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  1. #24286
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by NSangel
    ryan and i are busting our guts too funny! i had to explain to him that in the deep south they don' t have a reason to buy sleds..

    NS I wish I had got a pic of the kids riding the garbage can lids--did get a few pics posted. I know 3" was not much snow for you guys, but believe me it was a big deal here. It is all gone now except for our deck which was shaded this afternoon. All we have now are the howling winds.

    oh i understand, well, not the lid thing, would luv to see that. are u putting them in your SC album?

    Yes, they are in SC album

  2. #24287
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    jet i gotta check that out!

    will you be my friend? please?

  3. #24288
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Went to see A New Brain last night (no jokes please about whether or not I was a lucky recipient ). Amazing musical about a composer who gets so frustrated writing (really really bad) songs for a kid's show that he sees the star (a 6ft tall nasty tempered frog) everywhere he goes. His life goes from bad to worse - very twisted & I was doubled over laughing.

    Off to help out at some sort of arts award ceremony in a bit. Don't these foolish people know that artists don't get up before the crack of noon? Will let you know what it was all about when I get back home.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday!

    For a smile, see our vids:

  4. #24289
    Must clean ears!! smb127's Avatar
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    Good Morning evervone!!

    Happy Birthday Rose! Wasn't on over the weekend - Hope you had a good one.

    Quote Originally Posted by PetiteFemme View Post
    Yeah and LOTS of snow! For THREE days Lots of heavy rain and wind today Don't forget to wear your rubbers NSAngel!
    Her hubby has to ware those not her!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Aphena View Post
    If you were ns I'd say you suck however, COngrats sweety. I am dying for a bathtub. I have a neonagle shower the front door bolt broke and well i miss my baths...

    I thought something smelled bad in here and now I know it is YOU!!!

    So I get my new windows today!! Woo Hoo after 5.5 years I will be able to open them this summer and no more plastic on them, no more flies coming in!!

    Of course the furnitue has all been mover to one side they have room to work. The kids will PO'ed cause they won't be able to play on the Wii tonight. Tomorrow I'll be able to move the stuff back, but not until I pass the vacuum over everything.

    Well off to work I go. Have great days everyone. BBL.

    you can join this forum by clicking on my link below.

  5. #24290
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    Happy Birthday Rose, hope you had a wonderful day

    Did you get good news on Friday about the job?

  6. #24291
    smart canuck kaela's Avatar
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    i am just not with it today at all. i had a garfield shirt once that said if i was meant to pop out of bed id be a piece of toast. about right. rainy and cold eeyore day for me. send some hugs to nfld.

  7. #24292
    Contest Junkie belle67's Avatar
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    Morning everyone!
    DD and I have a busy morning today. Every Monday morning we visit with DD's emergency sitter who happens to be a girl I know from high school. A mutual friend told me about her and agreed to let me drop of DD at the last minute if DD isn't home in time before I have to go to work. So far we haven't had to use her but we go once a week for a visit (so DD can be familiar with everyone) and I bring the Tim's
    Then we are off to her doctor's app't to get her weight checked... she really hasn't gained much during the past 3 months but she eats pretty good.

  8. #24293
    Smart Canuck babygonnermann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roseofblack25 View Post
    btw everyone my b-day is TOMORROW! but I have rehearsal so probably wont be around so thanks everyone my dad took us out to swiss chalet for my b-day supper since i have never been there before and it was awesome really expensive though LOL
    Sorry I missed it yesterday, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    Hi all
    I felt baby move today for the first time! That was a big relief to me, after last time.. Funny thing, no matter how far along I was with Winter or Monet, hubby could never feel baby moving no matter how long he tried. I guess I have thick skin or something. LOL
    That's so exciting!! I'm still waiting, but I'll be waiting for a month more or so.

    Quote Originally Posted by kaela View Post
    i am just not with it today at all. i had a garfield shirt once that said if i was meant to pop out of bed id be a piece of toast. about right. rainy and cold eeyore day for me. send some hugs to nfld.
    ((((((HUGS)))))) I know exactly how you feel in the mornings. I'm like that all the time.

    Well, I missed all of yesterday, and half of Saturday, but I'm caught up. Wasn't on yesterday because DS was oh so sick. We snuggled all day yesterday. He couldn't sit up or stand up because he would throw up. Poor guy. And every time he went for a nap, I went for a nap. Yesterday was not a good day for the "morning" sickness. This morning so far he seems to be alright. *fingers crossed*

    Hope everyone had a great weekend, and I hope it carries over into today! - the premiere digital dollar. Earn SwagBucks to redeem for great prizes. are available here! - I have redeemed for $6 into my PayPal account in just under two weeks. You can too with this awesome PTC site!

  9. #24294
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    ooh sorry about ds being sick BG..hope he and you feel better today!

    rose never ate at swiss chalet??like wtf? and expensive? down here that's about middle of the road pricewise. but expensive to our budget. we had those uncle burgers at a&w (with coupon i posted on database) $3 each. they are dang good. no trouble this time with coupons. i listened to amberlab and took them to bayers lake. funny thing. i used to work at that a&w

    so am up to my neck, IN EVERYONE ELSE'S MESS. i was fit to be tied. but seek talked me down before i applied for a firearm liscence.

    i got ds with his toys all over the floor. ok i have come to terms with that, but last night dh was trying to put them away. WTF, don't do it for him!

    which made me madder today because DH has his clothes strewn all over the house. pants on his table saw, which is stuck in my way in the kitchen and i bang it trying to get to the basment. (grr!) then in the basment, his clothes are all over the floor (clean? dirty? i donno?) and there's a laundry basket 3 ft away...

    if that isn't bad enuf, there are stink socks strewn about the livingroom kitchen you name it.

    so i come upstairs to relax..the 1000 pc puzzle is slowly migrating to other rooms of the house. ds got a warning, if it's not put together by friday, it's history!

    now adhd kid #2 shows up at the house to play. NO FRICKING WAY! ds adhd #1 had bad attitude all weekend and wouldn't lift a finger to help out. now he's saying his chores are done? AAAAAAAAAGUHHHH

    i'm going back to bed. hagd all.

    did i mention i'm still soaking the crockpt that i burnt the rice in???
    Last edited by NSangel; Mon, Mar 2nd, 2009 at 09:59 AM.

    will you be my friend? please?

  10. #24295
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    Good morning all, hope everyone's day is going better than NS--what a way to start the week.

    BTW NS do they have slow cooker liners there by Reynolds? I am so hooked on them, just pop them in the crockpot & no mess. They will fit up to 6.5 qt. pot.

  11. #24296
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Liners?? You can get liners????

    will you be my friend? please?

  12. #24297
    Junior Canuck Jettred's Avatar
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    Yes, they are made by the people that make Reynolds aluminum foil--best thing they came up with. No more soaking & scrubbing!!

  13. #24298
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    hugs and kisses to you all, half the time I dont understand what conversation is going on here but , love you all!
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    Pm me for help!

  14. #24299
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smb127 View Post
    Good Morning evervone!!

    Happy Birthday Rose! Wasn't on over the weekend - Hope you had a good one.

    Her hubby has to ware those not her!!!

    I thought something smelled bad in here and now I know it is YOU!!!

    So I get my new windows today!! Woo Hoo after 5.5 years I will be able to open them this summer and no more plastic on them, no more flies coming in!!

    Of course the furnitue has all been mover to one side they have room to work. The kids will PO'ed cause they won't be able to play on the Wii tonight. Tomorrow I'll be able to move the stuff back, but not until I pass the vacuum over everything.

    Well off to work I go. Have great days everyone. BBL.

    Ohhh no, I left a loophole...I cant' stand smelly vagina so I take the showers anyway. I got a vinyl curtain that goes over...nm.....

  15. #24300
    Pirate Wars Whoremaster Aphena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaela View Post
    i am just not with it today at all. i had a garfield shirt once that said if i was meant to pop out of bed id be a piece of toast. about right. rainy and cold eeyore day for me. send some hugs to nfld.

    Sad....But eeyore was so calm and laid back....Enjoy that part. Your ava is crackign me up.

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