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  1. #14221
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prairiebelle View Post
    I will let you know if the Champix works. I am off to the doctor on Saturday to talk to him. Like your hubby that is the hard part for me too. Figuring out what to do with your hands, they are much too use to holding onto a cigarette. Then there are the times when you are used to having a cigarette as right after dinner, when you get up in the morning, driving. Those are very hard habits to break when you have been doing them forever and a day.

    Thats the biggest issue for dh, is the driving he does alot for his job so when hes driving he smokes and isnt sure what to replace that with. He suggested he might just have to go camping for a week by himself and see if he can

  2. #14222
    Senior Canuck prairiebelle's Avatar
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    lol haunish that would be sheer torture for him.

  3. #14223
    Smart Canuck haunish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prairiebelle View Post
    lol haunish that would be sheer torture for him.

    Lol, exactly!!

  4. #14224
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    Guys there is some weird stuff going on in my family with my brother right now and I need a whole bunch of prayers. Do we have any lawyers and mental health doctors on here that maybe could help me?
    Somehow Im thinking there is no lawyer because they have enough money and might not need to save, but here is to hoping. If you know someone, maybe you can PM me.
    I'm desperate for help and advise.

  5. #14225
    The Sane One seekthetruth's Avatar
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    working on ebay right now. I will vote more in a while. Phone man came out and said what did the guy do to your phone last month? I said well I didnt even know he showed up. He replaced parts so we will see if the problem stops now. Its gonna rain here tomorrow night so x your fingers for me. I cant go through another weekend with out my peeps.

  6. #14226
    Senior Canuck prairiebelle's Avatar
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    Prayers for you. Have you looked in phone book and tried to call a lawyer or two. Most places will give free consultations. There are also legal aide lawyers out there as well. Getting one is a bit of paperwork and you have to have a low income to be eligible but if your income is over you can also get a discount from a lawyer that is in the program.

  7. #14227
    Smart Canuck amycrows's Avatar
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    Thnx. Yes he has a lawyer but I'm not sure what he is doing and trying to find out what our options are. I'm getting involved now because my brother is not mentally well all of a sudden due to this legal matter. It's crazy because he was always the rock in the family as the eldest and now suddenly it's like someone put a spell on him because he is completely different. My father just forced him to be admitted to the hospital. He tried to OD this past weekend, I just found out this morning...all over a lawsuit that everyone tells him will be thrown out and even if it is not does not involve jail time, its just friggin money...I've been crying all day but I can't even let it out because I do not want the kids to see me.

  8. #14228
    Senior Canuck prairiebelle's Avatar
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    I am so sorry Amy. It is hard to have family members go through something like that and sit back having almost no control of the situation at all. After trying to OD it is best he is in the hospital where he is safe and will hopefully realize that trying to end things is not the solution. I will pray for you Amy and I hope that things get better over the next few days.

  9. #14229
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    Amy - so sorry for the problems your brother is having and that family problems always affect the whole family - hope everything works out well for him and that he gets the help he so needs.

    For everyone trying to quit smoking - it is so worth it. I will be 6 months on Wednesday after using Champix and that is also the day for a memorial service for my neighbour who just passed on away on Saturday from lung cancer. To see what he went thru the past 6 or 7 months is enough for me to never smoke again. It was not as hard as I thought it would be - first few nights while sitting at puter downstairs (only place I smoked in the house) was a little rough but took a run upstairs for couple minutes and it passed and by end of week was not bad at all. Still have the odd urge but just tell myself no I don't want or need it. Good luck to all who are going to try - it can be done - it just takes willpower.

  10. #14230
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    I'm finally caught least to today's posts!!

    However, if SheKnows keeps the voting like they have it now, you won't be hearing much from me til it's over!

    Quote Originally Posted by lolcat View Post
    OMG NSangel.. I watched that video of your man (I had never seen QAF, only seen him recently in Desperate Housewives) and he IS hot... then I saw the ones of him with a beard and moustache, and HOLY SMOKES is he hot. MEOW.
    I agree about the beard and moustache! That's how he looks best to me! But now that I've watched a bunch of clips of QAF on youtube, any fire that was started has been put out. I can't watch a guy kiss another guy that many times and then still have any desire left for him Nothing against homosexuals....just wouldn't want to put my mouth where a d*** has been!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Andit View Post

    By the way, I don't think there's downvoting going on - when I entered, I was given a 1 out of 5 (glitch with the contest?) and it only went up slightly when I voted for myself to see if it worked.
    There is def downvoting going on...believe me!!

    Quote Originally Posted by rebelinu View Post
    LMAO just saw this now
    Thats so sweet... should i start doing the Queen of England hand wave when i enter the thread?
    nah, just shake your butt a little...LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by ladylady View Post
    do you guys think that if they fix it you will lose all the extra points and have wasted how much time?????
    They can fix it if they want, but if they go back and take away that would start a war!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by seekthetruth View Post

    Reread some of her posts. SHE stays on the naughty list. course she has aphena and rebate for company on there lol.

    gotta lurv them all anyways.
    Good, I still have my reputation in tact! Was afraid I was gonna lose it by not being around as much lately!!

  11. #14231
    Senior Canuck prairiebelle's Avatar
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    did you find that the Champix really worked for you leftie and what did you end up doing with your hands to replace the cigarette you were used to having in your hand? I need all the help I can get here to be a non smoker this time. I will be spending the next two weeks working up the strength to start over here.

  12. #14232
    CEDAR CHOICE FARM tammy8701's Avatar
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    thanks for the new words

  13. #14233
    Bluenoser leftie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prairiebelle View Post
    did you find that the Champix really worked for you leftie and what did you end up doing with your hands to replace the cigarette you were used to having in your hand? I need all the help I can get here to be a non smoker this time. I will be spending the next two weeks working up the strength to start over here.
    I actually didn't mind it for the most part - right after supper I used to come downstairs for a smoke and that was the one I missed the most - so instead of heading downstairs I would get right up and do the dishes and by the time I got downstairs I was pretty good. Wasn't bad at work as I had to go outside to smoke so I wasn't around smoke throughout the day. Take it one day at a time prairiebelle and when the urge strikes get up and move around for few minutes - the urge will pass and I found it wasn't the craving for the cigarette but the habit and that is much easier to get through.

  14. #14234
    SC Candy Addict rebate queen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prairiebelle View Post
    Voting done once again and I gave you all 5's. Really hoping that someone from here wins a prize.

    Did not go to work today because I had a massive headache last night and ended up with two hours sleep before my alarm went off for work. I was totally drained so I called in sick and went back to bed again.

    I have been getting headaches much too often and think it may be time to go to the doc to see what could be causing them and maybe get something to make it better. Two birds with one stone because I need to talk to him about a prescription for Champix, time to quit smoking.

    Has anyone here tried that drug to quit smoking? I have had a few ppl at work try it and it actually worked for them. I have never used a drug to try to quit smoking before but I am willing to try anything if it will work.
    Let us know how you do....I have to do it soon myself! I've been smoking over 25 years and its def taken a toll on me. I have heard great things about the med, but I think it is Chantix. I'll be praying for you!
    I quit one time for 3 weeks. I was hoping that it would get easier when I got over the nicotene dependence. However for me, it's strictly the habit that's hard to break. I haven't tried the med yet, because I'm on so many other meds while trying to find something that helps with my medical issues right now. I will be trying it soon. I do believe that it has the best success rate of anything out there.

  15. #14235
    Senior Canuck prairiebelle's Avatar
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    Thx leftie. I guess it is a routine thing. I am used to getting up in the morning and sitting down at the computer and having a smoke before I do anything else at all. That will be a tough one to get through. I will have to make myself hop in shower instantly instead and take an extra long hot shower to get my day started instead.

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