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  1. #24091
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbgurl View Post
    Newsnakeowner, heehee you is outnumbered here fella!
    Do you mean to say you do read instructions...?!

    shhhhhhhhhhh i may have read it once or twice before.

    tks for the word(s)

  2. #24092
    S J is offline
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    KARDASHIANS || 100 points! [Good through 3/26/09]
    JOIN ME AND GET FREE GIFT CARDS! CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW!{earn by daily searches}{earn by completing P T C offers}

    Pm me for help!

  3. #24093
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    aw aphena that sucks i would find out what is going on and if it is someone doing it i would be kicking major a$$

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  4. #24094
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    Amy I have the same crockpot & I really like it. It's big enough to cook a roast in or something large. I also have a smaller Hamilton Beach for the smaller items. Both are great, no complaints.

  5. #24095
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    So sorry about your dog aphena - hope they catch the miserable SOB and he gets what's due him

  6. #24096
    Ca Goblin rebelinu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aphena View Post
    Well news..I ahd to get a new computer that I am gooan struggle to afford as my old one took a shyt...Good thing is it's a power hosue 4gb ram but I dont want tp pay for it....LMAO.

    Bad news. One odf my dogs got killed....My dd foudn ti outside thsi moring I am on 2 hours of sleep...I think we may have a murder aroudn here. We lsot two dos this week.....HMMMMMM

    In the past I have ahd one shot. If I catch the fer he may see my Dad's 22.
    Omg that's so awful.. i hope they catch the too!

  7. #24097
    Ca Goblin rebelinu's Avatar
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    Oh NS i was the one who signed up yesterday.. havent done any searching yet though. i have to head out in a bit. I still dont know much about SBs yet... figured i might as well check it out since so many seem to be using it here

  8. #24098
    S J is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aphena View Post
    Well news..I ahd to get a new computer that I am gooan struggle to afford as my old one took a shyt...Good thing is it's a power hosue 4gb ram but I dont want tp pay for it....LMAO.

    Bad news. One odf my dogs got killed....My dd foudn ti outside thsi moring I am on 2 hours of sleep...I think we may have a murder aroudn here. We lsot two dos this week.....HMMMMMM

    In the past I have ahd one shot. If I catch the fer he may see my Dad's 22.
    seriously disgusting, isn't it, sorry Aphena
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    Pm me for help!

  9. #24099
    Smart Canuck RTlady's Avatar
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    Good day all my favorite people in the world!! I'm in such a great
    mood that even the rain/snow wet stuff outside will not get to me.
    It's Friday and just looking forward to spending the weekend with

    I was so sorry to hear about your dog Aphena; that is truly sad news
    and I hope you find out what is going on.

    Thank you all for sharing great potato recipes - I am finishing up writing
    and waiting for a couple of emails (hint hint)

    This PS addiction is very sad lol - can't wait to see what new items will
    be in the stores on Sunday. Has anyone entered the decorating contest?
    I haven't but some of you guys are great designers and should.

    Thank you for the words - of course this new 'rep' system doesn't allow me
    to rep you all but my sincere thanks for your findings.

    So I'm off to do a few things before catching up on B&B - have a great
    'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'

  10. #24100
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    Oh I forgot to mention the great book I'm currently reading -
    "Don't look Twice" by Andrew Gross - gotta love free books but
    it's even better when they turn out to be page turners.

    If any of you love reading and not subscribed to Harper Collins
    First Look program, I highly recommend it.

    I signed up for "Where am I?" and UPS delivered it yesterday - it'll be
    my first 'real' book since this was written by Colin Ellard who's a experimental
    psychologist at the U of Waterloo. (usually I only request thrillers)
    'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'

  11. #24101
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    RT here is the lentil and potato soup recipe. I don't have actual measurements cuz I learned this from watching my mom and make it all the time.

    Presoak red (more orange than red really) in water for about 15 mins. Do not start off with a lot cuz a little goes a long way and you need double or triple the water for the lentils. So if you have 1 cup of lentils you might need 2 - 3 cups of water with it. As it is soaking it will suck up some water which is fine and the lentils will open up a bit
    Sautee diced onions in olive oil (I'm middle eastern everything is with olive oil)
    If you like garlic, put some minced garlic (optional)
    Add the lentils and the water. Again 1 cup of lentils put 2 cups of water and then eye ball the rest.
    Have this going on med-high til it starts to boil and then put it on med temp
    Peel potatoes and then grate them with a cheese grater. Put as many or as little as you want. I put in usually about 4 potatoes but I make about 2 cups lentils
    You need to put ground cumin (lentils give people gas and cumin will help with gas issues in food). I put about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon.
    Let it all cook uncovered til you see the lentils really start to open up and it look like soup. Again if it needs more water add it. You can also substitute the water for a broth but this is usually meant for vegatarians.
    If you want to add frozen epas and carrots you can do that too.
    When it looks almost done, put it on low, cover and wait. Its really good soup. In the winter I make it on a daily basis and my husband cant get enough of it.
    It is very filling and if you have some bread put little pieces in your bowl and thats all you need for a meal. This is considered a poor mans food in the middle east because lentils are super cheap and people cannot afford meat. This gives you alot of protein and starch and filling. Lemme know how it turns out if you try to make it

  12. #24102
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbgurl View Post
    "I've found with the GMB on PS..."

    ??? whazzat ??? You won a chandelierm robot and other stuff? Ooooo, please tell me about that club?
    Got video games just collecting dust?
    Sorry lol would be cool if I could get those in real life but its for Pet society on facebook. They have gold mystery boxes you can buy and get good things out of well something good things other times not so great.

  13. #24103
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbgurl View Post
    Where? Swagcodes are in assorted places! How come you didn't share the code or at least where to look along with your announcement? Codes are often good for an hour or two. Sorry, don't mean to be picky, jes saying.

    Maybe next time pretty please? If we're too late then we're too late noticing it posted here but at least sometimes a few might get a chance to see it in here and enter it at Swagbucks in time?

    I will try do the same when I come across one, since this thread is such a mixed bag anyway?

    Want to Search & Win cool stuff like we do?
    Sorry new to this pm'd everyone I knew did sb's and no one was on just me one member I don't know and guests so figured it would be too late by the time everyone got up. Was under the impression we can't post the code here but got it thru facebook. swagbuck codes on facebook sends me codes to my inbox on there and to my email. Hoped if someone else was on that did them that they'd ask so I could give it to them also, which was why I put that in the thread at all. Will get the list from Ns so I can let everyone know that is on it and will say where it came from next time. I apologize for doing ti wrong

  14. #24104
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    YOu all have a good day and a good weekend take care. Hugggggggs Aphena am so sorry thathappened. See youu all later

  15. #24105
    Smart Canuck firefly's Avatar
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    Aphena (((hugs))) sorry to hear about your dog!

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