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Thread: Is costco worth the money?

  1. #46
    Smart Canuck Bargain Seeker's Avatar
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    I have been a Costco member for about 5 years now. I find that I buy less and less there since I started using coupons. Some things that I always buy at Costco are the Orville hugh box of popcorn, spices, children vitamines, books, Kirkland Almonds, jars of garlic, etc. The cheese is also at good price. I don't think you can buy the Laughing Cow 32 pieces any cheaper anywhere else.

    All that to say that I am not sure it is worth my $55 but I am holding on to it. We travel to Moncton and Saint John on a regular basis to go shop at Costco and other stores.

    They are building a Costco in Fredericton right now. Anyone knows when it will open?

  2. #47
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    I gave up due to the line-ups. If they had an express lane, they might get me back.

    But if you know your grocery prices, you can do just as well without the membership

  3. #48
    Smart Canuck nadiabreckon's Avatar
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    We have been members for maybe a year, and we might spend 100-150$/month, if that! We don't have a huge family so we don't buy meat there...and I can't see us using a gallon of mayonnaise between the 2 of us by the time it goes bad! lol

    I'm not sure if we're going to keep it, sure it's only 55$/year, but we could be putting that toward something more useful than having to "pay" to go grocery shopping and waiting half hour in a line-up, only to be checked out by a grouchy cashier and then accosted by the "Costco police" before walking out... Just sayin'...
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  4. #49
    Canadian Guru
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    I will admit that I don't like the 'Costco Police,' it's very inefficient. Bad enough to have to endure a long lineup, annoying to encounter another one as people wait to have the door person make a mark on their receipt.

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  5. #50
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    I don't have a membership right now but when I did I kept spending oodles and oodles of money

  6. #51
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    i agree if you know your grocery prices you can do without- i have 3 people in my household - never wanted to join even when i had two teenagers at home couldnt have cared less to join - i have used coupons for years- rather keep doing that
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  7. #52
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    The Costco Effect

    NBC is doing a series on Costco, revealing all the secrets. It’s surprising how Costco makes their money:

    • · Membership fee
    • · Buying impulse items they call “treasures”
    • · They limit choice to only one brand of each item

    Overall Costco is 30% cheaper than supermarkets. The average Costco member in the U.S. earns about $70,000 per year. The hot dog and pop deal has been the same price since 1985 = $1.50
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  8. #53
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    Defnitely worth it. I buy my contact lenses there and in itself already save me 40 something dollars. I also go shopping in the US a lot since i live near the border and the card works over there as well and we save on gas extremely. in BC, the gas is about 1.40-1.45 and the gas at costco (us) is about 1.04. For the amount of gas I use each week, that's about $10 right there each week!
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  9. #54
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    I love me some Costco! We also have the Executive Membership and it basically pays for itself by the end of the year (translation - if you wind up spending a set amount during the year, they reimburse you for the cost of your membership so it's like you're not paying for one). We didn't think we spent that much until they showed us. Surprise!

    Things I love there

    - Compost bags are by far cheaper than any other major retailer. You can get over 100 for $9. Garbage bags too.

    - Their baquettes and roasted chicken omg...

    - Kirkland Toilet paper is about the only product in this world that I am loyal to

    - TUFF Athletics clothing is practically a clone of a certain horseshoe logo'ed company and at about 90% cheaper retail cost

    - School snacks are really well priced per quantity (cheese & cracker dip, Bear Paws, Brownies etc)

    - Their Kirkland Suflate Free shampoo (which I actually have relatives from in from the US Costco b/c it's not available in Canada) is a clone of Pureology's super expensive shampoo and it's $7.99 for a massive Litre + container

    - Name brand bread is insanely cheap and come in huge loaves

    - and now GAS!!! Yay! Cheaper than regular stations

    I could go on.

    I avoid shopping there on weekends. It is insanity. I think they do it intentionally to create a false hype of OMG so many people must be there so there must be deals. It's just bloody crowded and people slamming into each other. Go on a weekday. Preferably in the morning.
    pippinelkhound and bmpsmommy like this.

  10. #55
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightlite View Post
    I love me some Costco!

    Things I love there

    - Kirkland Toilet paper is about the only product in this world that I am loyal to
    Consumer's Report says that this TP is in the top 10. The NBC report I mentioned above talked about the strict quality control they have for their TP.

  11. #56
    Canadian Genius Insane's Avatar
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    I redeem aeroplan cards for costco GC. Then you don't need a membership to go shop there. Or you can get someone with a membership to buy you a GC.
    pippinelkhound and Shwa Girl like this.
    You just proved Signature Advertising works!

    Earn FREE money just by searching! Ask me how to get a $5GC using my referral.
    Get $10 off $40 for new customers at using the code springhascome

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minou View Post
    For the most part, I just buy lint rollers and cat litter there (my cat won`t use the box unless he has his favourite litter, so I`m forced to buy a Costco membership so I can buy it!).
    what's the price on litter? and what about their brand of haircontroll cat food?

  13. #58
    Junior Canuck kashkoush's Avatar
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    i found agave at costco yesterday when i shopped there, didn't find it before and i was dying to get one and at a very reasonable price.i love their frozen vegies very good quality and i believe they r fairly cheap compared to the regular supermarkets.their goods r way better than other places, and to be honest never encountered a grouchy cashier they 've been all cool and friendly.
    in regard to the door man (is it the one u call costco police?) i don't mind them either lol ,i guess am just a loyal customer

  14. #59
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Insane View Post
    I redeem aeroplan cards for costco GC. Then you don't need a membership to go shop there. Or you can get someone with a membership to buy you a GC.
    Really good strategy to save $55+ on membership fees.

    Here's another video in the NBC series. This one talks about their wine. We can't get wine at the Ajax Costco.
    Last edited by Shwa Girl; Sun, May 6th, 2012 at 06:14 PM.

  15. #60
    Sith Lady and Cool Kid Darth Penguin's Avatar
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    I'm wondering if the membership costs plus the cost of gas to drive between 40 and 65 mins to one of my closest 5 shops is going to be offset by the savings I can make shopping there.
    Shwa Girl likes this.

    Short answer : no Long answer : NOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Welcome to the Penguinocracy..One Penguin, One vote..I am The Penguin..I have the One Vote

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