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Thread: Points And Prizes - Sheknows
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 08:02 AM #18376
Winter hunt contest starts today!!!!!!!!
Hopefully a winfall of new words coming I'm going to start looking
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 08:08 AM #18377
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Morning all.
Thanks for the words.
So while I was off they replaced my CPU at work. Now I have to go and fix everything and I lost all my bookmarks. GRRR the worst part is I am moving offices in about 2 weeks and willhave to go though everything again.
Took me a few mins to figur out what was wrong with the site. I couldn't post or give rep, well I wasn't signed in amy more. I just hope I can remember all my passwords for the other site I go to.
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Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 08:32 AM #18378
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Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 08:39 AM #18379
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Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 08:59 AM #18380
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a 15 pt word? that's weird. some of nov words are still working, so if your not caught up (like me) get busy!
walmart should charge the people that did this. they should be so ashamed of themselves and be held accountable. i hope the families don't hold walmart responsible. they just put on the sale, it's up to each individual to act responsibly.
that is one reason why i will NOT shop during crowds. people become such ignorant jacka$$e$ and don't care about anyone. lots of xmas spirit there! i wonder if these ppl still got their purchases while ambulances are showing up etc etc etc. I don't know how walmart handled it, but i would have immediately closed the store down, and thrown everyone out, and kept it closed for a full day out of respect.
o great. i'm starting my week of in a pissy mood. THANKS INGORANT XMAS SHOPPERS. thanks for spreading the true meaning of xmas
and i was gonna decorate the window today.
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 09:02 AM #18381
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Morning, I am to tired to be up, have been up since 6 you think when a person is tired they could sleep.
Gonna try the getting some shopping done, maybe wait till least no crowds then now that they are open 24 hr, reason I dont shop on boxing day or anything, people go crazy when they see sales...
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 09:19 AM #18382
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well, hubby seen that they sell mastercard g/c's at sdm, so i'm just going to buy one of those and do online shopping next time!
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 09:50 AM #18383
thanks for the words
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 10:05 AM #18384
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I got a dilema. trying to paint an xmas design on my window. i usually do cartoon characters, but ryan has nothing i can go by! ugh, and i've been trying all morning to draw freehand from images on the computer, an dit just does not look like who it's supposed to!
i need a pic that i can take downstairs to go by while i'm doing the window..and my printer is broke.
wanted to do garfield and arlene under mistle toe..or lady and the tramp, but tramp is hard to do, gonna see if i have a book here..
might end up doing the grinch in a wreath. only fricking book i can find!
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 10:39 AM #18385
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NS - I can't even draw a striaght line with a ruler, so you are doing better than me. LOL
I hate shopping at the best of times, so I try to stay out of the stares at this time of the year. That is on reason I try to do my shopping before November.
I have a few small things to pick up and then all I have to do is wrap. That is my task for this week while the kids are at their fathers.
OK i have to do some work now I have 37 emails in the work mailbox and the Team leader is not coming in today. GRRR no one looked in the mail box for the 2 days I was gone.
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Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 10:51 AM #18386
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As for the Walmart incident they are not charging anyone because it was in the masses and they would not know who to charge as the people who fell on him were pushed by the ones behind them like a stampede. I do however think this is a call for the gov't officials or police to make retailers stop this crazy black Friday. People are racing in for those 5 items in the store they put super cheap and that is just insane. Make it online only or something to avoid this. There was also a pregnant woman out there injured and I just wonder what it will take for this to be stopped.
The worst part I heard about the Walmart thing was an interview where this woman said as they announced on the PA system that an employee has been killed by a stampede everyone must leave, people started fighting authorities saying I have been in line all night and day. Gimme a friggin break the life of this man worth less than that $5 DVD player in your hand?
On another note last month my toaster oven broke down and they had the one I wanted on sale yesterday in door crasher sale at Cdn Tire. Regular $150 down to $65 and with Cdn Tire Dollars I really only spent $30 on it so I am happy. I sent my brother there for me I refuse to do lines but he gets a kick out of it and he waited from 6.45am thinking the store opened at 7 but turns out not on Sunday so he waited til 8.45 when they opened. Either way I am happy. It is big though but it is convection oven, toaster oven and rotisserie
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 10:56 AM #18387
i have been very tired lately. hibernating maybe,waiting for santa? i don't know but i can tell you the circles under my eyes aren't as dark. sleep cures all or at least the bags under my eyes.
thanks for the words all and have a good day
take care and god bless
p.s sleep if you can you will feel a lot better
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 11:42 AM #18388
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thanks everyone for your prayers, very much appreciated.
Let us know how you make out rose, glad to read your mom is feeling better and is back home.
my cat and 2 of my dogs are great hunters for mice and moles. The other 2 dogs will let you know there is something there, but won't catch it. My cat also kills snakes. The dogs will bark at one, but not go near it, then the cat moves in. I never had a cat that did this. We have tons of those garter snakes and he has killed some really large ones. The only bad thing the cat does is that he catches chipmunks and brings them live into the house them lets them go. I have become quite good at catching them and letting them go outside. Not sure if it is the same one he keeps bring in though. little bugger
(((((bigs huggers for all who needs them))))
Thanks for all the words.
Wonder why they just opened the doors and let them rush in? Why didn't they only allow a few in at a time. Or at least only allow a single file in?? I think the store should be held accountable, this tragedy could have been prevented as far as I'm concerned.
Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 11:44 AM #18389
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Mon, Dec 1st, 2008, 12:57 PM #18390
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hey if they did look in the inbox, they mighta found your slippers. TSK TSK!
ty, i got garfield and arlene done in the window, the snow is done. i have a holly boarder to go around, and of course some mistletoe left to hang over top. am enlisting help of dh (dear) and ds to help do background. i know i'm going to run out of patience. it's an all day job. if you rush it, you lose the creativity, and comes out like crap.
is that the DB who is battling depression? if so maybe he found a cure...
i though of that too. but if it's those big sliding door thingys or maybe the person opening the door din't have a chance, sounded like they just stormed the place. pretty sad tho. other than not putting stuff on super cheap, not sure what they should have/could have done differently. and the part about them not giving a damn about the poor man and woman, just making sure they got what they came for. ya know where i hope they rot.
i hope you don't either!
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