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  1. #21106
    Smart Canuck Shebby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikks View Post
    Vicky ~ 100 points!(Good Thru 2/15/09)
    Thanks for all the new words.
    Welcome to the family!!
    Last edited by Shebby; Thu, Jan 15th, 2009 at 06:05 PM. Click here to Earn free Giftcards!!!

  2. #21107
    Acadian Canuck PetiteFemme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikks View Post
    Grownup ~ 100 points!(Good Thru 2/15/09)
    Welcome to the forum nikks Great to have you here! Don't be shy!

  3. #21108
    Acadian Canuck PetiteFemme's Avatar
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    SMB - I called two nights in a row and actually left a message on your machine! Did you check your voice mail?? lol

    NS - Yes, that would be me! I left you a message too!

    I had the pleasure of talking to Leftie on the phone for am sure over an hour and we had a very nice conversation! Am sure she knows by now that I have verbal diarhea!

    I wanted to place a call to all 3 people that I exchanged contact information with

  4. #21109
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    thank you for the warm welcoming everyone..
    you're welcome for the words everyone

  5. #21110
    Smart Canuck RTlady's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jettred View Post
    Been a sad day for us at work, one of our employees that has worked here for over 30 years got killed yesterday morning. Seems 3 thugs burglarized a house & were on the run & ran into the side of our friend's car & killed him instantly. The 3 thugs got out & ran but the police caught them. We are waiting to hear what charges they are going to bring, hope they serve for a long time. He was out sick yesterday & was on his way home from the dr's office. So sad.
    So sorry to hear this; it's very difficult to lose someone you
    work with. When it happened at our work, they had a bereavement
    counsellor for us. Warm hugs!

    Quote Originally Posted by PetiteFemme View Post
    I didn't know about it! What thread is it? Valentine's Day is my wedding anniversary too
    Ours as well - chocolate & dinner out and no chance hubby
    will ever forget the day lol

    [quote=Love2save;667025] Keyword: HEALTHYDIV MANS SCOOBYDOO Thank you for the words!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Harley Grandma View Post
    Hi guys and gals ... I am still alive ... sicker than a damn dog .. Got what bubblekat & her kids had.. I will read posts later..
    Awww sure hope you feel better real quick!

    [quote=Andit;667686].. I love your pics; your babies look so warm
    in their sweaters.

    So its my b-day on wed,and my dh got me a b-day present early me guitar hero drums and mic..I think he was hoping he would kick my ass on the far i rock better get a supper out that day though!! Happy Birthday... sorry I missed you yesterday!
    Hope you had a great one!!

    Hello everyone - I don't know if it's the cold but my computer has been
    acting up so I'm having to use hubby's.
    Baby it's cold outside - hope you are all keeping very warm & cosy.
    'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'

  6. #21111
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smb127 View Post
    Tine called e too, but says I didn't answer. So I am sittig here thinking to myself, but I was home all night.

    Then I get a call from the lady across the street here at work. Wants to know why I didn't call her back last night, she left a message. I am like WTF?? I was home all night and the phone didn't ring.

    I guess my monster cats have knocked one of the phones off the hook. Grrrrr I hate when they do that. So when I get home tonight I am going to have to check all the phones, but I bet it is the one in the bedroom. Guess I'll just have to get off my a$$ and find the extention cords to hook it up right and then it won't fall again. Dollar stor here I come.

    NS - I should find out tonight or tomorrow what she paid and I'll let you know. I so wanted to see the book first, but I guess I don't want to chance getting stuck on the HYW in this weather.
    i'm only teasing!!! plz look at the book first. i can wait. i really want you to see it too!

    Quote Originally Posted by vkiho View Post
    i need to start making it here earlier to post new words!

    hello everyone
    hi. and WELLLLCOME!!!!!! am surprised no one gave you the straight jackets are optional welcome speach. eh, i'll leave it for one of the others. enjoy your stay!

    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    I just told my husband we ran out of toast and to go get some. So what does he do? Brings up the bread maker from the basement and said 'it's too cold I am not leaving this house'. So I need to make bread once again
    lucky you. i went out and bought honey and flour to make whole wheat. dammit if all my recipes don't require either an egg or milk powder. the one recipe i did find that used reg milk, i din't have enuf milk.

    Quote Originally Posted by roseofblack25 View Post
    LOL maybe this time they will figure out how to open up the screen door and set it inside the porch like the UPS guy does when we arent home!
    um. yay. IF YOU GOT A SCREEN DOOR! mine is in the shed, waiting oh, 2+ years for hubby to put it on... no wonder i have a draft up my ass

    but i did call the postoffice after the last eps and warned them. so now all my parcels are routed to the superstore. but thankfully, he learned how to knock.

    Quote Originally Posted by newsnakeowner1978 View Post
    sure. she one mean pussy.

    omg u r sooooooooooooo bad.
    i'm not bad, i'm mischievious. and besides. i only vocalized what everyone else was thinking.


    Quote Originally Posted by nikks View Post
    Grownup ~ 100 points!(Good Thru 2/15/09)
    WELCOME!!!!! assylum speech is pending. enjoy your stay!

    Quote Originally Posted by PetiteFemme View Post
    SMB - I called two nights in a row and actually left a message on your machine! Did you check your voice mail?? lol

    NS - Yes, that would be me! I left you a message too!

    I had the pleasure of talking to Leftie on the phone for am sure over an hour and we had a very nice conversation! Am sure she knows by now that I have verbal diarhea!

    I wanted to place a call to all 3 people that I exchanged contact information with
    well, i too have been a victim of pf's verbal diarreah what a sweetie tho. but don't go visit her. she runs around nekkid and there's poop everywhere, on the tv.. you name it.

    will you be my friend? please?

  7. #21112
    Acadian Canuck PetiteFemme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    i'm only teasing!!! plz look at the book first. i can wait. i really want you to see it too!

    hi. and WELLLLCOME!!!!!! am surprised no one gave you the straight jackets are optional welcome speach. eh, i'll leave it for one of the others. enjoy your stay!

    lucky you. i went out and bought honey and flour to make whole wheat. dammit if all my recipes don't require either an egg or milk powder. the one recipe i did find that used reg milk, i din't have enuf milk.

    um. yay. IF YOU GOT A SCREEN DOOR! mine is in the shed, waiting oh, 2+ years for hubby to put it on... no wonder i have a draft up my ass

    but i did call the postoffice after the last eps and warned them. so now all my parcels are routed to the superstore. but thankfully, he learned how to knock.

    i'm not bad, i'm mischievious. and besides. i only vocalized what everyone else was thinking.


    WELCOME!!!!! assylum speech is pending. enjoy your stay!

    well, i too have been a victim of pf's verbal diarreah what a sweetie tho. but don't go visit her. she runs around nekkid and there's poop everywhere, on the tv.. you name it.
    HAHAHAHAHAHA - you are so funny! You told me you'd get me! You did! Now, have you discovered my poop piles yet NS? I don't run around the house nekkid! I wear fake PJ's and fake shirt, REMEMBER??????

    Was great talking to you on the phone Sweet lady you are! Thanks for the chat! If SMB stays home long enough in one night, perhaps she'll be the next blessed person to witness my verbal diarhea!!!

    For those that are curious - the POOP piles are on Facebook in a game called "Pet Society" sort of like Neopets or Webkinz and it's highly addictive but loads of fun

  8. #21113
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    Thanks so much for all the kind words regarding the tragic accident of a co-worker. Today was a better day, but tomorrow is the funeral & will be another tough one. Keith was married many years ago for a very short time, had no children. He was a very kind, gentle spirited man & cannot remember him ever saying a bad thing about anybody & would literally give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. No formal charges have been filed yet against the 3 that caused this terrible accident. They are still sorting out what all did take place. I hope they don't see daylight for a long time.

  9. #21114
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    Good evening my dears..
    Wiki is updated, and I'm on my way to bed as soon as I type a little missive to all of you. Feeling ok today, and don't want to jinx it by staying up late, like I tend to do.
    The kids were crazy today!! It is SO COLD here, and they haven't been out of the house in days and days. They are both pretty slim, like my husband, and they get so shivery even if they have tons of layers on. I just don't bother when it is this cold.
    So, we all have cabin fever, and no good snacks, which adds up to 3 grumpy ladies. LOL

    I cannot believe how many words there are to enter. I haven't even started on contest words yet. And what is up with how little time they give us to enter newsletter words. Those ones that came today expire tomorrow. *grump*

    SMB -- I am so with you on the cold thing. I looked at the outdoor thermometer before I came down to do this, and it was -28. EEEEP.

    NS -- I'm so sorry you were having a crappy feeling day. I find the same thing with my plug ins, especially since I have two of those ones that don't plug in but run on batteries, I often forget they are there. Sometimes the smell gets too overpowering. I'm sure you remember how much things seem to STINK when you are pregnant too.. sometimes certain smells make me want to run out of the room. And crappy on the chest pain too. That kind of seizing pain from gas is the worst!! I'll be sure to send 3 XL bottles of pepto next time instead of candy... lol!

    Amy -- I cannot get over how cute your boys are every time I see your avatar. Want to trade 2 boys for 2 girls for a couple days?? They are really fun to dress and do their hair! LOL You'll be so over the drama after a day or two though, you'll be ready for your boys back. I have a pair of ultra-super-ninja drama queens in my house.

    Haunish -- Its almost your birthday too? What are you now? 22?
    I hope your birthday is awesome, and it already sounds like it is, with that nice gift. Always nice to have a hubby who knows what you like.

    I'm off to bed, folks! Hope you are all staying in as much as possible and missing out on the cold and ice outside.

  10. #21115
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    lolcat, I wish I was 22 most days feel like that. I am 31 on wed.

    I love my a kid some its a game can play with friends and has lots of music I am a big music freak, listen to all the time.

  11. #21116
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    Jettred, sorry about your co-worker.

    I'll be sitting in the sixth row for the Vancouver convention. Excellent.

    I had the worst day at work today. I lost my temper a couple of times and my boss heard me. He had a talk with me. I came very close to walking out the door. I need to find something else very soon. I can't take this job much longer.
    Last edited by Racefan; Thu, Jan 15th, 2009 at 11:35 PM.

  12. #21117
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Hope you have a better day tomorrow Racefan! Thats awesome seats, you gonna have a blast.

  13. #21118
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Just popping in to say:

    Happy Birthday to the ones having birthdays.
    Happy anniversary to anyone having an anniversary.
    Get well to all that are sick including ME.
    Stay warm to all that's cold.
    Sorry to hear about all that have lost someone.
    Welcome to all the newbies.
    Thanks for all the words.

    I know I am leaving some out and sorry about that.
    Off to rest.

  14. #21119
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    Gave everybody rep just for kicks - sorry if i missed you!

    Sorry I've been a bad P&P buddy - got a promotion at work and i actually have to work! I'm so far behind on words it's not funny!

  15. #21120
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    nobody here but me.............guess I will clean up in here and empty the ashtrays and turn off the lights before I leave, so it will be nice and clean for you all in the morning
    nite nite zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Life is Good

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