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  1. #14101
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    RQ: thanks for pointing out my typo

    we missed ya chickey.

    yup we have a JARED IS HOT, GALE IS HOTTER, REBEL IS HOT BUT WE'RE NOT GAY clubs started.

    (racefan is gonna kill me for that one)

    will you be my friend? please?

  2. #14102
    Meeee-ow! =^ö^= thetick's Avatar
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    Hi everyone, sure did miss you all. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes.
    My dad is still in the hospital and is much worse. They are still doing tests but I think it is Alzhiemers (sp). He doesn't seem to know any of us now. He has not had a lucid moment since before Thanksgiving and he is getting very weak.

    My cousin had her surgery, they also took a limph node and she is still waiting for the results of that so we are hoping it is negative. As soon as she has healed she starts radiation. She is still sore but feeling better everyday.

    And my TV died. All my electronic stuff is giving up the ghost on me lately. I just hope my computer isn't next. I can live without a TV but not my puter!!

    I simply am too pooped to read through all the pages I have missed, but big hugs to everyone.

    Love yur belly lol

  3. #14103
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    oh tick, i hope your dad comes around. alzheimers is hard for the whole family to deal with. saying prayers for your dad and cousin. hope her tests are negative. if neg, does she still have to undergo radiation?

    will you be my friend? please?

  4. #14104
    Meeee-ow! =^ö^= thetick's Avatar
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    Thanks ns.
    Yes she does as the the lump they removed from her breast was cancer.

  5. #14105
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    tick, there are many support groups for families of alzhiemer patients. I think families need help to understand how this disease works and to talk to others who are going through this as well

  6. #14106
    Canadian Genius Love2save's Avatar
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    lolcat, love your tummy!!!

  7. #14107
    smart canuck kaela's Avatar
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    i have been playing pogo today. this is my halloween badge,cute or what.
    i have also finally finished keying in all of last weeks words. just in time for next week i guess.

  8. #14108
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    OK...still not caught up

    It's only Thursday for me....


    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    I love pizza dough in the breadmaker, the recipe I use, makes a nice thick crust or can half it and makes a nice thin one, is my absolute fav recipe for pizza dough..
    Can I get your recipe? You guys are forcing me to get my breadmaker out. I put it up about 3 years ago when I went low carb....
    now I'm only low on giving a anymore...oops

    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    I already PM'd this to NSAngel, because she is in love with Gale Harold, but for any of you other fans out there, here is a bit of upsetting news:

    Hope he recovers soon... brain swelling is so scary!
    My life is complete now

    Quote Originally Posted by amycrows View Post
    My husband bought me a breadmaker last year thinking he was going to love me making fresh bread. Its now in the basement with the rest of our tools we barely use. I love it but frankly we can never eat a whole loaf before it starts to rot so I stopped making anything with it.

    I guess its a good thing, this big a$$ ham of a butt doesn't need it anyways
    Bread freezes very well! Bake a loaf and freeze half. Better yet, preslice it and only take out the number you want. The slices thaw quickly sitting out.

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    DITTO BOO!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    The new Halloween one is just like the payless one... one vote an hour per picture, and it is "Ratings" just like the shoes were.
    Someone has already downvoted my poor little Winter to 4.3 candies! WHATEVER.
    No one else's pictures are downvoted except for mine
    And yes, I know the score doesn't do anything to the votes, but it still makes me mad, just like the last contest.

    And we are supposed (of course) to get points for entering, voting, and commenting. It took me to the "Enter your P&P Account info" to get your points after voting thing, but I don't see the points in my account balance, and I haven't entered any words yet this morning.
    I'm starting to think that P&P is run by terrorists. They don't care about women or children. How about getting a man to write to them

    Quote Originally Posted by smb127 View Post
    Still no points,.

    I didn't even get points for entering yet.
    Whatchoo talkin bout??? I still didn't get points for entering the recipe contest!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by newsnakeowner1978 View Post
    when they run out of something, do they ever restock it or once its gone its gone for good. seen a few things that i would like but its showing out of stock. and the other thing i wants is 2.5 million pts. so gonna be a LONG time before gets that amount of pts. lol anyone know.
    That's what I want too, by the time I get enough points they'll be selling it on clearance

    Quote Originally Posted by haunish View Post
    I dont think they ever restock an item as far as I know
    Why can't the friggin dong heads just remove the item??? Out of stock means you expect to restock

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post

    did anyone happen to notice that the entries that were downvoted the most were our cross dressers? (lolcat and smb's entries?)

    just an observation..they're back up to 4.9.

    and i posted all the links into the contest thread under needing votes so maybe a few other sc'ers will pitch in
    Oh no, don't get me started!!! Downvoters again???!! Didn't I kick your arse bad enough over the last contest?? You want some more of me??? Is there one I missed??? Don't worry, I'LL FIND YOU!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post
    grey means u is old.

    omg you got a RED ONE??? that's not good. that means someone did NOT approve of your post. a grey one means they approve but they din't have enuf clout to make a difference. green means, good job.

    the day i get a red one, i'm crawling under a rock and crying...


    don't worry about it. there's always ONE somewhere...
    I got 3 red ones in about 15 minutes time from one beotch.

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post

    okay, someone noticed that page 2 wasn't working. i thought it was because they never got enuf pics. well someone entered pushing the dragon to the 2nd page. but it's not comming up!!! you can only access it through the bookmarked link.

    can't contact sheknows because their link isn't working.

    so i went into the message boards to the contest thread, and posted that the contest wasn't working. that the pics are missing, the points aren't being allocated, and we can't get ahold of anyone at sheknows because their contact link isn't working.

    if anyone else can think of anything..start!
    Bomb threat sent

    Quote Originally Posted by Harley Grandma View Post
    Hey guys.. Do you think if we all emailed them with the CONTACT LINK at the bottom of this page it would work?
    The one at the bottom of this page is for SmartCanucks....they are in no way related. Isn't that what you were asking?

    Quote Originally Posted by NSangel View Post

    will one of the 4 lurkers plz come forwards and say hi? :D

    the only one that's known to bite is rebate, and she's awol.
    WTF??? You weren't supposed to tell

  9. #14109
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    Luv the belly Lolcat!

  10. #14110
    Musical Canuck Trebleclef's Avatar
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    Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a nice weekend. It is finally cooling down here. The low temp is forecast to be 42F tonight, and it will only be 69F for the high tomorrow. The sky looks so blue this time of year, and the leaves are beginning to turn. I just love Fall! I'll bet the leaves are really pretty up there in Canada!

    Tick, I'm so sorry to hear that your Dad is doing so poorly. That is such a cruel disease, both for the patient and for the family. I will be praying for you, your Dad, your cousin, and your family.

    NS, I think the pirate dog contest entry is Andit's. I haven't entered the contest.

    I have been voting like crazy for all of you who have entered. I've given a few comments, but I wasn't getting the points after a couple of comments, so I've focused on voting. All of your pics are SO cute!

    I'm going to read the thread, then go vote some more. I haven't seen lol's belly yet, so I think I'll do that first!

  11. #14111
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    Tick - prayers and thoughts with you, your family, your dad and your cousin as you all deal with these difficult situations - hope all works out well

  12. #14112
    AWESOME ONE NSangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetick View Post
    Thanks ns.
    Yes she does as the the lump they removed from her breast was cancer.
    my mom had breast cancer, she had the whole breast off so they are checking to see if it has spread?

    *groan* i really gotta keep notes on everyone..i'll fix that..sorry andit

    will you be my friend? please?

  13. #14113
    smart canuck kaela's Avatar
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  14. #14114
    Frosh Canuck
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    tick - saying prayers for you and your family

  15. #14115
    Cat Trainer (Trainee??) Andit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetick View Post
    Hi everyone, sure did miss you all. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes.
    My dad is still in the hospital and is much worse. They are still doing tests but I think it is Alzhiemers (sp). He doesn't seem to know any of us now. He has not had a lucid moment since before Thanksgiving and he is getting very weak.

    My cousin had her surgery, they also took a limph node and she is still waiting for the results of that so we are hoping it is negative. As soon as she has healed she starts radiation. She is still sore but feeling better everyday.

    And my TV died. All my electronic stuff is giving up the ghost on me lately. I just hope my computer isn't next. I can live without a TV but not my puter!!

    I simply am too pooped to read through all the pages I have missed, but big hugs to everyone.

    Love yur belly lol


    Sorry to hear about your dad. My Grandfather had a similar thing happen - it was a series of mini-strokes. Unfortunately, he died about 6 months later, but considering he was 86, never had a sick day in his life before then, and had a thick slice of bread with about an inch of lard for breakfast everyday, he had a good life.

    Sorry about your cousin.

    Sending well wishes for both.

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