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  1. #13336
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    lolcat what day do canadians celebrate thanksgiving? Ours is third thursday of november. But I know your aware of when ours is lol.

  2. #13337
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    oh tick I am ss for you ..............sending you a ((hug)) I will add you to my prayer list

    Life is Good

  3. #13338
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    Guys, just so you know, more than a few of the ones in the "Unknown Source" section of the wiki are NOT hunt words... who knows what they are from, lol. They do all work though, I always try to remove the words that don't work.

    I'm sad I claimed for that little bunny puzzle, there is a WAY cuter baby toy up today, that little stacking house! Monet would LOVE that, she is totally into the "Put and take" kind of baby play right now. Oh well, she won't know the difference on Christmas

    they must be gone already, i only see these weird stackable

    ooh...they make a house???

    will you be my friend? please?

  4. #13339
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    ok now I am at 8170

    and rebelinu got the stuff to try and test today will try it out this weekend and work on a review for them will email it to you probably wednesday, supposed to have a busy weekend tomorrow hopefully furniture shopping, sunday get to make a pumpkin cheesecake for thanksgiving, mon well thanksgiving and tuesday am working the elections 13hours so wont get much computer time till wednesday and want to try the stuff out enough that I can do a good review

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  5. #13340
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    lolcat what day do canadians celebrate thanksgiving? Ours is third thursday of november. But I know your aware of when ours is lol.

    monday for us

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  6. #13341
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    I am so upset right now, I thought everything was dealt with with in-laws about Thanksgiving, only to come home from getting groceries to some nasty emails from everyone. That we are selfish about wanting to spend it by ourselves, etc., etc. I phoned my dh and couldnt even talk I was crying to much..he is so upset.
    I dont get why it is such a bad thing to want to do this, he is always working and going to be gone and he just wants to spend it with the kids before he leaves...i hate holidays

  7. #13342
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    do what you want and say screw the rest of the family thats what we do cause holidays always end up in huge fights because no one can get along so we always spend it here my ourselves
    its not selfish its smart btw LOL

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  8. #13343
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    rose. My page here at sc doesnt ever stop loading so I cant give rep. Any ideas what is wrong or can you ask boo? Thats why i havent given rep laterly. I havent been able to get on msn for days either not ignoring my friends.

  9. #13344
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    1 (100%) Keyword: TRAVEL worth 100 points good through 11/10/08.

  10. #13345
    One of a kind! Harley Grandma's Avatar
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    WHAT THE HECK!! It was just put up but says I already claimed it! GRRRRRRRRRRR I think they are messing with us..

  11. #13346
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    I am so upset right now, I thought everything was dealt with with in-laws about Thanksgiving, only to come home from getting groceries to some nasty emails from everyone. That we are selfish about wanting to spend it by ourselves, etc., etc. I phoned my dh and couldnt even talk I was crying to much..he is so upset.
    I dont get why it is such a bad thing to want to do this, he is always working and going to be gone and he just wants to spend it with the kids before he leaves...i hate holidays
    Haun honey here is what we do on holidays we spend only an hour or so with dh's family. Cause they always have a helluva fight. But we eat at my mothers and spend the rest of the evening alone. I hope it all works out. Maybe the hubby will just tell them off and be done with it. Dont let a few a$$holes ruin your day. Oh and christmas we celebrate the night before with my family and go an hour to his families and come home.

  12. #13347
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post
    rose. My page here at sc doesnt ever stop loading so I cant give rep. Any ideas what is wrong or can you ask boo? Thats why i havent given rep laterly. I havent been able to get on msn for days either not ignoring my friends.
    nope mine does that too do you have dial up? cause thats what I always thought it was thats why I hardly ever give rep to people cause it wont let me or the box takes forever to show up.

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  13. #13348
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    yep I have dial up. It hasnt always done this tho. Just started lately.

  14. #13349
    Boo Radley Conspirator roseofblack25's Avatar
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    oh well its always done it for me we have a super slow connection so unless i leave it for 20min it always shows as loading

    Search and win with SWAGBUCKS!

  15. #13350
    Ca Goblin rebelinu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftie View Post
    I have 4 Schick pins for the 6 free razors if anyone in here wants one before I post them in the Schick post - let me know - should have at least 3 more later also when I get 3 of the 6 my mom got - I told we would split the razors when hers came
    How long did it take for yours to come? I've been waiting for mine for about 6 weeks now

    Quote Originally Posted by roseofblack25 View Post
    ok now I am at 8170

    and rebelinu got the stuff to try and test today will try it out this weekend and work on a review for them will email it to you probably wednesday, supposed to have a busy weekend tomorrow hopefully furniture shopping, sunday get to make a pumpkin cheesecake for thanksgiving, mon well thanksgiving and tuesday am working the elections 13hours so wont get much computer time till wednesday and want to try the stuff out enough that I can do a good review
    Thanks.. i hope there's something in there you like and that it arrived without any problems I was afraid that there could be some leakage issues.. lol. Take 1-2 weeks if you need to. I just really appreciate that you guys are helping me out with this so dont feel rushed

    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    I am so upset right now, I thought everything was dealt with with in-laws about Thanksgiving, only to come home from getting groceries to some nasty emails from everyone. That we are selfish about wanting to spend it by ourselves, etc., etc. I phoned my dh and couldnt even talk I was crying to much..he is so upset.
    I dont get why it is such a bad thing to want to do this, he is always working and going to be gone and he just wants to spend it with the kids before he leaves...i hate holidays
    I HATE it when family (esp inlaws) pulls this kind of manipulation. My ex-hubbys mom was the queen when it came to this. I know its harder when you're dealing with the inlaws - it really should be your DH that stands up to them just to make it easier on you. With my own family it took me years to get to the point where i refuse to let them guilt me into coming over for holidays, if i cant make it. Holidays should be a happy experience and if you're forced to go it just ruins it all. You're entilted to spend one alone with your hubby if thats what you want.

    The tick and leftie, i'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you *hugs*

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