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Thread: Points And Prizes - Sheknows
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 01:49 PM #20641
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bunch new prizes up..mostly babystuff though
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 02:24 PM #20642
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I don't mind doing puzzles, but I don't have the time at home or the space. This puzzel is a mystry one and you don't know what the picture is. Different for sure, but I ended up doing two sections of about 3 inches by 4 inches each.
I finally thought I had a word to post and you beat me. LOL
Thanks for the words.
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Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 02:28 PM #20643
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OMG the snow here is getting so bad. I am think I just might have to leave early to get home in time to get the kids.
I am not going out again tonight that is for sure! I'll be lucky if I can get into the driveway.
I hope the roards are cleaned up by tomorrow. I don't have many vacation days left and want to leave them for the freezing rain days!!
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Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 02:42 PM #20644
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I guess we're in for some nasty weather here as well starting early this pm, ok, it has started.. supposed to be snow at times heavy, changing to rain, then freezing rain/ice pellets later tonight. ryan was upset at lunch i told him prolly won't be awana. he luvs awana, and trying desperately to get him back into his routines after xmas. he missed tkd the other day because he felt sluggish and couldn't get his act together. we stayed homr playing water works. that's our homework from the parenting course. we play with him min of 10 mins per day. easy for me, i'm home all day. but it's more of a challenge for the dh, as he is so tired after work. but got to give him credit. he spoke up and asked ryan to lpay games.
i've been ing for months that he doesn't spend enuf time one on one with him, so i guess he had to hear it from someone else.
on another note: had to get sears guy in, both the icemaker lever is sticking and the water one broke right off the other day (under warranty), he ordered parts, will be back on 15th. MEANWHILE, the dvd player is acting wonky. the computer is fouled up, donno if it's that mypoints search thingy (again) or the games from crazymonkey the ds downloaded. still running a scan on the computer. looks like it's going to take a week! super slow. lost th epart on my vaccume, actually 2 parts, now i got no suction cause the trap door is missing. already was missing th eend to do the stairs. the microwave died, and i cannot cook without it, or defrost, or even make a cup of tea. i'm FLIPPING OUT. am thinking of getting a regular one (cheaper) but put it on a shelf for more space.
everything is breaking here, its driving me nuts.
and re: my foot. yes that's exactly what i did to it. stop yer damn teasing you fools. i do weird things like that all the time. if i get out of the car the wrong way, i'll put my back out. just by twisting. yup, sitting on the floor can give me a sprained foot. or whatever it was. hurt like hell, but almost all better now. no excuse not to do housework.
oh ya, i still got one excuse left. i'm pmsing. do you really want me near knives??
oh and re: rebate and her warmer than warm temps. slapping her upside the head is too good for that chickey. we should kidnap her, stuff her in a snowbank, and pumel her with snowballs. then take her out for timmys.
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 02:52 PM #20645
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thanks for all the new words everyone
btw chocolatemilk for 50pts wont work for me says its invalid anyone else get that?
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 02:59 PM #20646
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yet again the good prizes say US only hope this isnt going to be a new trend for P&P to leave canadians out of the good prizes
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 03:18 PM #20647
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 03:24 PM #20648
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I dont like being left out
everyone that has warm weather at the moment i hate you LOL we are getting a huge snow storm
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 03:33 PM #20649
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Chocolatemilk isn't working for me either Rose. Wouldn't think they could pick and choose which prizes Canadians could win...isn't that discrimination?
NS you were supposed to have a better year this one but sure isn't starting out too promising. Know what you mean with your foot. Not only did I break my back taking a nap last year and honest to GOD lol all I was doing was sleeping I swear dh was at work! Couple years ago I got up from the computer took a step and OMG my foot hurt just below my little toe. Saw my Rheumatologist a day or two after that and he did a xray on it dam if I didn't break some bones in there. Course there wasn't nothing they could do about it but keep off of it for awhile.
Thanks for the words everyone. I love to do puzzles, don't have a table right now so haven't been able to do any but dh promised we'd get one with this years income I'd be more impressed if he hadn't promised that every year since Katrina. Really want a dining table tho so I'm hoping. Haunish I love to do the ones that are funny shaped too have never done a 3D one are they pretty hard? Oh went to the dr this morning. Says I just compressed my ribs when I fell and my left arm pushed into them that they aren't broken, he was more concerned about my hip but said agreed it's probably not broken either. He did change my my pain med to percocet the dilaudid was making me sick every time I took it and I hate feeling so out of it. Hopefully the percocet won't do that but I have to wait for dh to get off work to pick it up he had to get back to work and didn't have time to go get it filled.
Finally quit raining here 58 F here right now. Dam dog there is one area of the yard that never dries up nearly as fast and has about a 3 ft wide puddle with lots of mud and don't u know that's right where she keeps heading for every time I let her outside. Had mud all over herself when she came in last time had to give her a bath the little brat, wouldn't be so bad if I didn't know she'll go right back there next time! Gonna stand at the back door and scare the bejesus out of her if she goes anywhere near that puddle next time lol. Would work better if she was actually afraid of me but a good roar will startle her a bit!!!
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 03:35 PM #20650
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WOW! Thanks for the new words! ^^
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 03:37 PM #20651
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This cold then warm keeps every bug stirred up. When it's constantly changing like it has been everyone ends up sick, so believe me we might be warmer but we pay for the 70 F weather dearly! Not only that but the allergies stay stirred up from it too
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 03:40 PM #20652
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stardreamer..hope you feel better soon..the 3D puzzles are a bit harder, we did a taj mahal one, now that was very hard, we also did abig ben one that was hard as well and
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 03:55 PM #20653
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I just finished putting in words for the hour & checked to see how many points I had in the new contest & was shocked to see I am in first place with 1550 points. I have NEVER been in first place in anything with P & P. Of course it will be short lived, but nice to see for now.
BTW chocolatemilk does not work for me either.
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 03:56 PM #20654
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LOLCAT - There are no words really...but, I truly am sorry - huge hugs to you my friend.
Just read briefly and gave LOADS of rep, some more than once as it allowed me. I haven't been on here much lately, have some things going on and have to keep my head straight as it involves the safety of one of my family members (don't want to say anything on here). So that will explain my "absence" lately.
Thanks so much for all the words...
Need a favor...please keep my family member in your thoughts and prayers...pray for his safety and pray to find strength for my family
To top things off, one of my veterans was brought to the hospital by ambulance this morning, it's the one that just lost his wife. I haven't received any updates from the family yetMore positive thoughts please...I thought 2009 was suppose to be a better year???
Thanks!Last edited by PetiteFemme; Wed, Jan 7th, 2009 at 03:57 PM.
Wed, Jan 7th, 2009, 04:04 PM #20655
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went back a few pages and gave out rep where it let me grr hate the new rep system LOL i dont notice a change in anyones rep
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