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  1. #46
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    I am almost finished the list. I have been updating it as far as up to today's PMs. I promise I will post it tomorrow. Sorry guys, but I am exhausted right now. Babies can really kick your butt.
    Last edited by AmberLab; Sun, Jun 13th, 2010 at 08:47 PM.

  2. #47
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    rest up lady!

  3. #48
    Canadian Guru Woofy's Avatar
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    Hmm... How about we live and let live?

    I read just the homepage of thetick's blog, and was quite amused at the effort she spent in tracking and reposting all the PMs she has onto her blog. All for $40! Wow! You may not have outright written that you disliked SC on your blog, but your readers sure can assume, as the posts does imply so...

    And as much as you have the right to post your opinion on SC and on your blog, so does Bub. Telling her that she should learn how to read, when she is just stating her opinion to me is a personal attack, and is of great distaste.

    I see the gifts promised as a bonus, if it doesn't come on time, it doesn't matter to me. Yes, you can say it's all about principles. When something is promised to you, it should be delivered. But guess what, there are times when situations and circumstances just doesn't make it possible for "promises" to be delivered. So, it's good to just be more flexible.

    You know what... Amber and Boo, strike me off the list.

    I know I did send Amber a couple of PMs when I reach my post count to get my giftcards, but I would like to donate the giftcards back to SmartCanucks as an appreciation for all the hard work you guys have put in to maintain this forum.
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  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsjustmebub View Post
    Thanks for your opinion. I can read quite well.
    Wow Bubs your as famous as me now, you made it on the hate mongering blog as well! When you learn how to read you should check it out.

    I can't believe how hurtful this person has decided to be, everything twisted in her favour of course. Really sad. It steams me so much but in the same sense I cant help but feel this person must be very disturbed.

    Bubs is one of the nicest peoples on Sc none of us are minions.

  5. #50
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    ooooh did I get honorable mention? gee - that's shocking LOL ...
    I think I'll pass. I have better things to do with my life, and I know I'm awesome

    and ps. thanks sally i heart you guys too
    Last edited by itsjustmebub; Mon, Jun 14th, 2010 at 08:34 AM.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsjustmebub View Post
    ooooh did I get honorable mention? gee - that's shocking LOL ...
    I think I'll pass. I have better things to do with my life, and I know I'm awesome

    and ps. thanks sally i heart you guys too
    And just because you edited this post for whatever reason youll get an honourable mention for that too.

    Happy Monday Bubalicious.

  7. #52
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  8. #53
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    UPDATE: The Gifts List is now published, in Boo's very first post in this thread.
    Last edited by AmberLab; Mon, Jun 14th, 2010 at 02:35 PM.

  9. #54
    Canadian Guru Woofy's Avatar
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    Hey, AmberLab.

    Congrats on your new baby! When is your baby due?

    I meant it when I say I am giving back the giftcards to SC, so please take my name off the giftcards list.

    I would love to have the SC magnet though.

    Take it easy, and take care.
    At the right time, a kind word from a stranger, or encouragement from a friend, can make all the difference in the world. Kindness is free, but it's priceless. ~ Doe Zantamata

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  10. #55
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    this site is just awesome and some great people are on it thanks boo, and amberlab and whomever else , no rush things in life takeover sometimes , patience is a virture im told

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberLab View Post
    UPDATE: The Gifts List is now published, in Boo's very first post in this thread.
    Thanks AmberLab & Boo for the update
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  12. #57
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by itsjustmebub View Post
    your can update your blog - but really - honestly who blogs about how much they hate SC and how much SC sucks and then posts a link to their blog in their signature ...
    my word.

    Glad you got your $.
    I am "biting my tongue" so much right now it's ridiculous.

    And to NSAngel I say - tick's post was 100% in bad taste asking Boo if he was just BSing again. Frustrated or not - Rude is Rude.
    sorry you disagree. and to whoever said that cashback was a gift, is incorrect. it was an incentive to purchase a product from a particular company thru sc, where boo gave us back a portion of the profits. he made money from those companies. a gift is something freely given and nothing is expected in return.

    and fyi, yes this is my last post. the whole issue was resolved, tick rec'd her funds, and u ppl are still going on. killing the whole connected feeling sc once shared.


    will you be my friend? please?

  13. #58
    Community Menace itsjustmebub's Avatar
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    yep sure thing!!

  14. #59
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Thank you for updating the list of who is still owed something.

    Perhaps if cooler heads can prevail & a clear open line of communication be kept up, then hurt feelings would not arise.

    Personally, I come onto SC because I've found a group of lovely, kind, intelligent individuals I enjoy speaking with. I've been lucky enough to forge friendships with many of them, some of whom I meet with regularly in person, some of whom I chat with on a daily basis. I try to help out where I can, I update lists (ok, so I have a bit of ocd when it comes to list-keeping) of coupons & flyers & winning words for radio stations, not because I have to or am receiving some sort of financial incentive, but because I feel I should give back for the friendships I've formed thanks to this site.

    I do feel that it is imperative to fix the issues involved with those who used the cashback feature & were never resolved. For those who feel that it's only a few dollars & that it shouldn't matter, why then are vitriolic posts about cashiers who refuse coupons or issues with points (AM, SDM) not being correctly applied allowed or even encouraged?

    I sincerely hope that this issue can be resolved as quickly as possible & that we can all live in harmony once again.

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  15. #60
    Vixen improperganda's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting this!!!!!!!

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