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Thread: Points And Prizes - Sheknows
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 09:02 PM #24886
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thanks for all the new words l have a lot to catch up on may not get the time to put them in we are bottle feeding 7 1 to 2 week old calfs twice a day l thought my baby bottles days were over lol but love doing this those sweet little faces till they get up to 1000 pounds
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 09:38 PM #24887
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Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 09:41 PM #24888
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Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 09:42 PM #24889
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 09:44 PM #24890
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We don't know, if it is epilepsy it is the first signs of it for her. They are going to run the tests tomorrow so hopefully they will find the cause so we know and hopefully no damage in any way. The doctors are very optimistic that she will be fine because she didn't have any now seizures and she was sleeping and playing afterwards.
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 09:47 PM #24891
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 09:52 PM #24892
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seek? where'd she post that? i musta missed it
god i feel like CRAP now.
i was on this am, talkign to my sisterinlaw. while waiting for blair and them to get back from church. then mom kept bugging me on the phone. because it was snowing and it wasnt' supposed to. then i had to get ready and we went out. but i had a horrible time, cause i worried about the cat the whole day. but she was fine. then ryan was in a snit. I got so sick from his going on, i passed out. when i got up, i couldn't eat, just had a carn inst breaky, spent the pm cleaning cat cages. and then i watched tombraider: cradle of life. then had to send in that damn info for blair to his headoffice.
my head's just not on right.
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 09:55 PM #24893
omg this is hilarious...
It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of
carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood.
When he arrived at the first house on his route he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with big gift certificate envelope.
At the second house they presented him with a box of fine
imported cigars.
The folks at the third house handed him a selection of terrific
fishing lures.
At each of the houses along his route, he was met with
congratulations, farewells, cards, and gifts of all types and values.
At the final house he was met at the door
by a strikingly beautiful young blonde
in a revealing negligee. She took him by the hand,
gently led him through the door (which she closed behind him), and led him up the stairs to the bedroom where they had
a most passionate liaison.
Afterwards, they went downstairs, where she fixed him a giant
breakfast: eggs, potatoes, ham, sausage, blueberry waffles, and
fresh-squeezed orange juice.
When he was truly satisfied she poured him a cup of steaming
coffee. As she was pouring, he noticed a dollar bill sticking out from
under the cup's bottom edge. '...All this was just too wonderful for words,' he said, .....but what's the dollar for?'
'Well,' she said, 'last night, I told my husband
that today would be your last day ...and that we should do
something special for you.
I asked him what to give you?'
He said, "...Screw him .........give him a dollar."
The blonde then blushed and said, '....But the breakfast was my idea.'
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 10:04 PM #24894
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Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 11:01 PM #24895
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Hi guys!
Whole household has the flu now, even DH, who bought himself flu medicine even (this man never even takes a tylenol) Poor littlest will probably have to go to emergency in the next day or two, she hasn't eaten more than a bite of food in the last 24 hours.
RQ -- We're waiiiiiiting! LOL Just kidding, you know we miss you, girl!
NS -- Poor kitty, but if she doesn't have blood in her urine, and if she's even passing tiny bits of poo she is probably ok. Just old. 19 years is quite astonishing for a kitty.
Oh and, how on earth do you just lose a glass? LOL You are gonna find a giant stash of them somewhere in your house.
Only the best store on the planet! They have such beautiful clothes, and lots of really unique things. Most of the clothes I have that I get compliments on are from H&M. Don't bother looking at their website, there's only a few items on there and it isn't their best.
The prices are really good too, considering they are real quality clothes, and I'm a scrimper on clothing prices.
That was exactly the list we have.. but purple put up the forum words. Gonna go add them to the wiki right now.
Amy! I know, seizures are terrifying even in adults, much less little babies. You must have all been so scared. Because you said that she had been ill, and possibly with mild dehydration, my best guess would definately be febrile seizure. Even if babies don't display a temperature, sometimes they can get exactly what the doctor said, called an "Internal fever". Because their tiny bodies are so sensitive, that combined with even the mildest dehydration can cause seizure. If she hasn't had any more, I would assume they will chalk it up to that eventually.
My best friend and I were sitting together one day, and her oldest (who was about 2 at the time) was sitting at the table coloring. Suddenly he just started seizing and fell off the chair. My friend was quite hysterical, and I just grabbed him and jumped in the car to the emerg. He had the whole battery of tests, never had another one, and is now 10 years old.
It happens a lot more than you'd think, frighteningly enough.
I will keep her in my prayers, and mom and dad too. It can really set you on edge and make you not even want to sleep once your child has had even one, you are always sure they are seconds away from another one. Make sure to tell them to try not to be too scared if it ends up having been a febrile seizure (Fancy term for seizure caused by fever)
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 11:03 PM #24896
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ok, some of these have been posted already but I spent the afternoon looking for words and here's what I found:
agggrrr. there might be some errors in here so I'm double checking.
ok, I think it's right. I removed the word CAP.
5 pts.
10 pts.
15 pts.
50 pts.
100 pts.
turkeyLast edited by jodew71; Mon, Mar 9th, 2009 at 09:13 PM. Reason: didn't copy & paste properly
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 11:34 PM #24897
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Out of that list these are the only nondoubles that are valid:
hazel worth 10 pts good thru 03/31/09
mesa worth 10 pts good thru 03/31/09
bens worth 5 pts good thru 03/31/09
fido worth 5 pts good thru 03/31/09
fittv worth 5 pts good thru 03/31/09
Sun, Mar 8th, 2009, 11:59 PM #24898
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HOLY ...
how am i going to enter them all??????????????????????
Mon, Mar 9th, 2009, 12:26 AM #24899
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Thanks for all the words! Gave reps everywhere I could!
Time for bed, off to mom's at 6 a.m. ... see you all in 3 or 4 days ... have fun!Last edited by kekes; Mon, Mar 9th, 2009 at 12:27 AM.
Mon, Mar 9th, 2009, 12:42 AM #24900
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HI everyone just a quick note to let you all know i'm alive not kicking but definitely alive if the pain in my leg is any indication!!! DH (dam)went off to the casino yesterday left at noon, changed my dressing right before he left. Stayed the night so he brought me home chinese food before he left ate on that all day. Miserable dam day though trying to struggle with crutches to heat it up and making several trips just to get my food and drink tripped over dogs toy almost lost it all lol by evening was too po'd to come on and chat at all. He got home around 10 this morning and went straight to bed finally got up this afternoon took me a couple hours nagging him to get him to change my dressing, supposed to be done twice a day. I think with him not doing it friday because he woke late and after this weekend I'm going to ask the dr to have home health come out after all. Really needed cleaned up today and I can't stand to touch it (not squemish but it just hurts too bad) and he doesn't like to hurt me either so it just got another dressing tossed on it. He's been using too much neosporin on it and its building up on it. The hospital said we could use it for helping with the pain, doesn't prevent infection but I think with the build up of it that it could breed some nasty bugs.
Amy so sorry to hear about the lil one. Will pray for her and your family. My son had seizures when he was 1 years old. He was standing holding my leg in the kitchen suddenly flopped over seizing. Rushed him to the hospital, they ran tests but never did find anything wrong and he's never had another but I didn't sleep for days after. My ex ended up getting laid off the day he had the seizures so thankfully I had help with him so I'd stay up nights and ex would stay with him for a few hours in the day so I could sleep a little. Finally decided he was going to be fine but would still get up several times a night to check on him for several months. I think if they could of least given me a reason I might of not been so scared but since they hadn't a clue there was nothing I could watch for, he hadn't been sick or anything. Thankfully I worried for nothing.
Thanks for the words everyone am glad I finished Marjem's list already
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