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  1. #13306
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    that's just it amy! i took em away. his behaviour improved remarkably. he was saying earlier, how it's a game he never had a chance to play and i took it away. i said, well, if you keep going as good as you are, you might get some time saturday.

    but then he came home at lunch, hinting about the game, trying to get it earlier, then started going on how he hates cadets, boring, painful, blah blah.. i knew it was all over this fooking game.

    so i told him he was going to cadets, and he will not be getting the game this weekend. well that fired him off, upstairs throwing a fit, couldn't send him to school.

    i thought if he had something to look foward to the behaviour would continue. looks like it backfired on me.

    see what u think?

    have to add.. he never got em last weekend, because after playing vid games prev sunday, he spent days cursing at a lady and her 5 year old kid!
    crap the kid is good. i cannot think of anything else. initially when my sister started having trouble with her son it was his disc man and she took it away and gave him special privileges. well that didnt work so she took him to the sick kids hospital and he personally donated to a child...he was kicking and screaming throughout the whole thing but then realized it was a good thing...he started getting better so she bought him a new video game...months later...then he started up again so he only got them on the major holidays not even weekends...then his grades picked up so she gave them back and well hes an awesome kid now. in grade 11 and pulling 97 averages and a classical music composer...not that any of that has to do with his behaviour as a child but i love to brag about his accomplishments now

    ns i dont know what you can do at this point, some times kid outsmart us and we have to figure out how to get the upper hand once again

    good luck...hugs

  2. #13307
    Smart Canuck
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    wheres the new words. i am having withdrawals. i don't understand. I NEED WORDS.

    just kidding ladies. you are all doing a bang up job with the words. keep em coming. TKS to ev1 for ALL the words.

  3. #13308
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    We took our sons away now the DAMN SON stays up all night watching tv.. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR .....TEENAGERS!

    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    ns take em away from him for a while. my sister had to do it with her son, she took them away for him during the school period and only gave them back during xmas, march and summer breaks. you might just have to do that til he knows how to control himself and his time and attention

  4. #13309
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!

  5. #13310
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    my son loves video games as well, but its to be as my dh and I love them as well, and collect all the old machines on top of new ones, but when he acts up he loses his privilage to play at all till he shows decent behaviour and behaves for at least a week. he can become very obsessed with a game and it changes his behaviour and not for the good. We give it back but the second he starts up again its gone..he really loves them and is working very hard at behaving...he would throw horrible tantrums when he lost it, but was told if he does he will lose it for longer.

  6. #13311
    Smart Canuck Grey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    Well, I checked the wiki, and I have all the words and am at 8395
    Quote Originally Posted by Love2save View Post
    yep that's where I am too
    lucky yous. i'm at 7555.
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  7. #13312
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    1 (100%) Keyword: SHIA worth 100 points good through 11/10/08.

    Off to shower now BBL

  8. #13313
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Oh yeah I finally won the fight to stay home for had everyone calling to try and guilt trip us into going, tried to explain guilt tripping doesnt work, so dont waste your breathe..every holiday is such a fight. We had decided to stay hom since dh leaves the monday for a week for work

  9. #13314
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetick View Post
    When it rains it pours it seems. My father was rushed to the hospital Monday night. They still don't know what is wrong with him. He was very confused, and kept saying he is in terrible pain. He is now having little bursts of clarity, but they don't last long. He was upset this morning, he keeps saying no one will tell him where he is, then the next he switches and wants to go to the cottage, then he slurs his words and he is crying alot. This is truely breaking my heart cause there is not a fookin thing I can do. Through out all this he keeps calling me Pat, who is his sister. I tell him I am his daughter, but he does not seem to think he has one *sigh*. It has been a very tough week.

    I just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the words and the funny posts that help me forget for a little while.

    So sorry to hear about your dad, know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. #13315
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    crap the kid is good. i cannot think of anything else. initially when my sister started having trouble with her son it was his disc man and she took it away and gave him special privileges. well that didnt work so she took him to the sick kids hospital and he personally donated to a child...he was kicking and screaming throughout the whole thing but then realized it was a good thing...he started getting better so she bought him a new video game...months later...then he started up again so he only got them on the major holidays not even weekends...then his grades picked up so she gave them back and well hes an awesome kid now. in grade 11 and pulling 97 averages and a classical music composer...not that any of that has to do with his behaviour as a child but i love to brag about his accomplishments now

    ns i dont know what you can do at this point, some times kid outsmart us and we have to figure out how to get the upper hand once again

    good luck...hugs
    ight now he's sitting at the kitchen table doing an amazng amt of schoolwork *sigh* he's outsmarting me again

    thanks for your insight. i think what u said makes sense. major holidays. like xmas break march break. weekends..nonononono!

    not for now anyway. i hate to do it but hell he's driving me bug.

    will you be my friend? please?

  11. #13316
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harley Grandma View Post Keyword: SHIA worth 100 points good through 11/10/08.

    Off to shower now BBL
    i just had my shower. which is when i realized..

    i ran out of oil!

    will you be my friend? please?

  12. #13317
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    ns thing is the only way to teach him is to repeat the process over and over. I know someone who it took about 3 years with the game fight to get dd consistant on behavior

  13. #13318
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    tick my prayers are with you and your father. Happy thanksgiving day to canadians. I will never get used to the thought of it in october lol.

  14. #13319
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hmcsp View Post
    When I just tried entering the word RIDES from the contests (was posted yesterday) I'm getting the message that I've already claimed it. I haven't. I've claimed RIDE, BRIDE, RIDER and JOYRIDE (I love the search function!) but not RIDES.

    Am I the only one having problems with it?
    Have experienced that often they will add a word, it works for some people, not others.... Then they add an "s" so will work for the people that had problems but shows as claimed for those that got the original word........

    ya I am having the same issue only none of those work for me
    it says I have already claimed ride and I havent and rides comes up invalid so idk

    Quote Originally Posted by leftie View Post
    Went thru Wiki and was missing 1 - 100 point word (dalmatians) (CHECK THAT ONE ROSE) - but contest total still at 8395 - so we are still behind by 460 points
    ya thanks that was one of the ones i found on the wiki that i must have missed got it last night

    Quote Originally Posted by smb127 View Post
    Just want to say thanks for the words!! Espeacialy to Rose, I needed the laugh this morning, and I almost entered the word until I got to the post where Example wasn't a real word. LOL
    as long as it helps pick up spirits

    right now I'm at 8070 with 500pts worth of words left to enter but not sure which ones are contest ones and which arent

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  15. #13320
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    1 (100%) Keyword: LEARN worth 100 points good through 11/10/08.

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