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Thread: Points And Prizes - Sheknows
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 04:33 PM #24526
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Now don't you all get your dander up... but to be fair there are women
who are miserable and impossible to live with. My mom was like that;
regardless of what my father did, it simply wasn't good enough.
I've also worked with women who complain constantly - you can only
imagine what they're like at home. They were all smiles and laughter but
then on the phone with family and it would be nasty.
It's a two way street and I think sometimes we're kinder and more tolerant to others than we are to our family.
Then again, we will agree that men view things very differently from
us. Some things that bother us, men wouldn't even give it a second
thought. It's the way it is. No one is perfect and just think how
boring it would be "IF" we didn't have anything to complain.
(my 2 cents and no change required LOL)Last edited by RTlady; Wed, Mar 4th, 2009 at 04:36 PM.
'Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.'
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 04:33 PM #24527
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Hi everyone! Haven't read the posts yet just got on and already feeling like i'm gonna nod right off lol so will work at reading the posts in a bit. Thanks for the words though all who posted them! My first drs appt was at 8am then had another drs appt at 9:45 didn't get done until 11:30 sheeeessh I'm tired. Was up most of the night gradually stiffening up more and more with aches and pains popping up all over the place and some gigantic bruises in places I didn't even realize I hurt. Both elbows are covered in reds and purples. The huge goose egg on right leg went down some with ice last evening and doesn't hurt as much now that it doesn't feel like its gonna pop. The ankle is extremely sore evidently twisted it. lol ok make this easier there isn't a spot of any size on my body that isn't sore. Neck, upper back and shoulders are on fire i swear feels like it. Lower back and hips are making sure I don't forget them either. Anyway feel rather like a train ran me over! Thanks for all the hugs and good wishes everyone! Ok going to try to read the posts and then go do my pogo badges I'll bbl or lol maybe i'll just go take another nap so sleepy!
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 04:49 PM #24528
GASP i am shocked. who said there are no perfect men in the world. excuse me but HELLo. u all haven't met me.
. tks fer the words all. still can't rep.
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 04:58 PM #24529
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Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 04:59 PM #24530
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I'm afraid I know more about dogs than cats, but unfortunately, when they get senile, there's not a lot you can do. To housetrain a messy kitten/cat, you basically have to confine them so that they have a bed & a litter box & no room to move anywhere else. Do that for a few days, then keep an eye on them when you give them more freedom, & they're usually trained (same trick for rabbits). But it sounds like she's not quite all there. Confining her isn't cruel, if you leave her her favourite things there. It's worse if she keeps making a mess & you get frustrated with her. By confining her, you'll at least be happy to see her. Just go visit her often & she'll be ok. I know with dogs you can put diapers on them, not sure how she'd cope though.
Just thought of something, could she have a bladder infection? That's usually what makes them hate the litterbox (they think the litter is causing the pain). If this started after she had an infection & she's ok now, you can try the housetraining routine where she's confined in a small area, to get it through to her that the litter doesn't hurt. But if she's a bit off in other ways, it might just be that she's an old lady who's a bit dotty.
Anyone know of a place that takes old VCRs? I don't want to send my old clunker to the landfill. Business Depot used to, but they changed their policy. Not looking for $, just want to see if anyone can use the metal bits inside.
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:01 PM #24531
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I got a good groupo ealirer by luck...But I need more liek that. Ya knwo we did the private room thing and noone through out anyting and we were all keeping you knwo 3 of this 2 of that and i eman points iup the whazoooo..WE need to set up a time on here for us all to meet...Or a few times.....You knwo everyoen has differnt schedules...
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:01 PM #24532
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Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:03 PM #24533
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Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:04 PM #24534
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Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:05 PM #24535
thanks for all the new words, greatly appreciated.........
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:05 PM #24536
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i am impossible to live with. i know that! and yer right, not trying to bash on men here, i just want someone not cussing at me. ugh.
and i was waiting for you to show the hell up. thought we scared you off. i shoulda known better. they tuff on that rock.
she is dotty. and i might have to confine her, just wish i had a used baby gate so she can see us. but when she howls, she HOWELS
and the vcr, call the envirodepot or wherever you take your bottles. ours takes all appliances and computer perphs now. i have a microwave sitting in middle of my floor that hubby has yet to take in, as well as 2 boxes of dishes to the becaon house..
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:06 PM #24537
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Usually when they rip hardwood floor it comes up in pieces and is not usable. if it is old flooring and it comes off in strips and was not glued down, sometimes it can be reused.
BTW you better have a good reason for ripping up good hardwood! (evil eye! lol) hardwood lover
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:10 PM #24538
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Thanks for the words ... still can't give rep! stupid program!!!!
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:11 PM #24539
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KEKES: need the french white bread recipe!!!
it dont' appear my hostages are planning on feeding me
Wed, Mar 4th, 2009, 05:20 PM #24540
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Hey, I had an X that was an idiot too (almost fiance in my case - long story, but I am very very happy I said bye bye). Must be something in the water.
Sorry, Snake, but you seem to be the exception to the rule. Tell yer wife she's lucky.
I do know one fellow who comes close to being the perfect husband - he's kind, considerate, hard-working, does housework, is very good-looking & ... he's gay. Actually I know a few fellows like that. Sigh.
Did I ever mention the time I was escorted home by 6 very handsome gentlemen? A large group of us had gone out for drinks, & these boys felt the need to escort me home (I was the only sober one, by the way). A carload of girls drove past, & shouted something at me. I think they were jealous. They didn't realize all 7 of us were single & looking for a male companion.
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