Any 4 or 8 pack* **UPC 89288002** ~SAVE $1.00~ - May 31/11
L'Oreal Everstrong Products *1 Shampoo 250ml, 1 Conditioner 250ml and 1 Night Treatment or 1 Deep Replenishing Mask* **UPC 66410919** ~SAVE $10.00~ - Dec 31/10
L'Oreal Paris Color Spa Misture Actif *Any One* **UPC 66410906** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
L'Oreal Paris StudioLine *Any One Indestructible, Mineral FX or SFX Product* **UPC 66411534** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 30/10
Lubriderm *Any 480ml* **UPC 04383202** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Neutrogena Clinical Product *Any One* **UPC 04383462** ~SAVE $10.00~ - Dec 31/10
Neutrogena Face Care Product *Any One* **UPC 04381163** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nivea Visage *PLUS* One Nivea Body Creme, or Hand Product **UPC 08917629** ~SAVE $5.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nivea Body Creme, or Hand Product **UPC 08917645** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Nivea Visage Product **UPC 08917632** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Noxzema Product *Any One* **UPC 85113057** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Nov 30/10
Pantene Styling Product *Any One* **UPC 63748589** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Nov 30/10
ProNamel Toothpaste *Any One* **UPC 83827336** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
ProNamel Toothpaste *Any One* **UPC 83826926** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 30/10
Pepto Product *Any One* **UPC 0014966176** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/11
Right Guard, Soft & Dri OR Dry Idea Product *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Robax Product *Robax Platinum, Robaxacet or Robaxisal Product* **UPC 12922244** ~SAVE $3.00~ - March 31/11
Royale 3 ply Ultra Bathroom Tissue *Any Size* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Royale Facial Tissue *6 multi-pack size or larger* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Royale bathroom tissue ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Sensodyne Toothpaste *100 ml* **UPC 83827495** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 30/10
Sensodyne Toothpaste *100 ml* **UPC 83827365** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 30/10
Shick Hydro Razor or Refills *Any One* **UPC 29006742** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Shick Xtreme 3 Disposable Razor *Any One* **UPC 29006638** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Shick Xtreme 3 Disposable Razor *Any One* **UPC 29006700** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Shick Quattro for Women TrimStyle Razor or Refills *4's or 8's* **UPC 29006696** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Shick Quattro for Women TrimStyle Razor or Refills *4's or 8's* **UPC 29006641** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
St. Ives Facial Care Product *Any One* **UPC 85113015** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
St. Ives Facial Care Product *Any One* **UPC 85112940** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
TRESemme *Any 900 ml, Shampoo or Conditioner* **UPC 85112793** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
TRESemme Naturals or Fresh Start Product *Any One * **UPC 85113060** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
TRESemme Fresh Start Product *Any One * **UPC 85113086** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
TRESemme Naturals *Any One * **UPC 85113073** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer *Model #V150SG or V150SG-CAN **UPC 2878511278** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Oct 31/11
Vicks NyQuil Product *Any One* **UPC 2390013176** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Health & Beauty (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
January 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
September 2011
October 2011
December 2011
Cleaning Products (In Alpha. Order)
Green Works Natural Cleaning Product *PLUS* One (1) Green Works
Green Works Products *PM me for details* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Sept 30/10
Mega Shower Foamer or Toilet Gel or Bathroom Cleaner *Any One* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Mr. Clean Products *Any Two (2) Different* **UPC 63649387** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Sept 30/10
Royale Ultra Absorbent Paper Towels *Any One (1)* **UPC 68003441** ~SAVE $0.70~ - Sept 30/10
Scrub Free Bathroom Cleaner *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower Foamer, Toilet Cleaning Gel or Bathroom Cleaner *Any One (1)* **UPC 33682642** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
SpongeTowels EnviroCare *6 Rolls* **UPC 12014415** ~SAVE $0.75~ - Dec 31/10
Cleaning Products (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Laundry (In Alpha. Order)
2X Ultra Sunlight *Two (2) Bottles, Any Size* **UPC 72613312** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Mar 31/11
Bounce Dryer Bar *Any Size or Scent* ~SAVE $1.00~ - July 31/11
Method Laundry Detergent *Any One 25 OR 50 Load* ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
New Sunlight Green Clean **UPC 72613208** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
New Sunlight Green Clean *Any One* **UPC 72613267** ~SAVE $1..00~ - Mar 31/11
New Sunlight Green Clean Super-Concentrated Laundry Detergent **UPC 72613218** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10
New Sunlight Green Clean **Coupon Zone (Valid at Loblaws, Zehrs, RCSS etc.)** - ~SAVE $1.00~ - Mar. 31/11
Purex or Baby Soft Liquid Detergent *Any One* **Toonies for Tummies** ~SAVE $0.50~ -Sept 30/10
Snuggle Fabric Softener *Any One* **UPC 72613278** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Mar. 31/11
Snuggle Fabric Softener *Any One* **UPC 72613285** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Tide Stain Release *Any Size* **UPC 37000 13876** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Nov 30/11
Tide Stain Release *Any Size* **UPC 37000 13876** ~SAVE $1.00~ - July 31/11
Laundry (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
0 x of Above Picture
March 2011
Coupon Zone Above
July 2011
September 2011
November 2011
Natural Defense Premium Dry Dog Food for Adult Dogs ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10
Natural Defense Healthy Snacks for Adult Dogs ~SAVE $1.00~ - Dec 31/10
Pedigree Vitality+ Dry Dog Food *16kg* **UPC 08295688** ~SAVE $6.00~ - Sept 30/10
Purina Dog Chow *7.2-8kg* & get *1 FREE* Purina busy Bone *198g* **UPC 27664849** - May 30/10
Pets (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Mail In Rebate Offers
Mail In Rebate Offers (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Baby (In Alpha. Order)
Huggies Baby Wipes *64 ct or Larger* **UPC 49083369** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Sept 20/10 ---- NONE LEFT
Huggies Baby Wipes *64 ct or Larger* **UPC 49083372** ~SAVE $1.50~ - Dec 31/10 ---- NONE LEFT
Huggies Diapers *Any One* **UPC 49074664** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Dec 31/10 ---- NONE LEFT
Baby (Pictures by Month of Expiry)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Coupons with No Expiry (In Alpha. Order)
Cap'n Crunch *Any Size* ~SAVE $0.50~ ---- NONE LEFT
Corn Bran Cereal *Any Size* ~SAVE $0.50~
Crispy Minis Rice Chips *100g or 170g* ~SAVE $0.30~
Harvest Crunch Cereal *Any Size, Any Flavor* ~SAVE $0.50~
Life Cereal *730g* ~SAVE $0.50~
Life Oat Bran Cereal with Oats Plus Wheat & Corn *435g* ~SAVE $0.50~
Muffin or Cookie Mix *Any Flavor* ~SAVE $0.30~
Rice Cakes *Any One* ~SAVE $0.30
Oat Bran Creamy Hot Cereal *625g* ~SAVE $0.50~
Oat Squares Cereal *Any Size* ~SAVE $0.50~
Rice A Roni or Noodle Roni *Any Flavor* ~SAVE $0.30~
Spudz Potatoe Crisps *142g* ~SAVE $0.30~
FruitKicks Down Under Natural's *Any Hair Product, Excluding Travel Size* ~SAVE $0.30~
Coupons with No Expiry (Pictures)
If at any time you would like to see a larger picture of the image you are viewing just click on the picture.
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Wed, Sep 1st, 2010 at 11:05 PM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:23 PM #14
I have all\\P&G Brandsaver coupons. Including HV & older one's that may not be available to order anymore. If your looking for something just ask. (In Alpha. Order) - Updated July 23 @ 10:15pm
A+D Diaper Rash Product *Any One* **UPC 60312378** SAVE $2.00
Aerius Non-Drowsy Tablets *Any One* **UPC 60310239** SAVE $2.00
Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Hair Treatment **UPC 85112924** SAVE $1.00
Aleve Pain Reliever *100ct* **UPC 07653591** SAVE $5.00
All Bran Bars **UPC 71576796** SAVE $0.75
All Bran Bars **UPC 71576800** SAVE $0.50
Always Infinity *Any One* **UPC 63939893** SAVE $1.00
Arm & Hammer Advance Antiperspirant Deodorant *Buy Two (2)* **UPC 65333774** SAVE $1.00
Arm & Hammer Carpet Deodorizer **UPC 65333763** SAVE $0.75
Arm & Hammer Clumping Cat Litter *Any One* **UPC 65333761** SAVE $1.50
Arm & Hammer Essentials Laundry Detergent *Any One* **UPC 65333772** SAVE $0.75
Arm & Hammer Power Gel Laundry Detergent **UPC 65333770** SAVE $0.75
Arm & Hammer Spinbrush Battery Powered Toothbrush *Buy Two (2)* **UPC 65333765** SAVE $1.00
Arm & Hammer Spinbrush Sonic Rechargeable Toothbrush *Any One* **UPC 65333767** SAVE $2.00
Arm & Hammer Toothpaste *Buy Two (2)* **UPC 65333769** SAVE $1.00
Asprin 81mg Daily Low Dose (Excluding Asprin 81mg 30 Count) SAVE $2.00 - Dec 31/10
Aveeno Body Lotion *Any One* **UPC 04380447** SAVE $2.00
Aveeno Body Wash *Any One* **UPC 04381134** SAVE $2.00
Baby Mum Mum or Toddler Mum Mum Biscuits *BUY 2* **UPC 49904071** SAVE $1.00
Banana Nut Cheerios **UPC 76141283** SAVE $1.00
Band-Aid Brand Flexible Fabric Bandage Pack *excluding travel pack* and any 1 Polysporin topical antibiotic/antiseptic **UPC 04381352** SAVE $2.00
Benadryl Allergy Capsules *20's and Larger* **UPC 04383635** SAVE $2.00
Bounce Dryer Bar *Any One* **UPC 63649693** SAVE $0.50
Bounce Dryer Bar *Any One* **UPC 63651951** SAVE $3.00
Breathe Right Nasal Strips *Any Size* **UPC 83827798** SAVE $2.00
Caltrate *Any One* **UPC 12922215** SAVE $2.00
Casa Di Mama Pizza *Any One* SAVE $0.75
Catelli Healthy Harvest Products *Any Two (2)* **UPC 10832400** SAVE $1.00
Catelli Smart Product *Any One* **UPC 10832325** SAVE $0.75
Centrum Cardio **UPC 12922156** SAVE $2.00
Centrum Materna **UPC 12922172** SAVE $2.00
Cetaphil Acne Principles *Exclusively at SDM* SAVE $2.00
Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer *SPF 50* **UPC 38302927** SAVE $3.50
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser *60 ml* **UPC 38303089** SAVE $1.00
Cheer laundry Detergent *Any One* **UPC 63650091** SAVE $0.50
Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Control Kit **UPC 04381280** SAVE $5.00
Clean & Clear Product *Any One* **UPC 04383723** SAVE $1.00
Club House La Grille Product *Any One* **UPC 20904799** SAVE $1.00
Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste *excluding 20ml* **UPC 63747326** SAVE $1.00
Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal *Any One* **UPC 63749700** SAVE $5.00
Crinkles Rice Chips **UPC 49904055** SAVE $0.50
DanActive *8x93ml pack* **UPC 29407141** SAVE $2.00
Dole Squish'ems Product **UPC 45804670** SAVE $1.00
Dove Damage Therapy *355ml and Styling Product only* **UPC 89288004** SAVE $1.50
Dr. Oetker ristorante Pizzas *Buy Two (2)* **UPC 88621832** SAVE $1.50
Dr. Oetker Shaker or Shirriff Mousse *Any One* **UPC 88622499** SAVE $0.50
Elastoplast Product *Any One* **UPC 08917847** SAVE $1.00
Energizer Advanced Alkaine Batteries *Any Size* **UPC 43812035** SAVE $1.00
Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries *Any Size* **UPC 43812048** SAVE $2.00
Entex LA Sinus Decongestant **UPC 13003731** SAVE $1.00
Eukanuba Dry Cat Food **UPC 64153126** SAVE $5.00
Eukanuba Dry Dog Food **UPC 64154060** SAVE $5.00
Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys *Buy Two (2), 85g cans, any variety* & Get One (1), 85g can of Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys, any variety FREE
Gain Fabric Softener *Any One* **UPC 63645792** SAVE $1.00
Gain Fabric Softener SAVE $0.50
Gain Laundry Detergent *Any One* **UPC 63647482** SAVE $1.00
Garnier Haircolour Product *Any One* **UPC 66411169** SAVE $2.00
Garnier Nutritioniste Anti-Sun Damage Product *Any One* **UPC 66411202** SAVE $2.00
Garnier Skin Renew Radiance Moisture Cream *with the purchase of any other Skin Renew Product* **UPC 66411198** SAVE $2.00
Garnier Ultra-Lift Pro Products *Any Two (2)* **UPC 66411185** SAVE $5.00
Gaviscon Acid Reflux & Heartburn Relief *Any One* **UPC 83826607** SAVE $1.00
Gay Lea Spreadables Butter **UPC 02706362** SAVE $0.75
Gillette Body Wash *Any One* **UPC 66007568** SAVE $2.00
Gillette Fusion or Fusion Power Razor *Any One* **UPC 63746987** SAVE $4.00
Glade Jar Candle or Glade Scented Oil Candle Refill **UPC 33683993** SAVE $1.00
Glade Jar Candles B2G2 FREE **UPC 33685159**
Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills **UPC 33684000** SAVE $1.00
Glade Plugins Scented Oil Refills B2G2 FREE **UPC 33685146**
Glade Sense & Spray Refill **UPC 33684013** SAVE $1.00
Glade Sense & Spray Refill B1G1 FREE **UPC 33685162**
Heinz Nurture Product *Any One* **UPC 87200384** SAVE $5.00
Herbal Essences *Any One Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Product* **UPC 63750919** SAVE $0.50
Hidden Valley Original Ranch Dressing *Any 473ml* **UPC 01221956** SAVE $1.50
Iams *Any* Multi or Variety Pack* Canned Cat Food **UPC 64154712** SAVE $1.50
Iams *Any* Multi or Variety Pack* Canned Dog Food **UPC 64155412** SAVE $1.50
Iams Canned Cat Food *B1G1 FREE*
Iams Canned Dog Food *B1G1 FREE*
Iams Dry Cat Food *Any Size* **UPC 64154406** SAVE $1.50
Iams Dry Dog Food *Any Size* **UPC 64153269** SAVE $1.50
Iams Dry Kitten Food *Any Size* **UPC 64153588** SAVE $1.50
Iams Dry Puppy Food *Any Size* **UPC 64153559** SAVE $1.50
Imodium Diarrhea Relief *Advanced Caplets 20ct, Advanced Chew 20ct and Quick Dissolve 20ct* **UPC 04381176** SAVE $2.00
Johnson's Baby or Penaten Product *Any One* **UPC 04383680** SAVE $1.00
Kellogg's Blueberry Flavour Special K Cereal *320g* **UPC 71576129** SAVE $2.00
Kellogg's Special K Fruit Crisps *125g* **UPC 71576116** SAVE $1.00
Kibbles 'N Bits *5.7/6kg* **UPC 66904465** SAVE $1.00
Kraft Shredded Cheese **UPC 05520985** SAVE $1.00
Lactaid Brand Supplement *Not Valid on Milk Products* **UPC 04378349** SAVE $3.00
Listerine Premium Mouthwash *Any 1L* **UPC 04382746** SAVE $1.00
Lubriderm Product *Any 480ml* **UPC 63781121** SAVE $1.50
Majesta Bathroom Tissue *Any Size* SAVE $1.00
Maple Leaf Natural Selections Product *Any One* SAVE $2.00
Maple Leaf Prime Fully Cooked and Sliced Chicken Breasts **UPC 00603515** SAVE $2.00
Maybelline Mineral Power Makeup *Buy any 2* **UPC 66412423** SAVE $5.00
Meow Mix Market Selects *78g Cup* *Buy 2 get 1 FREE* **UPC 66904452**
Minute Rice 100% Whole Grain Brown *600g or 1.2kg* **UPC 10832282** SAVE $2.00
Miracle Gro Water Soluble Plant Food *1.36kg or Larger* SAVE $2.00
Motrin Rub, Patch or Motrin IB Liquid Gels *72's* **UPC 04381150** SAVE $2.00
Myoflex *Any* Pain Relief Rub **UPC 07651029** SAVE $2.00
Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Dark Chocolate Bars **UPC 76140932** SAVE $1.00
Neutrogena Clinical Product *Any One* **UPC 04383433** SAVE $10.00
Olay Pro-X Skin Care *Any Product* **UPC 63748752** SAVE $6.00
Olay Quench Advanced Relief Body Lotion **UPC 63751983** SAVE $2.00
Olay Ribbons Body Wash and Olay Quench Advanced Relief Body Lotion **UPC 63751039** SAVE $3.00
Olay Total Effects Anti Aging Body Wash **UPC 63751879** SAVE $2.00
Olay Total Effects, Regenerist, Definity or Pro-X Cleanser *PLUS* Moisturizer **UPC 66007757** SAVE $4.00
Old El Paso Mexican or Spanish rice **UPC 76140860** SAVE $1.00
Old El Paso Rice *215g* or Soft Tortilla *297g-334g* **UPC 76141339** SAVE $1.00
Olivieri Singles Pasta *190g* or Sauce *160-170ml* **UPC 12516227** SAVE $1.00
Oral-B Professional Care or Triumph Series Power Toothbrush SAVE $10.00
Pampers Baby Dry, Swaddlers or Cruisers *Jumbo Pack or Larger***UPC 63939633** SAVE $2.00
Pampers Baby Dry, Swaddlers, Swaddlers Sensitive or Cruisers *Any One* **UPC 63940578** SAVE $2.00
Pampers Baby Dry, Swaddlers, Swaddlers Sensitive or Cruisers *Any One* **UPC 63940682** SAVE $2.00
Pampers Diapers *Jumbo Pack or Larger* **UPC 63940422** SAVE $2.00
Pampers Diapers *with the purchase of any wipes* **UPC 66007252** SAVE $5.00
Pampers Easy Ups *Any One* **UPC 63940666** SAVE $3.00
Pampers Easy Ups or UnderJams **UPC 63940624** SAVE $3.00
Pampers Splashers *Any One* **UPC 63941122** SAVE $2.00
Pampers Splashers *Any One* **UPC 63943782** SAVE $2.00
Pampers Wipes *Any One* **UPC 63941047** SAVE $1.00
Pampers Wipes *Tub/Refill Product* *70 Count or Larger* **UPC 63940028** SAVE $1.00
Pediasure Complete Nutritional Supplement *Any 4x235ml pack* **UPC 18216019** SAVE $1.50
Pepto-Bismol *Any One* **UPC 63749205** SAVE $1.00
Pillsbury Grands! Cinnamon Rolls **UPC 76140974** SAVE $1.00
Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal *368g-510g* **UPC 26003014** SAVE $0.50
Purina Beneful Dry Dog Food **UPC 27663035** SAVE $3.00
Purina Beneful Prepared Meals Wet Dog Food *B1G1 FREE*
Purina Beneful Snackin' Slices Dog Snacks **UPC 27662999** SAVE $1.00
Purina Dog Chow *Any Size, Any Formula* **UPC 27663804** SAVE $2.00
Purina Friskies Party Mix Cat Treats *Buy 2* **UPC 27663006** SAVE $1.00
Purina Healthful Life Cat Chow **UPC 27662931** SAVE $2.00
Purina Maxx Cat Box Filler *Any Size* **UPC 27663019** SAVE $1.00
Purina Pro Plan Dry Cat Food (1.59kg or Larger) **UPC 27663787** SAVE $5.00
Purina Pro Plan Selects Dog Food (2.7kg,7.95kg or 15kg) **UPC 27660209** Save $7.50
Scott Naturals Towels *Any One* **UPC 49082135** SAVE $0.75
Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Fertilizer *Any Bag* SAVE $4.00
Senokot•S 60's Laxative **UPC 13003715** SAVE $0.50
Sensodyne Toothpaste *Any Size* **UPC 83827668** SAVE $0.75
Shrek Fruit Shapes **UPC 76141049** SAVE $1.00
Snuggle Liquid or Sheets Fabric Softener *Any One* **UPC 72613420** SAVE $1.00
So Good Beverage *Any One (1), 1.89L OR 3-Pack single serves of So Good Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry* **UPC 69104709** SAVE $1.00
So Good Beverage *Any One (1), 1.89L OR 3-Pack single serves of So Good Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry* **UPC 69104725** SAVE $0.75
So Good Frozen Dessert *Any One (1), 946ml* **UPC 96104712** SAVE $1.00
So Good Frozen Dessert *Any One (1), 946ml* **UPC 96104754** SAVE $1.50
Stayfree *16-24ct*, Carefree *44-60ct* or O.B. *18-20ct* *Buy Two (2), Reg. Priced* **UPC 04381277** SAVE $5.00
Stouffer's Saute Sensations *PLUS* Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream *500ml* **UPC 1029073** SAVE $5.00
Stouffer's Single Serve Entree *Any Three (3)* **UPC 10027341** SAVE $2.00
Sunlight 2X Ultra Liquid or Ultra Powder **UPC 72613318** SAVE $1.00
Sunlight Green Clean Super-Concentrated Laundry Detergent **UPC 72613316** SAVE $2.00
Swiffer Dusters Starter Kit *Any One (1)* **UPC 63653436** SAVE $1.00
Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit *Any One* **UPC 63652651** SAVE $1.50
Swiffer WetJet Starter Kit **UPC 63654123** SAVE $3.00
Tampax Compak Pearl Product *Any One* **UPC 63941308** SAVE $1.00
Tampax Pearl Product *Any One* **UPC 63939978** SAVE $1.00
Tide Laundry Detergent *Any One* **UPC 63652361** SAVE $1.00
Tide Stain Release **UPC 63644799** SAVE $1.00
Tide Stain Release **UPC 63652433** SAVE $2.00
Tide To Go Stain Remover **UPC 63647815** SAVE $0.50
Tums *Any One 60, 72, 100, 150 or 160ct* **UPC 83827655** SAVE $1.00
Tums *Any One 60, 72, 100, 150 or 160ct* **UPC 83828049** SAVE $0.50
Tylenol Back Pain Relief **UPC 04381206** SAVE $3.00
Tylenol Children's And Infants' Pain Reliever **UPC 04381307** SAVE $1.50
Tylenol Infants' or Children's Product *Any One* **UPC 04383752** SAVE $1.50
Tylenol Muscle Aches & Body Pain *72's and 100's only* **UPC 04383521** SAVE $2.00
Tylenol Products *Buy Any Two (2)* *Ask for details* **UPC 04381219** SAVE $4.00
Ultra Downy Fabric Softener *Any One* **UPC 63648993** SAVE $0.75
Vicks Custom Care *Any Product* **UPC 63747111** Save $2.00
Vim Cream *500 ml or 750 ml* **UPC 89288006** SAVE $1.00
Y (In Alpha. Order) - LIST COMING SOON! I have all coupons just ask if your looking for something specific.
P&G Brandsaver (In Alpha. Order) - LIST COMING SOON! I have all coupons just ask if your looking for something specific.
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Fri, Jul 23rd, 2010 at 11:14 PM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
Wed, Apr 28th, 2010, 02:28 PM #15
Food (In Alpha. Order)
Arctic Gardens *Any Frozen Product* **UPC 8020096** ~SAVE $0.50~ - Aug 31/10
Arctic Gardens *Any Frozen Product* **UPC 8020090** ~SAVE $1.00~ - Aug 31/10
Health & Beauty (In Alpha. Order)
Gillette Body Wash *Any One* **UPC 66006754** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Aug 7/10
Gillette Body Wash *Any One* **UPC 66007568** ~SAVE $2.00~ - Ask for expiry date
Last edited by ĉąŃ@Ðĺ@Ň ĉЋįċҜ; Sun, Jul 18th, 2010 at 03:46 PM.
LF: $1 2 2L Pepsi,$1 Sunlight Dish Soap,$ Pampers Diapers,$1 Cars Snacks,$2 Irish Spring ...Please PM me if you have any for trade.Sign up to Listia to get free stuff with points earned, (Pampers GTG,Huggies ETR,Stouffer's & Much More!) Click Here to sign up.
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