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  1. #24106
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aphena View Post
    Well news..I ahd to get a new computer that I am gooan struggle to afford as my old one took a shyt...Good thing is it's a power hosue 4gb ram but I dont want tp pay for it....LMAO.

    Bad news. One odf my dogs got killed....My dd foudn ti outside thsi moring I am on 2 hours of sleep...I think we may have a murder aroudn here. We lsot two dos this week.....HMMMMMM

    In the past I have ahd one shot. If I catch the fer he may see my Dad's 22.
    Oh, Aphena, I am so so sorry. & your poor DD.

    One of these days the will meet his match.

    Try to get some rest, we need you here.

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  2. #24107
    Addicted to SC! sumi's Avatar
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    thank you for the words!!
    it's hard to keep up

  3. #24108
    Totally SC Addicted Mbgurl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stardreamer7880 View Post
    Sorry new to this pm'd everyone I knew did sb's and no one was on just me one member I don't know and guests so figured it would be too late by the time everyone got up. Was under the impression we can't post the code here but got it thru facebook. swagbuck codes on facebook sends me codes to my inbox on there and to my email. Hoped if someone else was on that did them that they'd ask so I could give it to them also, which was why I put that in the thread at all. Will get the list from Ns so I can let everyone know that is on it and will say where it came from next time. I apologize for doing ti wrong

    You did nothing wrong - I was just asking why not and making a suggestion and an offer to do the same?

    Don't bother putting me on a list to get words for Swagbucks. I muddle by well enough and I am not sure how long I will have time to waste searching through them to win the odd little bit although I did do really well for me the morning following their birthday. I get their newsletter in my email too but mine arrives after the new words have expired already, at least so far, so pretty useless for me at least. Am new at that too and just trying to understand some things is all, especially when some things seem a bit contradictory. Never thought you would take it as being told you had done anything wrong by not posting the words and it is your choice whether against the rules or not?

    We post words for P&P and their terms also clearly say it's against the rules and that we could lose our points and even membership if caught. I could have just lurked in here, picked up my codes and left with none the wiser. I could have not offered to post the ones I found in here even though could have been raking up all you others post and risk when doing so but that didn't seem fair to me to take advantage of others generosity and not give back. I still don't get why nobody is worried about P&P but they are worried Swagbucks will find out? There was a Swagbucks thread (could still be - dunno) and they were posting codes there I believe? That's why I asked why not? Wasn't "cranky" as one person chose mistakenly to interpret what I said. Trust me, when I get cranky there is no mistaking it.

    I am sorry you thought you had done anything wrong just cuz I ask a couple questions. If everybody is so afraid of getting caught then I understand why you just announced it. I try read much of what is in here but don't have time to catch it all. Did not understand and was trying to. I've read and reread what I wrote and still do not get why anybody thought I was being cranky?

    I am not only confused now but am very hurt too. Lots I don't get but didn't think it was such a big deal to ask?

  4. #24109
    Acadian Canuck PetiteFemme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    Wow, sorry for your loss Aphena.
    As for the person asking for the code, we should not be posting on any forum simply because it states in the rules not to post or they will track it and suspend your account. Has happened to some people. You can only post after it has expires...sorry

    For the crock pot experts what do you guys think of this one? It is half price right now and big. The only thing I don't like is it is white and most my appliances are black, but still worth it maybe?
    That's the same one as mine and it's TOTALLY AWESOME! My client bought it for me last summer. He bought himself one too at the same time. They were on sale for $40 each when he bought them. It was a VERY good deal! I think you would really like this one. Doesn't matter if it doesn't match your utensils, just don't leave it on the cupboard all the time if clashes with the other material It's VERY easy to clean too!

  5. #24110
    CaLoonie lol am loony stardreamer7880's Avatar
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    Just got a notice in my inbox on facebook
    New code huntTo members of Swag bucks codes

  6. #24111
    Acadian Canuck PetiteFemme's Avatar
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    So very sorry to hear about your dog. That's just SO wrong. I hope they get caught and get punished for the wrong they have done. Big hugs to you my friend..

    Hugssssss to my friends Hubby and I are off to play radio bingo with my 83 year old client in a bit. It's 4 months ago today that his wife passed. The day is almost done!

  7. #24112
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    Girls i won ten swagbucks just about fifty minutes ago!!!!!!

  8. #24113
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    Girls i won ten swagbucks just about fifty minutes ago!!!!!!


  9. #24114
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbgurl View Post
    You did nothing wrong - I was just asking why not and making a suggestion and an offer to do the same?

    Don't bother putting me on a list to get words for Swagbucks. I muddle by well enough and I am not sure how long I will have time to waste searching through them to win the odd little bit although I did do really well for me the morning following their birthday. I get their newsletter in my email too but mine arrives after the new words have expired already, at least so far, so pretty useless for me at least. Am new at that too and just trying to understand some things is all, especially when some things seem a bit contradictory. Never thought you would take it as being told you had done anything wrong by not posting the words and it is your choice whether against the rules or not?

    We post words for P&P and their terms also clearly say it's against the rules and that we could lose our points and even membership if caught. I could have just lurked in here, picked up my codes and left with none the wiser. I could have not offered to post the ones I found in here even though could have been raking up all you others post and risk when doing so but that didn't seem fair to me to take advantage of others generosity and not give back. I still don't get why nobody is worried about P&P but they are worried Swagbucks will find out? There was a Swagbucks thread (could still be - dunno) and they were posting codes there I believe? That's why I asked why not? Wasn't "cranky" as one person chose mistakenly to interpret what I said. Trust me, when I get cranky there is no mistaking it.

    I am sorry you thought you had done anything wrong just cuz I ask a couple questions. If everybody is so afraid of getting caught then I understand why you just announced it. I try read much of what is in here but don't have time to catch it all. Did not understand and was trying to. I've read and reread what I wrote and still do not get why anybody thought I was being cranky?

    I am not only confused now but am very hurt too. Lots I don't get but didn't think it was such a big deal to ask?
    Please don't be hurt, I'm sure no one meant to insult you. Sometimes words get posted in an amiable teasing manner that don't come across that way to the reader.

    I think that folks feel justified in sharing PnP words, because the newsletters don't always come, no matter how many times one tries to subscribe (ask me how I know ). They've also had so many glitches in their site (words posted that don't work, contests, argh, the problems with the contests!), that it somehow feels better to share the info with others struggling.

    SB seems a more, um, competent site, at least as far as things going merrily along. I think the issue with posting SB codes is that there is someone from the SB site who hangs out in the SB thread on SC.

    & you're not the only one confused. I still can't figure out why sometimes I can "win" SBs 2x a day & other times I search the whole day & get nothing. I never was one who liked roullette. Course I don't like slot machines much either, even the 5 cent ones don't tempt me.

    As for feeling like your taking advantage of others' generosity, just hang out with us, chat, whine, do all the fun things I do, & we'll try not to bite you. Well, I can't speak for my killer cat, but my dog will only lick you to death.

    Hope you have a good day!

    For a smile, see our vids:

  10. #24115
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Does anyone belong to Wellness360? I stumbled upon it a while ago when searching for medical info. I know there was a thread in here a while back about their payouts (or rather the delay in them), but just wondering if the folks here think it's worth the endless clicking.

    The starving beasties need their liver treats, & I'd rather not put anything on my credit card right now. Luckily I've got lots of food locked away in my laundry room (stupidly left a bag of dogfood out the other day while I took the dog for a walk & the short one ripped the bag apart & ate & ate & ate).

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  11. #24116
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    Quote Originally Posted by S J View Post
    KARDASHIANS || 100 points! [Good through 3/26/09]
    Thanks for the word

  12. #24117
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    As a gentle reminder


    GO TO HERE AND USE MY ID to sign up.

    When you post it where the rules clearly state you are not to post it there, IT IS SPAM!!
    And spamming your ref link for profit is prohibited by most forums.

    NOt to mention you could get yourself and alot of others banned.

    and please ppl do not POST CODES ON SC, or tell anyone that codes are being posted here. they are not being posted unless they have already expired! you will lose your swagbucks account, and possibly your smartcanucks one as well!
    Last edited by seekthetruth; Fri, Feb 27th, 2009 at 06:16 PM.

  13. #24118
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    has anyone here had lasik eye surgery done before??? im so very depressed about how bad my eyes are (just got my new glasses and even with the lenses thinned they look like coke bottles) it makes me so depressed...kind of thinking about the lasik thing they have a lasik MD clinic in k-town would be awesome to be able to see without glasses or even with a thinner perscription but im soooo terrified of it at the same time

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  14. #24119
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post
    Oh, Aphena, I am so so sorry. & your poor DD.

    One of these days the will meet his match.

    Try to get some rest, we need you here.
    TY all But i do beleive in Karma and it's definetely a bigger than i choose to be...Until i find the stupid fer.

  15. #24120
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    As a gentle reminder


    GO TO HERE AND USE MY ID to sign up.

    When you post it where the rules clearly state you are not to post it there, IT IS SPAM!!
    And spamming your ref link for profit is prohibited by most forums.

    NOt to mention you could get yourself and alot of others banned.

    and please ppl do not POST CODES ON SC, or tell anyone that codes are being posted here. they are not being posted unless they have already expired! you will lose your swagbucks account, and possibly your smartcanucks one as well!

    UHUHUMMMM, ok I am worried sick.....WHere the hell are you????

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