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  1. #22156
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firefly View Post
    Well guys, I am so upset!! My cat had to get put down last night because of lung and heart disease. He got so sick last night, it was so sad and hard to see him like that!! My ds is so upset because it is his first pet(besides fish)! It just doesn't seem the same without Tigger at home
    It's always hard to lose a friend. Sending prayers.

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  2. #22157
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ricki911 View Post
    Thanks for the words!
    Anyways for the past few hours Ive been trying to find this hole in the stupid thing but cant.
    Is it like an air mattress? If so, fill it with water (use a dye in the water so when it comes out, it's easier to spot the hole). Then, press on it & you should be able to see where the hole is. A friend of mine had to do this with a water bed. The coloured dye makes it easier to spot (use food colouring, since it usually doesn't stain & in a colour that's easy to see).

    Hope this helps.

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  3. #22158
    Smart Canuck Racefan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smb127 View Post

    Well I didn't really find her, I was sent her profile by Kim (sorry can't remember the SC'ers name) and got to send an invite to her that way.
    Stardreamer, NS and PF were trying to help us find each other.
    Thanks guys for your help.

    I have all of my privacy settings set to friends only. Maybe that's why we had the problems.

    I'm not that great at playing with the frisbee. My pet has won trophies for the skipping rope and ball.

    You have so many points, PF. I have around 13,000 points and I thought that was good.

    Thanks for the new words. They had season 8 for CSI as a prize and it's gone already.

  4. #22159
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    RT on Pet society in facebook you just have to buy the food then when her red for her health is lowered get something out of the chest like a steak or meatball put it on the floor in front of her close the chest and she'll eat. When their level for health is full they dont' eat it they just walk away. Something like the bone I lay on the floor when Mollie isn't hungry and when she is hungry she just goes and gets it. I set out some juice on the table today I'll find out if she will eat it from there without encouragement. Thats all that is to it, I usually feed Mollie some kind of meat then later a veggie and lol if I'm still on later some fruit. Gave her some milk the other day wasn't expecting any poo but roflmao right after she poo'd so thinking she's lactose intolerant omg I hope she doesn't get the runs from milk if she is

    Thanks for all the words!

    Seek so glad to have you back I finally got you on my friends list on facebook. Sheesh had a terrible time doing it. Showed you'd made me your friend but I got no request on it so I think that was the problem. Anyway its' taken care of now. Very cool that you got the Madagascar 2 dvd. I knew I should of ignored that exercise video lol that something better was coming along.....hehe just trying to get out of the actual exercise although if my blasted hip doesn't get better soon I'll not be using it. Called today for a scrip refill and asked for an order for a shot of an antiinflammatory when I get my arthritis shot this week. So gonna have a good day Wednesday wish I could have those shots everyday.
    Have a good night everyone and a great day tomorrow

  5. #22160
    CaLoonie bubblekat's Avatar
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    Hi guys...I know it's been a while! Just wanted to stop in and say hi to everyone. I haven't had a lot of time lately-- things have been kind of crazy here. We did get three new kitties though...Justin and I were both really upset about losing Missy and decided to get one more-- somehow one turned into three and Shady (kitty in avatar) is NOT happy about it.

    Firefly, I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty.

    I will try to catch up on some of the other posts in the morning.

  6. #22161
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firefly View Post
    Well guys, I am so upset!! My cat had to get put down last night because of lung and heart disease. He got so sick last night, it was so sad and hard to see him like that!! My ds is so upset because it is his first pet(besides fish)! It just doesn't seem the same without Tigger at home
    So sorry for your loss - yes it is hard to lose a pet - they are part of your family. I had to put my last cat down - leukemia and a tumour - and in 3 weeks I was back at the vet's office to adopt a kitten (missed have someone greet me at the door when I went home from work). My Muffin is 13 1/2 years old now and in great health, but this will be last my pet - too hard when you lose them and I like to travel and is a pain trying to get someone to watch them when you away.

  7. #22162
    Must clean ears!! smb127's Avatar
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    Sorry to here about your cat firefly. They become part of the family so fast.

    When I moved from home and got my first cat, I use to bring it to visit my parents. They use to call it their grandchild. LOL My parents loved having the cat there that they would keep it all summer with them. It was so funny watching my dad walk the cat on the leash.

    Thanks for the new words.

    I went on a rep rampage, but there are still some of you that I can't rep. GRRRR

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  8. #22163
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stardreamer7880 View Post
    Off to try to get my email under control I could so kick myself for doing that flipping survey on PS for the 1000 coins which was not nearly enough for what I'm going thru now. The thing that gets me was I put NO on asking for info on different things like health problems and what am I getting but info on a bunch of stuff I'm not the slightest bit interested in. Doesn't seem to matter what I said no to. Am really mad at them. Signed up for a survey thing that I looked up online and looked like it might be a good one but am getting around 10 or more emails a day from them and most of the offers are for things that you have to agree to something in order to get anything for doing it. You know those ones that agree to do a survey with and it goes on and on and on until it tells you that you have to choose one thing like a credit card offer. So am possibly going to have to change email addy's again in order to undo the damage I did agreeing to that stupid survey. I hate that. I had tried to put down a different email addy that I seldom use but since I'm signed up on facebook with my main email addy that is the one that they are using despite the fact I signed up for the survey using a different one grrrrrrrrrr! Anyway lol don't go into the bank and agree to that survey for 1000 coins so not worth it!
    i noticed that, that's why i avoid those types. thanks for letting us know that it uses the email that you sign up with fb! that would have been my main one as well! ugha. i hate spam! but i think i have a way of putting the senders addy into my spam filter. i use incredimail too which doesn't filter all the spam either. unless u go premium.

    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    Thanks will talk to dr about that next week if I remember ..will right it down is we showed them pics didnt really react its them showing every tom dick and harry the pics that set my dh off. For me it would be nice to know that if she didnt want to be there anymore that she has the option to phone us to come get her(pressure to play with animals, etc)
    for some reason i thought it was your mom that showed the pics.. ugha. i got you now. no wonder he's flipping. she should have respected your wishes. hope she understands what all the fuss is about.

    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    NS I have LOLCAT's number, I am going to call her tomorrow if we dont hear from her tonight...she is normally on at night and with the weekend she may just have been super busy. Someone remind me tomorrow though to call her
    plz CALL LOLCAT! i haven't seen a post in days. i am SUPER worried.

    Quote Originally Posted by firefly View Post
    Well guys, I am so upset!! My cat had to get put down last night because of lung and heart disease. He got so sick last night, it was so sad and hard to see him like that!! My ds is so upset because it is his first pet(besides fish)! It just doesn't seem the same without Tigger at home
    i am so sorry firefly. we lost our guinea pig we had 7.5 years on sunday. It's the only thing you can do when they are suffering firefly. It gets easier. You might want to consider getting another pet (not necessarily a cat) when you and ds are ready. they leave such a void in your heart when they go.

    RICKI: she sat on your bed and made a whole? what's she got dragging behind her? a devil's tail? holycrap. i hope you get feeling better soon. find the whole, and patch it up.

    Rt: you set the food down in front of her and if she's hungry she should eat it. if she wants a particular item you might have to go to either the cafe or the food store to buy it for her. "tom" wanted cheesecake one day. *yuck* ran allover the place trying to find it, think it was in the cafe..if i see your pet i will feed her if it lets me

    bubblekat: nice to see you back! how is justin and lilly? where the heck is your mom? we got a phone tree going on, so if you don't check in, either cute rcmp officer shows up or phone call from derranged member. :D

    will you be my friend? please?

  9. #22164
    Must clean ears!! smb127's Avatar
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    So all the schools are closed in your area NS. Looks like you are in for a fun day!!

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  10. #22165
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    Pregnancy Calendar

    This week's code word is CHILDBIRTH for 450 points! Redeem your points now. Good thru 02/09/09.

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    Baby Calendar:

    This week's code word is GIGGLE for 450 points! Redeem your points now. Good thru 02/09/09.

  12. #22167
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    also thanks for the other new words.........

  13. #22168
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    tks for the words appleby. gave ya some rep

  14. #22169
    Smart Canuck RTlady's Avatar
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    ARGGGGGG.... just go those 2 emails & thought I'd be quick enough
    to post... LOL yeah right!! Oh well, the exercise was good for me now
    I'm bushed and done for the day!!

    THanks for the words!

    Thanks for the help on feeding Misty... gonna go and see how she's doing.

    'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'

  15. #22170
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    Ok called LOLCAT at 9am our time and no answer and no voicemail so now I am worried. I figured with two young kids they should be awake. Will try around lunchtime.

    On a similar note a few people here gave me their contact info in case they disappear off the planet and NS and I get worried. If anyone wants to join that, PM your info. I am compiling an Excel file with all the details...for now it is all in my PMs

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