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  1. #24136
    Smart Canuck Racefan's Avatar
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    I added Coupon Nut and Aphena.

  2. #24137
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Jodew, I noticed mine did that the other day with the lid bumping up and down but only for a short time, and wasnt sure if was cause quite full,will have to keep an eye on that. I just got mine at christmas, otherwise no problems at all

  3. #24138
    Smart Canuck Gebraroest's Avatar
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    have a nice friday. Tomorrow is last day of Feb!!

  4. #24139
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by $$$wise View Post
    can somebody please enlighten me about healthcare here. if you went to a diagnostic centre and had something done (x-ray, ultrasound), they're supposed to send it straight to your dr, right? is there an average wait time for this? and how are you supposed to know about the result?
    generally when we get tests done here it can take about a week for the report to go to the dr's. if it's anything urgent they will get ahold of you sooner so they say.

    if you get tests done and don't hear back in a week, we always call and the secretary can tell you if they're in, or follow up.

    first day of march we are expecting snow. and monday..snow..and tues..more snow!!!

    will you be my friend? please?

  5. #24140
    I'm your Huckleberry. lolcat's Avatar
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    No time tonight, but I have to at least reply to Amy for a sec.

    Will write more tomorrow when I can read the rest of the posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    Remember my friend's mom who was going through so much ugliness? They just diagnosed her with vasculitis of the kidneys and has to undergo crazy chemo, full plasma exchange (what does that mean lolcat), dialysis, insulin and major diet changes too
    Amy -- Vasculitis really just means inflammation of the blood vessels.. however when it involves the kidney, it can be "Hidden".. it can be happening and nothing will show up in the urine until an extreme amount of damage is done to the kidneys. Especially since when the blood vessels get inflamed like that, it can cause all kinds of blockage and secondary infection.
    Full Plasma exchange is usually done for certain kinds of cancers, like leukemia. It is usally done because the plasma is abnormal, and causing the body to produce large amounts of immunoglobulin.
    What the procedure entails is, they use something called a cell seperator, which seperates your blood cells from the plasma. The blood cells are returned to the body, and a plasma substitute is returned to your body as well. It can be quite beneficial to people with certain kinds of cancers.

    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    oh and I forgot to mention that not only do I have to pay to ship that friggin cord but I have to include a cheque for $6 for the shipping of the new one
    Seriously I need to create a blog called Black and Decker SUX and NEVER buy their products...seriously this is a headache !
    Amy -- have they ever suggested you bring it to a black and decker service center? Our B&D weed wacker was broken in the summer time after just one use, and they told us to take it to the repair center where they just gave us a new one. I'd call them on that.

    Quote Originally Posted by $$$wise View Post
    can somebody please enlighten me about healthcare here. if you went to a diagnostic centre and had something done (x-ray, ultrasound), they're supposed to send it straight to your dr, right? is there an average wait time for this? and how are you supposed to know about the result?
    If you are unsure about your results, call your doctor's office. They will probably tell you to come in and see the doctor to get the results, but it will take a load off your mind.

  6. #24141
    Smart Canuck Grey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    generally when we get tests done here it can take about a week for the report to go to the dr's. if it's anything urgent they will get ahold of you sooner so they say.

    if you get tests done and don't hear back in a week, we always call and the secretary can tell you if they're in, or follow up.

    first day of march we are expecting snow. and monday..snow..and tues..more snow!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    If you are unsure about your results, call your doctor's office. They will probably tell you to come in and see the doctor to get the results, but it will take a load off your mind.
    thanks! now i know.
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  7. #24142
    Ca Goblin rebelinu's Avatar
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    My net's down again... argggh so frustrating!
    I keep mooching free wireless off the same person.. im thinking eventually they're gonna catch on LOL

    So.. was bored tonight and decided to go through my music files and delete what i dont listen to. There is SO much stuff on here that i dont recall ever downloading... maybe some friends did. I found one song by a band named The Vibrators called "keep it clean" Just horrible. lol

  8. #24143
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebelinu View Post
    My net's down again... argggh so frustrating!
    I keep mooching free wireless off the same person.. im thinking eventually they're gonna catch on LOL

    So.. was bored tonight and decided to go through my music files and delete what i dont listen to. There is SO much stuff on here that i dont recall ever downloading... maybe some friends did. I found one song by a band named The Vibrators called "keep it clean" Just horrible. lol

    LMAO I would liek to here that one....However installign updates and I am beging to HATE vista......Havent' doen music yet....

  9. #24144
    Ca Goblin rebelinu's Avatar
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    omg i just won my first swagbuck on a search!

  10. #24145
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    Congrats, Rebel.

  11. #24146
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebelinu View Post
    omg i just won my first swagbuck on a search!

    Sweet......Lookign up soem stuff for you now....

  12. #24147
    Ca Goblin rebelinu's Avatar
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    Aph, when you find it can you PM it to me? My nets been going down so much lately that i never get a chance to catch up on the thread.

    Heading out to meet a friend for coffee... ha, thats my 'big outing' tonight

  13. #24148
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    my big outting was buying spaghetti sauce :S

    will you be my friend? please?

  14. #24149
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    Jode you needed to complain to the company about that if under warranty. Trust me keep receipts for everything cuz after my fiasco that I am still under with stupid Black and Decker (reminder people they suck big time) I am going to hold onto everything and anything and make sure any little problem is reported asap.

    Rose as for Laser eye, my brother did it with Lasik MD about 2 yrs ago. He is over 45 so (not to piss anyone off here) but he is considered old for the surgery. They said he might have a harder time with his eyes adjusting and more likely to have regression in his eyes (basically getting bad after surgery). Anyways he was pretty blind before it. For about 2 months after surgery he could see distance but not at night and couldnt read without glasses. He was pissed cuz he never had that problem before. Slowly it went away, now he is fine and does not regret it at all.
    I have wanted to do it but think of this Rose, although they say the surgery is great you might need regression surgery in the future and if it is really so good why are so many optometrists and eye doctors still wearing glasses? I asked my optomologist (eye specialist) why he didn't do it and he told me well I am older and frankly there is not enough evidence to prove that is not not have an effect on you in the future.
    Just thought I would throw that in, but trust me I have many days where I am swearing about my glasses and just tell hubby gimme $3000 so I can fix my eyes
    My prescription is 3.50 and 4.25. Does that help you feel better? Oh and I have had the same prescription since I was in high school I am 30 now and it can only get worse, my brother who did the surgery was almost legally blind 7.5
    nope doesnt make me feel better my one eye is 6.25 and the other is 6.00

    would love to get it done cause i know it can only get worse as i get older and i fear the legally blind thing big time since im not far off but i think i might be too chicked to do it LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by $$$wise View Post
    arghh, my post got lost! i was replying to rose re lasik.

    anyway, rose, i had lasik done on both eyes 3-1/2 years ago, but not here. it felt great (still feels great) to finally be rid of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses. i've worn glasses since i was 11. lasik isn't for everyone, that's for sure. there are a few who regret having the procedure though i believe they're the exception rather than the rule.
    i have this fear of being the small percentage of people that it backfires on or something worse otherwise i would have it done tomorrow LOL

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  15. #24150
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    i wish i had the nerve (and the money) to get it done. i hate glasses. going to go get contacts next i think.

    will you be my friend? please?

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