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Thread: Everything GLUTEN FREE foods thread!

  1. #406
    Know what matters...
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    Can't help re wraps

    Yes, most of the GF breads are small. Even most of the GF bread recipes produce smallish loaves.

    I haven't tried the Udi's bread but I've tried their bagels. It doesn't taste anything like a bagel - I imagine it tastes just like the bread, which I've heard good things about. But it did the trick when I was looking for something so I could make smoked salmon and cream cheese on a bagel. Working on making my own GF bagels.

    I've bought about 5 different brands of GF breads: Cannelle (the plain/white one) - absolutely tasteless; Rudi's (white) not much taste; Silver Hills Chia Chia bread - I like this one, but the slices are tiny and the bread is expensive. If you ever do cross-border shopping and have access to these stores, the 2 best ones that I tried I bought in the US. They don't come frozen but they do freeze well - and the slices are a bit bigger. One is the Aldi's brand (although it has seeds which I don't like in bread), the other is Trader Joe's brand - they make a white one and a whole grain one, which is my favorite and has very good reviews. These days I make my own GF bread but the TJ's brown one is the one I would keep as a back up in my freezer


    Quote Originally Posted by 1_love View Post
    I tried the Udi's Gluten Free whole grain bread for the first time today, it was pretty good. I toasted it and it was still soft and fluffy like normal bread. I was surprised how small the bread slices are though. Is this common with all pre-packaged gluten free bread? I see a lot of tips for making your own bread in this thread, but does anyone have any suggestions for other frozen bread I can purchase that they like? Would like to give some other kinds a shot without wasting too much $$!

    I'd also appreciate some suggestions for wraps, I tried Udi's gluten free wraps and that did not work out, even when heating them up first they still crack when you try to roll them up with fillings inside.
    Last edited by Silk; Thu, Aug 4th, 2016 at 03:14 AM.
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  2. #407
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    thanks so much Silk! you're advice is very helpful. Next time I go to the US I'm definitely buying some whole grain Trader Joes bread to try!

    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    Can't help re wraps

    Yes, most of the GF breads are small. Even most of the GF bread recipes produce smallish loaves.

    I haven't tried the Udi's bread but I've tried their bagels. It doesn't taste anything like a bagel - I imagine it tastes just like the bread, which I've heard good things about. But it did the trick when I was looking for something so I could make smoked salmon and cream cheese on a bagel. Working on making my own GF bagels.

    I've bought about 5 different brands of GF breads: Cannelle (the plain/white one) - absolutely tasteless; Rudi's (white) not much taste; Silver Hills Chia Chia bread - I like this one, but the slices are tiny and the bread is expensive. If you ever do cross-border shopping and have access to these stores, the 2 best ones that I tried I bought in the US. They don't come frozen but they do freeze well - and the slices are a bit bigger. One is the Aldi's brand (although it has seeds which I don't like in bread), the other is Trader Joe's brand - they make a white one and a whole grain one, which is my favorite and has very good reviews. These days I make my own GF bread but the TJ's brown one is the one I would keep as a back up in my freezer

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  3. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1_love View Post
    thanks so much Silk! you're advice is very helpful. Next time I go to the US I'm definitely buying some whole grain Trader Joes bread to try!

    You're welcome, 1_love I hope you'll like it.

    I just remembered I found a site a while ago that did a top 10 list re: GF bread. Did a search and found it again - posting the link below. Btw, Udi's was #1. And heard good things about the #2 on the list but haven't been about to find it in my area.

    If you try/find others you like or don't like, please let us know!

    Now I'm thinking I need to try Udi's

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  4. #409
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    I have since found these wraps. They are amazing and local to me, BUT $$$$$$$.

    I don't like Udi's. I find the slices small and the crust tough further decreasing the size of the slice. We like Glutino breads which don't have good reviews on the link Silk shared. The size is still modest, but the crust is good. Compliments and Kinnikinick are brands we will substitute depending on sales. Nothing beats home baked. We also support our local GF bakery and make our own.
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    "There are more important things--friendship and bravery...."
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  5. #410
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granger View Post
    I have since found these wraps. They are amazing and local to me, BUT $$$$$$$.

    I don't like Udi's. I find the slices small and the crust tough further decreasing the size of the slice. We like Glutino breads which don't have good reviews on the link Silk shared. The size is still modest, but the crust is good. Compliments and Kinnikinick are brands we will substitute depending on sales. Nothing beats home baked. We also support our local GF bakery and make our own.
    Sigh - wrote a longish replay but somehow it disappeared...

    Thanks for the info on the Compliments and Kinnikinick brands.

    And agree - nothing has matched my homemade GF bread so far


  6. #411
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    Not a subject I'm interested in but at my local Coop they have envelopes with an assortment of gluten free coupons. They are at Customer Service.
    Hanes Hummus $1.50
    Robin Hood Quick Breads $1.00
    Daiya cheese $1
    OnlyOats $1
    Summer Fresh hummus $1
    VH pouches wub2 $1
    $1 Breton crackers $1
    Catelli pasta $1
    Enjoy Life products $1.50
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  7. #412
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    ^ Thanks, Cake. Worth checking out if anyone has a co-op nearby.

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  8. #413
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    I just LOVE these!!

    They are just so dang expensive though so it is few and far between for purchasing them. They toast well and hold my poached eggs perfect....scrumptious!
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  9. #414
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    ^^^we get those too. Great for EVERYTHING, hamburger, mini pizzas...
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  10. #415
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  11. #416
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    I recently tried the Udi's GF white bread. I like it and would buy it again. It's better than their bagels, which I would not buy again. I know Granger did not care for it. I bought mine in the US - I'm assuming the recipe is the same as here in Canada but I'm not sure. p.s. I have only eaten it toasted.


    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    You're welcome, 1_love I hope you'll like it.

    I just remembered I found a site a while ago that did a top 10 list re: GF bread. Did a search and found it again - posting the link below. Btw, Udi's was #1. And heard good things about the #2 on the list but haven't been about to find it in my area.

    If you try/find others you like or don't like, please let us know!

    Now I'm thinking I need to try Udi's

    Quote Originally Posted by Granger View Post
    I have since found these wraps. They are amazing and local to me, BUT $$$$$$$.

    I don't like Udi's. I find the slices small and the crust tough further decreasing the size of the slice. We like Glutino breads which don't have good reviews on the link Silk shared. The size is still modest, but the crust is good. Compliments and Kinnikinick are brands we will substitute depending on sales. Nothing beats home baked. We also support our local GF bakery and make our own.
    Last edited by Silk; Wed, Jan 4th, 2017 at 08:44 PM.
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  12. #417
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    28 pages... Great read with a pot of tea on a Saturday morning! I was diagnosed with Celiac last week and am finding the world a bit overwhelming right now...

    I am wondering if there is a thread, or if anyone can tell me some "Stock up prices" for Gluten free items? For example, looking thru my flyers this week Barilla Gluten Free Pasta is 3/5$ (340g), breaking it down to 204g for 1$. (WAY more expensive then the 900g I usually get of regular pasta for 1$!). Last week I bought 1kg of TruRoots Ancient Grains GF Pasta that was on sale at Costco for 7.99, making it 125g for 1$... Does that mean the Barilla is a Super Good deal and I should be buying several boxes to stock my pantry for 3 months? Is it edible or crap? Is there a big difference between the pastas?

    I've been making homemade bread for years and just splurged and redeemed a bunch of PC points to get various GF flours and baking ingredients to make GF bread at home... I bought a premade GF loaf that was tiny and tasted like cardboard that was on sale for 3.99... Whats the most you pay for a loaf of bread in the store? Its got to be more cost effective (and yummy!) to make at home with Rice/almond/tapioca/potato flour, but what is a "Stock Up the freezer" price for those that don't bake?

    And how concerned are you about cross contamination at home with your other family members? Do I need different pans & toaster or will a reusable toaster bag from amazon be sufficient?

    I'm probably going to be posting a lot over the next bit, and thank you all in advance for your feedback!
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    Keep Smiling!
    Super Mel

  13. #418
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    @Super Mel Hi, I am Granger, my DD#1 who is 6 has been living with Celiac for 5 years.

    Barilla is my favourite GF pasta for tasting like regular. We don't buy spaghetti though because it often breaks or crumbles. Anything thicker is fine. A good deal for GF pasta in Ontario is $1.99 so 3 for $5 is great. I also like Compliments Brown Rice Pasta, regular price $2.29 as a no sales available/healthier grain option.

    Bread is just so expensive, I never stock up the freezer. Glutino is our favourite, regular price is $6.49 since DD is the only one who eats it, I will pay full price if I have to. Sale price is usually $5.49. We like a local bakery as well and their pricing is similar. Sometimes bread mixes will go on sale or be on clearance for $2.99 or less. Then I will stock 4 and bake. While I like to bake, I find I don't have the time.

    Out kitchen is gluten-safe. We have a designated gluten-free zone. We do not use any airborne gluten ingredients (like flours). We have small shelf in the fridge, freezer and pantry dedicated to gluten items. For simplicity sake, the rest is GF. So separate, bread, crackers, butter, peanuts butter. That is it. That is for cost. Most pasta and all baking I do are GF. We have a GF toaster oven, but also use the bags and they work just fine. We have separate cutting boards for breads and pizza, separate pizza pans. Our pots and pans we clean and use parchment paper.

    Hope this helps. My DD goes for her yearly bloodwork tomorrow. I will let you know if we make any changes once we get results, but so far, so good.
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  14. #419
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    My latest find at Food Basics Irresistibles GF Pancake Mix reg. price $2.49. With two scoops of ground flax added, nicest pancakes we have had in a while!
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  15. #420
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    thank you for sharing!

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