Hi everyone,

For SC members that have been on the site for a while, you'll probably (maybe) recognize me, but for those that are new, I just wanted to re-introduce myself.

My name is Stephanie and I run a beauty blog called Cinnamon Kitten. I used to be quite active here on SC, and even contributed the beauty deals on the main SC blog, but as usual, life got in the way and my involvement with SC dropped off. I'm hoping to come back and become a valued member again so just wanted to say hi again.

My blog focuses on beauty, cosmetics, skin care and hair care. Generally, I post about new product announcements, product reviews and upcoming deals and promotions. The whole point of the blog is to help my fellow beauty product addicts make informed and money-saving purchases.

Blog: http://cinnamonkitten.blogspot.com

With over 300 visitors a day and lots of contacts in the beauty industry, I generally try to stay on top of the best deals and also have contests & giveaways.

Hope to get to know some of you better and hope to see you on my own blog once in awhile!
