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Thread: Points And Prizes - Sheknows
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 06:58 PM #14236
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I didn't use Champix, I used Zyban. My husband and I were both able to quit smoking while using Zyban. Please remember, it's not the Champix that will make you quit smoking. It is your determination and willpower that will
Best of luck! We've been smoke free for 3 years this coming January 14th
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:01 PM #14237
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Good luck to all of you who are trying to quit smoking. Something else to think about...all of the money you will save! Keep track of your savings and buy yourself a nice present when you have broken the habit!
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:04 PM #14238
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Did you know there are over 4,000 drugs in one cigarette? I didn't know till I quit smoking. Shaun and I quit with the assistance of the "Addiction Services" program. It was great and they have an incredible support team. We used the Zyban for 2 weeks before quitting (we had set our quit date though) and Shaun had his last cigarette at 4:30pm and I had my last one at 5pm. We had both said we would finish our packs
Never lit up since. I must say that it REALLY wasn't bad quitting. The bad part was the FEAR of quitting and knowing I wouldn't have my little "buddy" to rely on anymore. Cravings come and go. I picked up a popsicle addiction after I quit. My husband sucked on straws for a few weeks! We have no regrets and we are quite sure we will never smoke again! Now, I put on about 20 lbs though which I do NOT like but they said to concentrate on one thing at a time! Shaun put on about 30-40 lbs but he's 6'4" so he's about 240 now. We'r not big but I am not comfortable at this size. I miss my sizes 5-7!!!
Best of luckGreat that your son is afraid of the cigarette as now you know that he'll probably NEVER smoke in his life
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:08 PM #14239
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You can do it though! I am living proof! I couldn't imagine EVER sitting down at the computer again without my ashtray and cigarette! But hey, I'm sitting at it right now and wasn't even thinking about one till now! Just KEEP BUSY! If you start doing something that makes you think of it, stop doing it and go for a small walk or call someone or do something else. You have to change your life around slightly. It doesn't take long to get adjusted. One important thing though, REWARD YOURSELF. Every week buy yourself a reward. And when you go purchase that small thing, tell the clerk "I just quit smoking and this is my reward"! I couldn't WAIT to tell everyone! It was such a great feeling
But the addictions counsellor couldn't stress enough that rewards were VERY important! And boy, did I ever reward myself! I bought stuff constantly! My husband tried begging me to start smoking again as he claimed it was cheaper!!!!! NOT!
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:10 PM #14240
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When I quit smoking, each time I got in the car I brought my two popsicles with me! I ate popsicles while driving! My friends would meet me on the road and wave and I'd be waving with my popsicle in my hand! It worked great! And the best part, they were only $4.99 for a box of 24! Even cheaper than cigarettes and a box lasted more than a day!!!!!
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:13 PM #14241
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:15 PM #14242
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I am so sorry to hear this Amy. Life can be very depressing at times. My mother committed suicided 17 years ago on November 22nd. My sister attempted suicide once and my brother attempted suicide several times. I am the rock in the family and I hope that I never "cave" in. I'm blessed to have a LOT of strength, a great husband and totally awesome friends. Please talk about it, it WILL help you deal with it. Feel no shame, we are here to help you
It's great that your father stepped up and got him the help he needs. Sorry you have to go through this! Hugssssssssssssss...
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:15 PM #14243
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Popsicles wouldnt work for he is driving for 12-16 hours, I think I will just have to pack alot of baking for him, he loves it but when he cant smoke he eats it like crazy!!! I think our grocery bill will be huge.
My mom when she quit sucked on mints constantly to keep her mouth busy and it worked. My dad was told to quit,he had a heart attack last year and is only 47(had me young) but he doesnt want to and nothing anyone can say will make him, but I also learned the more you hassle someone the lesslikely they are to quit, at least that is my experience
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:22 PM #14244
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Send him off to work with a couple of bags of baby carrots and a small jar of veggie dip. A lot of people eat raw carrots or raw veggies to keep themselves busy. And they are actually pretty healthy for you too! We did the mixed candy thing too! Mints, Wurthers (spelling?), etc.! It worked too! Always had some small candies on hand!
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:27 PM #14245
I love the idea of rewarding myself femme, considering that I spend around 200.00 a month just on smoking. If I go out and spend 50.00 on me I am still way ahead.
My son and I are hoping to go to Australia next March and this way too, saving up for spending money would be a breeze. Our trips are free and we have a place to stay already so spending money is all I need. Then I could shop out there til I dropped. My only concern though is getting permission from my son's dad to take him out of the country for two and a half weeks.
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:33 PM #14246
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That one was hard to give up too - I would hop out of bed on work days (Mon - Fri) and head right downstairs for a smoke so my morning routine changed a little for a week or so - now the times I think of a smoke are getting less and less but I don't think they will ever go away - when you see someone smoking you will think of it but the urge for the habit of having one passes pretty quick.
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 07:45 PM #14247
its been almost 5 years since my wife and I quit. man it was hard but we done it cold turkey. work after the 6 or 7th try. i was worst then the devil the last and final time. lol poor wifey couldn't even look at me the wrong way or the right way. lol but the craving is still there from time to time. but i am strong will power <i think> lol
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 08:01 PM #14248
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The funny thing is when my dh had quit for the 3 months, i was in worse shape then he was and i had not smoked in years already. I think I got so used to all the secondhand smoke, I was
Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 08:18 PM #14249
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Mon, Oct 20th, 2008, 08:20 PM #14250
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