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  1. #19906
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kekes View Post
    ok ok THIS IS NOT GOOD ......... I am declaring that it's time for a funny story or a good (clean... Rose!!! lol) joke ROFL .... Im off to find something .....
    what did i miss

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  2. #19907
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    okay, i entered another one. and soon i'm going to enter an nother nother one. so that'll make 4. downvoters have a feast!

    Yay Missy! It's CHRISTMAS!

    the entry you'll probably never see is called:

    I love downvoters. Let me at 'em. YUMM-O!

    (it's shadow as a puppy licking his chops)
    Last edited by NSangel; Mon, Dec 22nd, 2008 at 04:12 PM.

    will you be my friend? please?

  3. #19908
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    omg, my entry was JUST posted, and downvoted already! i never even had a chance to cast mine. brb grabbing links.
    Last edited by NSangel; Mon, Dec 22nd, 2008 at 04:17 PM.

    will you be my friend? please?

  4. #19909
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    'fess up NS we know it is you

    Quote Originally Posted by kekes View Post
    Turkeys! DH and I will be each sending a 5 her way a the next hour!

    Quote Originally Posted by thetick View Post
    me too! Guess someone must really want to win bad and down voting is how they think they will get it? I am just glad no one can leave nasty comments as I know I would not remain civil.

  5. #19910
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    LOL that is funny NS

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  6. #19911
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    awwww such a cute doggie! so voting for him he can munch on the downvoters anytime

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  7. #19912
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    lol thanks rose!

    will you be my friend? please?

  8. #19913
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    I entered another early this morning but it still isn't up

  9. #19914
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    np i know that one will be downvoted a lot LOL cause i doubt the downvoters like to be called out on it

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  10. #19915
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    The brats had their Xmas baths (well, showers unless you count the water in the tub when their hair plugged the strainer) & I'm tired.

    As you can see from the picture, they aren't speaking to me.

    I got it in my head to bake yesterday, since it was an icky day, then spent most of the day looking for ingredients, which led to a disaster in my kitchen. I figured since I emptied the shelves, I should wash them, so they'll be clean, which led to more cleaning, which led to a very sore human. & it didn't help that I had 2 volunteers putting their noses where they don't belong (they both respond to "Get your nose out of there" by taking a step back & staring at me).

    So, I'm finally getting around to making the Toblerone Shortbread, except I ate the Toblerone, so I'm improvising. Won't be as good, but I'm not fussy, nor are the starving artists I'm taking them too.

    Tonight I get to go hunting. My friend is getting worried about the stray kitties she feeds, they haven't shown up since the storm on Friday. Anyone in the GTA want a cute cat?

    Hope everyone is staying warm.

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  11. #19916
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    LOL awwwwwwwwww such a cute pic andit!
    going to go lay down ughhhh am staying in pj's when i go to hospital lol

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  12. #19917
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    Your babies are too funny andit. It is so cute when animals punish you for something. We had a dachshund a few years ago & every time we would go on vacation & board him he would sit at the very back of the yard with his back turned to the house & sulk. He would be like that for a couple of days, guess it was our punishment for leaving him.

  13. #19918
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kekes View Post
    ok ok THIS IS NOT GOOD ......... I am declaring that it's time for a funny story or a good (clean... Rose!!! lol) joke ROFL .... Im off to find something .....
    OK, how about a round of most embarrassing moments? I'll start.

    For my Grade 12 graduation, I had to wear white (I went to an all-girls Catholic school & the rules were weird). Oh, you should also know that from the moment I got my drivers licence, I was always the one driving - somehow everyone else was always nervous of driving downtown (I grew up in the suburbs).

    So, here I am, driving my "date" (classmate from elementary school who lived next door to my friend who asked him to escort me) in my dad's midlife crisis (really cute sportscar, sooo impractical, but cute). We park the car & start walking down the street to the hotel, when a couple passes by us & mumbles something I couldn't make out. As we walk into the hotel, a gentleman who had clearly just come out of the bar & had had 1 too many, grabs my dates hand & starts pumping it enthusiastically. Then he says, "Congratulations."

    I'm wondering how he knows I'm graduating, when he suddenly says, "Good luck on your marriage."

    Well, that set me off. "I did not marry him. I'm not getting married. I'm too young."

    Poor fellow ran off. My date spent the evening talking with my friend's date, while all the girls danced up a storm.

    Then, when I was 19, I took my dad to dinner theater. My mom didn't want to come with us, so she stayed home. When the waiter came over, he hesitated, then addressed me. "Would you care for a drink?" After he got my order, he said, "And your, um, date...."

    "He is not my date, he`s my father!" The poor waiter slunk away, but we did get good service.

    Gee, maybe I've got an issue with dates, huh?

    One last one, then I have to finish mixing the batter. I was on vacation with a friend of mine in Cancun (can't say enough good things about the place). A young fellow, who was a bit of a chauvinist (you know the type) came over & offered to help me carry my suitcase. Well, the twit could barely lift it. So I said, "It's ok, I'll do it myself." & picked up the suitcase & turned & walked away, trying hard not to laugh.

    Got more Kodak moments, if you want em. I'll post more later.

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  14. #19919
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roseofblack25 View Post
    LOL awwwwwwwwww such a cute pic andit!
    going to go lay down ughhhh am staying in pj's when i go to hospital lol
    Rose, get some rest. One thing that might help with a fever is rubbing alcohol. Put some on a cloth/gauze & put it on the back of your neck & under your arms. It's the only thing that works for me when I have a fever.

    Let us know how it goes.

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  15. #19920
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    lol Andit left a post on the pic! Too funny! Now that I've got an account for dh too I can actually see some progress when I vote both of us. Been at it all weekend and today but getting ready to take a couple hour break from voting to work on some other things.
    So many very cute dogs we have. Seek you need to enter the new babies pic. I'm still looking for one for my dh's entry, not crazy about his favorites, figured he'd never want his hairy chest on the internet but he loves the baby pics of Mollie. Told him I promise I'll find another one but the one I want I could of swore was on the wall with a group of pics I can't find. Am afraid it may of been one of the pics that was low enough to get wet and couldn't save it.
    Glad you had a good time at your inlaws Jettred we're getting the cold too was in the 70's this weekend but saturday night it started dropping and by last night it was in the low 20's finally up to 30 F now. By Christmas it said it'd be up in the 60's so that'll be good. Both the kids smoke and hate to send them out in the cold but refuse to have our new home stunk up the way the last house we bought was. DH's family all smoke like chimineys except for him and his mom. So a house full of them would have me airing out the house for a week. When we bought a brand new mobile home I said no more! Pain when it rains really want to get a covered porch built on and hope to in the next year.
    Going to start my baking tomorrow, have to wait until DH gets home to take me shopping to get the rest of the ingredients and doesn't get paid until then. Make some awesome cranberries but couldn't find any cranberries here except for one store still had some but they were all rotten, would of had to buy 20 bags just to get a big bowl so the kids are bringing some Christmas day. I usually fix them a couple days ahead of time cuz it is best if it sets in the fridge a day or two but hopefully will still taste as good. The kids love it lol when I suggested just foregoing it and buying canned they had a fit they wants some with Christmas dinner and some to take home too. Son is already put out cuz I'm not making the dirt pie on top of the pecan he wants, the strawberry DH wants and the blueberry with cream cheese and cool whip dd wants! lmao thats more then enough for just 4 of us. Well 5 since I will have to send enough home for dd's worthless boyfriend, ugh! YAY her and ds are moving out and getting their own place next month and hopefully he will be totally out of her life!!! The bum actually started yelling at her the other day cuz ds had told her when he got home from work to be ready he'd take her to hang out at the bookstore for awhile. So she hadn't gotten out anything to wear that would be ok to go some place in and had to sneak in the bedroom to get her clothes, he works nights. Well he woke up enraged, told her he was going to buy a lock for the door and lock her a$$ out. not saying another thing if she changes her mind she's nuts but she moved her stuff out of the bedroom so thats a start YAY!!!
    NS and PF hope you all don't lose your power but if you do and you aren't on before xmas Merry Christmas, lots of hugggggs, hope you both have a wonderful Christmas! Harley, be safe hope the road are clear for you and you get some rest before you have to come home and cook huggggs and Merry Christmas in case I don't see you before that!
    lmao very cute downvoter muncher NS!
    Merry Christmas to everyone in case anyone isn't around that day, hugggggs!!!
    I'm off to find a cute pic of Molle as a baby for DH to post lmao he's really starting to get into this but omg he was so upset whe Mollie got downvoted, if I got busy doing something he'd remind me to vote but lol he won't do his own makes me. Just as well lol i'm gonna spend his points when I find something I WANT!

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