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  1. #18541
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    Sounds like an awesome Vegas trip but what happened in Vegas I wanna know...none of that keeping it a did you guys meet anyone?
    Define `meet anyone`? Are you talking about a famous face or a romantic tryst?

    No one famous was around - they were most likely in the nightclubs that we were too tired to go to.

    As for romance...there was this one cab driver who tried to flirt. He pointed out a billboard advertizing cheap divorces. I was about to say that`s a shame but what can you expect when folks are on vacation in an adult playground, most likely not sober. That`s when he informed me that he`d been divorced 3 times. Talk about a conversation stopper.

    A couple of the yummy boys insisted on shaking hands (yes, only hands, get your minds out of the gutter) at the strip show. Of course, that gave us a lovely view of their, um, muscles. And given the fact they only wore a teeny tiny piece of cloth, we had a lovely view of their well defined muscles.

    The funniest thing was when we got tickets to the Vegas review Jubilee. We chose the early show so we could have time to see the sights at night. That`s when we were informed that that was the family show. We had visions of being overrun with kids. Apparently `family show` refers to the girls not being topless. That didn`t make a bit of difference to us...especially since the boys, the really yummy boys in the Samson routine, were topless and would have been bottomless if it weren`t for that teeny tiny bit of cloth.

    And, trust me, my life's too boring to keep anything a secret.

  2. #18542
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the words everyone repped where I could.

    Ns beautiful work on the window your definitely extremely talented lol I also do a horrible stick figure which is really frustrating as both my grandparents painted my grandpa was extremely good and my mother painted and did charcoals that were excellent. Both of my kids also are awesome at drawing. So lol I was rather left out but did have the musical talent in the family so guess that made up for it. Hope you get to feeling better soon NS and anyone else not feeling well also.

    PF very strange but if she wanted to communicate that would be something that would let you all know it was her I guess. My mother also spoke to me about 5 yrs after she passed away. I was extremely sick at the time for a couple weeks I'd had to sit up to sleep had been having horrible chest pain. My dr told me it was pleurisy then called me back several days later to say it was pneumonia. I felt like I was going to die felt so bad I kept going back in to see him and he just kept telling me it takes time. One night as I'm sitting at my computer I heard my mom clearly say to me "Kim you have to go back to the dr and make him listen to you. Tell him you have to go to the hospital right away." It was so wonderful hearing her voice I used to hear her voice a lot and seemed like she always called not long after, so when she died I hated that I no longer heard her ever. Well I went to the dr the next morning and begged him to put me in the hospital which he did all the while asking me if I'm sure several times, lol told him believe me I'm positive this is what I need to do. Dam Cigna drs try to never cost the insurance company money. Got there and they did some tests and found I had a pulmonary embolism with infarct (a blood clot in my lung). The cardiologist that took a look at my valves and things in my heart said it should of killed me instantly lol he actually met me and said I have to give you a hug lmao I was okayyy, he said I was a miracle. Thats my one spooky story although it didn't spook me it made me feel good to know mom was still with me.

  3. #18543
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Define `meet anyone`? Are you talking about a famous face or a romantic tryst?

    No one famous was around - they were most likely in the nightclubs that we were too tired to go to.

    As for romance...there was this one cab driver who tried to flirt. He pointed out a billboard advertizing cheap divorces. I was about to say that`s a shame but what can you expect when folks are on vacation in an adult playground, most likely not sober. That`s when he informed me that he`d been divorced 3 times. Talk about a conversation stopper.

    A couple of the yummy boys insisted on shaking hands (yes, only hands, get your minds out of the gutter) at the strip show. Of course, that gave us a lovely view of their, um, muscles. And given the fact they only wore a teeny tiny piece of cloth, we had a lovely view of their well defined muscles.

    The funniest thing was when we got tickets to the Vegas review Jubilee. We chose the early show so we could have time to see the sights at night. That`s when we were informed that that was the family show. We had visions of being overrun with kids. Apparently `family show` refers to the girls not being topless. That didn`t make a bit of difference to us...especially since the boys, the really yummy boys in the Samson routine, were topless and would have been bottomless if it weren`t for that teeny tiny bit of cloth.

    And, trust me, my life's too boring to keep anything a secret.
    lmao Andit it all sounds wonderful and drooling here just thinking of the views you had!!! roflmao what a way to try to flirt huh, yeah I been married 3 times lmao like that is a what, good thing??? What an idiot lol don't imagine he gets many dates with those kinda lines. Sounds like so much fun I'd love to go with a group of friends lmao forget taking DH he's a killjoy.

  4. #18544
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    Ok I see we have 5 guests - please sign up and join us in here - we are a fun bunch of people

  5. #18545
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    NS--awesome job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #18546
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    NS - amazing job! You certainly are talented.

    PF - spooky story, spooky but also sorta comforting.

    Thanks everyone for the words - been giving rep where I can.

    Leftie - Do you think my stories are keeping the lurkers in hiding?

    There was one show in Vegas I had wanted to see, but we ran out of time. It was called `Bite`and had dance and cirque-style acrobatics. As the name implies, it involved a group of vampires. That`s the problem with vacations, they`re never long enough. Guess I'll have to save my pennies & go back. Maybe in another 20 years.

  7. #18547
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    *** borrowed***
    Freeze for 5 points - expiration date unknown

  8. #18548
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Define `meet anyone`? Are you talking about a famous face or a romantic tryst?

    A couple of the yummy boys insisted on shaking hands (yes, only hands, get your minds out of the gutter) at the strip show. Of course, that gave us a lovely view of their, um, muscles. And given the fact they only wore a teeny tiny piece of cloth, we had a lovely view of their well defined muscles.

    The funniest thing was when we got tickets to the Vegas review Jubilee. We chose the early show so we could have time to see the sights at night. That`s when we were informed that that was the family show. We had visions of being overrun with kids. Apparently `family show` refers to the girls not being topless. That didn`t make a bit of difference to us...especially since the boys, the really yummy boys in the Samson routine, were topless and would have been bottomless if it weren`t for that teeny tiny bit of cloth.
    Any pop a woody? I mean how do you knwo if they are growers or showers?

  9. #18549
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    thanks for words..great pic NS

    so go to docs for daughter and still dont get xray..just re-wrapped and am going thursday morn...pain in the butt!!

  10. #18550
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    quick question..does anyone know where i can get a free security program for computer..i have norton 360 but it expires in a week and I cant afford to buy another at the moment, especially after tires and for anyhelp
    We use AVG too... Sorry to hear about daughter.

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post

    okay, it's blurry, cause it's now dark out. might be able to get a better photo on sunday when dh is actually home during the sun hours. lol. well, there's a bow at the top and a holly boarder going around. the lines in the back are my baswood mini blinds. did not paint the background this time, did not have the patience!

    You can come paint at my house anytime.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    NS - amazing job! You certainly are talented.

    PF - spooky story, spooky but also sorta comforting.

    Thanks everyone for the words - been giving rep where I can.

    Leftie - Do you think my stories are keeping the lurkers in hiding?

    There was one show in Vegas I had wanted to see, but we ran out of time. It was called `Bite`and had dance and cirque-style acrobatics. As the name implies, it involved a group of vampires. That`s the problem with vacations, they`re never long enough. Guess I'll have to save my pennies & go back. Maybe in another 20 years.
    Glad you have fun in vegas.

    Thanks for all the new words.
    Ball of fluff with the beautiful eyes cuddled all night with me ... He needs to learn to cut back on his PURRING..LOL Loud little guy.

  11. #18551
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    Wow....points and prizes are reallly getting stingy with the points hunt offers only 5 to 100 pt words.

  12. #18552
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    Harley - glad to hear your new baby is getting all settled in

  13. #18553
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Hey guys I have to go start dinner. Son had testing today. Then we just put the tree up still have to decorate it..OMG here's a good laugh for ya. Son and I decided we would set the tree up. Well it took us about 2 hours..LMAO we put the middle in first, figured out we screwed up then put the bottom in upside down. Finally got it done then took for ever to figure out the lights (tree is pre lite). All that's left to do is decorate it & hang the stocking..We will do that tomorrow.. We were suppose to do tree on Sunday but hubby & I went hiking. Found a lady who was lost and lost her 29 year old daughter so we gathered a bunch of people headed out of the canyon in the dark still no daughter. Ended up calling cops & search & rescue. Another couple found the gal 3 hours later brought her back to her car were we took the mom. Cops show up everyone was fine & in good health 29 yr old got rimmed by cops for leaving her 60 yr old mom alone. The 29 year old fell hurt & cut her knee and hand. So thats why tree was done today.

    Off to make tacos.. be back later
    Last edited by Harley Grandma; Tue, Dec 2nd, 2008 at 08:45 PM.

  14. #18554
    Smart Canuck
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    tks fer da words. gave rep to those who i can

  15. #18555
    Smart Canuck firefly's Avatar
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    hunt words from chef mom:
    leftovers...15 pts
    elements...50 pts

    expires 12/31/08

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