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  1. #16741
    CaNewbie amthomp25's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the new words. I have been gone today getting groceries and other household items. Then I had to come home put all the stuff away and tackle homework with the 7 yr old. She had told my dad (the babysitter) she had no homework other than her math sheet. So I had to sit her down and make her go over 40 some words for an up coming spelling bee.

    I am wore slam out. We walked all over Sam's and also Wal Mart. I am trying to catch up on some pc time before going to bed. Hope everyone has had a great day. I tried reading all the post but my eyes are so tired..maybe I will have a chance to read them tomorrow.

  2. #16742
    CaNewbie amthomp25's Avatar
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    I got a reply to the email I sent them asking about the words coast, money and clothespin. As most of you said they want links to where the words were found so they can add them back on the list. I have no clue where they came from so if anyone happens to run across the links to these words please let me know. Everytime I enter these words I get invalid but I am still seeing others getting credit for them.

  3. #16743
    CEDAR CHOICE FARM tammy8701's Avatar
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    thanks for the new words

  4. #16744
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Yippee!!!! I think I figured out the multiple quote thingy. Now, if I could only figure out how to change my avatar & add a siggie like before.

    Quote Originally Posted by roseofblack25 View Post
    On My Own - Les Miserable...I have a crappy version I downloaded from youtube to get the jist of it but its not very great I can sight read better then they can play it LOL so havent really heard a good version of it...
    idk if it will be that scary...I think I have it down ok just hoping whoever plays it can actually play it right but it doesnt look too difficult to play so all should be hoping my sister gets the keyboard she wants and then I am teaching myself how to play LOL then I wont have to worry about stuff like this I could play it myself...
    Break a leg. I love that song - my favourite from Les Miz, it`s one of my favourite musicals - second only to Aspects of Love (hate the story, love the music).

    My most watched musical was Threepenny Opera (down near where I live). I got to see it 19 times (I was helping out by handing out programs & got to stay). If you want something for a lower tone & slightly off-beat, try Pirate Jenny.

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    thanks guys. he passed away same day blair got hit. oh and the thing i wanted to tell you when ryan wasn't around, blair thinks he has another aneurysm in the vein in the inside of his leg ;( has dr appt next week.
    Hopefully he's ok. Aneurysms are not pleasant (one of the few things I haven't had to deal with). How are you holding up?

    Quote Originally Posted by smb127 View Post
    Oh and onther thing. I have cake - you can all have a piece!!
    Happy belated Birthday! Enjoy your b-day meal!

    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    My son is fine. He and matt went 8 miles through the woods. Finally found a house and the wonderful man brought them home to me. I called 911 at around 4 yesterday and it was 5 they they were shot at. I called again panicing I told them what was going on and they said MADAM SOME ONE IS ON THERE WAY. I was worried about my father cuase he works two hours away and has a stroke before and the cop got here after 6 pm. Was very unhelpful and the rescue squad couldnt enter the woods because of the shooting. So they sounded sirens and the boys called my sis and she told them go toward the sirens. But it was going back toward the shooter so they continued north because they saw pole lights. I felt utterly helpless. I couldnt protect my son. I didnt know for an hour if he was shot or not. It was horrible. TY for all your prayers. I know it helped.
    Thank heavens they are ok. Don`t know anything about hunting (I`m a city girl), but sheesh, that`s scary.

    Quote Originally Posted by curls View Post
    Lol the way i figured i should get the points, but couldn't "win". plus my SIL lives down south, so i figured if i did by some miracle win, she could get the prize...
    Please post the url for the Fisher Price contest - so we can send you happy comments.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aphena View Post
    TY love.

    Did anyone see this...

    Add CommentPlease be kind to each other.

    LOL. I am sorry. LMAO. Well apparently they are attempting to get rid of the numb nuts... HURRAY!!!
    That`s far too vague. Some folks like to be insulted. & others wouldn't know a compliment from a contaminent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trebleclef View Post
    Lol, I wish we lived closer together. I love the music school idea! I actually thought about doing that at one point years ago, but a full time job came along and those plans were put aside.
    Have you thought of doing something online? Between Skype & YouTube, there are lots of ways to do virtual schools on a budget. Not the same as hands-on, but it could be fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    Someone was "adding" to the wiki again. No idea who, or why, but they put the words in the wrong places, and all wierd. I'm NOT happy. I'm tired of complaining about it though, so I am just saving it every time I add to it, and from now on before I even edit it I am going to just cut and paste what I did before, so it won't stress me out when I see lots of new stuff stuck on there that I didn't do... LOL

    I'm off to eat an entire bag of Andes mints... I love those things so much, and I bought my pregnant self a bag of them... and I'm EATING THEM ALL! hehehehe

    Do you want me to send my roommate over to beat them up (the short, feline one)? Right now he's in the cathouse, er, doghouse, because he woke me up at 5am. My friend gave me a beautiful handmade card with dried flowers on it, which a certain individual decided would make a good snack. Are all males this, er, difficult?

    Quote Originally Posted by xbbx View Post
    tolberone? hmm i wanna go out and get some lol, but i have my Ferrror Rochers to eat.
    thanks for the words =D
    Ferrerro Rocher, Andes, it too early to eat chocolate????? I have some Ghiradelli I've been saving for a special occasion. Course, there's no time like the present.

    Thanks everyone for all the words. I miss rep, hope it comes back soon.

    And have a great day, even if it is dark & miserable & rainy.

  5. #16745
    Must clean ears!! smb127's Avatar
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    Thanks for the wishes Andit.

    Yes all males are difficult. I have to laugh though, I had a cat that would eat roses when I got them and he was male. My girls don't eat flowers, but I have caught them smelling them.

    Seek - OMG - I would have been $hitting myselfe. I am glad to hear the boys are OK. We have a lot of hunters out were I am too. I usually wake up to gun shots on the weekends, but they stay far in the woods. (At least I hope they do)

    Thanks for the words everyone. I so want my rep button back!! But maybe Boo is going to give us those dimonds and rubies and saphires oh my!

    I must get to work now. Later.

  6. #16746
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    SPICE 450 11/14/08 Chef momTOAST 450 11/14/08. Singles and dating

  7. #16747
    Smart Canuck RTlady's Avatar
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    and a GOOD MORNING all...

    Thank you for the words wonderful people!
    'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'

  8. #16748
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Just got up. GM all

    Pssst. Andit that is why I was laughing...However it is an attempt.

    NS so sorry. Pours for you too huh?

    and again... for LOLCAT

    Touch the Wiki and you have people on here ready to beat you up! Stay off your fing it up.

  9. #16749
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    morning everyone and thanks for the new words

  10. #16750
    Junior Canuck jodew71's Avatar
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    the rest of the 250's

  11. #16751
    Smart Canuck babygonnermann's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the new words everyone!! - the premiere digital dollar. Earn SwagBucks to redeem for great prizes. are available here! - I have redeemed for $6 into my PayPal account in just under two weeks. You can too with this awesome PTC site!

  12. #16752
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the new words

  13. #16753
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jodew71 View Post
    the rest of the 250's
    where do people find the rest of the 250's?

  14. #16754
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    g-mornin everyone
    thank you so much for the new words
    going in to town today
    hope everyone has a wonderful day

    Life is Good

  15. #16755
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    New word from the newsletter this morning


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