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Thread: Dollarama Grabs!

  1. #3706
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shwa Girl View Post
    Dollarama did not do well the first quarter of 2018.
    Trump and Justin T are fighting so putting taxes on Canadian products (DJT) and putting taxes on US products (Justin T). Dollarama stated that they may need to increase prices.

    What's your payment limit at Dollarama? $5?$10?$15?$25?
    they have already past my $ limit of $3. now i shop at dollartree. as someone already post their stuff is from china dont see why they will need to increase price

  2. #3707
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shwa Girl View Post
    What's your payment limit at Dollarama? $5?$10?$15?$25?
    I know this sounds crazy but probably $1.50. Once things reach around $1.50 that I know should be less, I start looking elsewhere. I've found too many things at Dollarama that I've bought and found for less or that I can get with a return policy somewhere else.

  3. #3708
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    My limit is $4 but depends what it is obviously. For example. Went for a sketch book for the kids. Saw some nice ones but they were $4. Not paying that knowing I can get one at Dollar Tree for $1.25.

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  4. #3709
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet sparrow View Post
    I know this sounds crazy but probably $1.50. Once things reach around $1.50 that I know should be less, I start looking elsewhere. I've found too many things at Dollarama that I've bought and found for less or that I can get with a return policy somewhere else.
    I actually think it's smart, not crazy! There's probably some kind of psychological effect for many people walking into a "dollar" store, thinking, "oh, it's a dollar store, it'll cost less" ...which would make it easier to get carried away. It's great that you're using discernment and putting thought into your purchases. I'm sure there are things I've bought thinking I was getting a good deal, only to find a much better sale price at the grocery store. Sometimes, though, I'm too lazy to go to shop around.

    I have surprised myself with the total even at $tree before, though. If I'm on the fence there, I almost always just throw it in my basket and buy it. "It's only $1.25!" Adds up!
    Last edited by r0c0upons; Thu, Jun 14th, 2018 at 01:02 PM.

  5. #3710
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    Found True Effects Hand & Skin Shield for $3. Canadian Tire has it for $10. When I opened it, it was very watery even after shaking it. i watched videos of people using it and it is suppose to be a creamy consistency. Has anyone bought it at Dollarama? Is it watery or creamy consistency?

  6. #3711
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweetbabigrl View Post
    Found True Effects Hand & Skin Shield for $3. Canadian Tire has it for $10. When I opened it, it was very watery even after shaking it. i watched videos of people using it and it is suppose to be a creamy consistency. Has anyone bought it at Dollarama? Is it watery or creamy consistency?
    I've purchased it--not from Dollarama and it is meant to be a creamy type consistency--more like a thickish hand lotion. It does work well though--especially around the nails/nailbeds and creases in your hands.

  7. #3712
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex78 View Post
    I've purchased it--not from Dollarama and it is meant to be a creamy type consistency--more like a thickish hand lotion. It does work well though--especially around the nails/nailbeds and creases in your hands.
    Yeah I thought so. Thank you. I'm just curious if anyone bought it at Dollarama and it theirs was watery. Maybe it is old or something.
    Newfiescreech, barbis9 and dededi like this.

  8. #3713
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    My limit is probably $1.50, but I still love the DollarTree, $1.25 for everything can’t beat that!! I was just there and bought some Canada day stuff, and I noticed they had huge graduation balloons, really nice ones, so if anyone knows anyone graduating from anywhere, elementary, high school, university etc these are fantastic for $1.25! School is almost out, and I used to give each of my kids a gift bag with a bunch of things congratulating them on a great year, I would fill it depending on the grade with activity books for the next year, hair things, camera’s, books, candy, games etc. most of the things came from the dollarama (when all items were actually a $1.00 and the dolllartree!! I would go to their school on the last day, they usually had a BBQ and I would take pics of them with their friends and teachers, and when they came home I gave them the gift bag with a Tim Horton’s donut with the smiley faces, they loved it!! It became a tradition every year!! Sorry about getting off topic!!

  9. #3714
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    Quote Originally Posted by SavvyLady View Post
    My limit is probably $1.50, but I still love the DollarTree, $1.25 for everything can’t beat that!! I was just there and bought some Canada day stuff, and I noticed they had huge graduation balloons, really nice ones, so if anyone knows anyone graduating from anywhere, elementary, high school, university etc these are fantastic for $1.25! School is almost out, and I used to give each of my kids a gift bag with a bunch of things congratulating them on a great year, I would fill it depending on the grade with activity books for the next year, hair things, camera’s, books, candy, games etc. most of the things came from the dollarama (when all items were actually a $1.00 and the dolllartree!! I would go to their school on the last day, they usually had a BBQ and I would take pics of them with their friends and teachers, and when they came home I gave them the gift bag with a Tim Horton’s donut with the smiley faces, they loved it!! It became a tradition every year!! Sorry about getting off topic!!
    nice tradition
    congrats on your kids' achievements

  10. #3715
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweetbabigrl View Post
    Yeah I thought so. Thank you. I'm just curious if anyone bought it at Dollarama and it theirs was watery. Maybe it is old or something.

    Yes, the tube I bought was watery. I used it anyway and went back and bought another one because $3. It would be interesting to know what happened to this batch, or truckload, or whatever, that caused it to become watery so that the manufacturer dumped it on Dollarama. I thought maybe it had frozen/thawed and this had caused the ingredients to separate. Shaking seems to remix the ingredients (I hope) but doesn't solidify the product. Refrigeration doesn't help, except maybe to keep the ingredients mixed.
    Abuse coupons, not people!

  11. #3716
    Senior Canuck chillys-willy's Avatar
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    I don't really have a limit. Just look for deals as I would in any other store. I don't assume they have the best price anymore. LiveClean shampoo and conditioner are $4 there regularly. At SDM, they are $9. That to me is a win.
    Just joined, an organization that funds micro-loans to people in developing countries. I love the idea that the $25 I saved in groceries can be given to a fish woman with 5 children in the Philippines to help grow her business.

  12. #3717
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    Name:  D6CFD7F9-D2C1-4F74-89F5-C56E761DFE8C.jpg
Views: 2207
Size:  348.0 KB

    expiry 09/19 One A Day Women’s multivitamin 90 ct $4
    Last edited by r0c0upons; Mon, Jun 18th, 2018 at 10:08 PM.

  13. #3718
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    I'm in Quebec and don't find a lot of the great deals mentioned here, but a nagging voice told me to pop into Dollarama last night and I found the Sistema microwave egg cooker. I already have one I picked up in the US last year but didn't really use it because I couldn't figure out how to make poached eggs in it - until a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm a fan. So picked one up tonight as a backup.

    I paid $5US plus taxes with coupon for my old one (in red). is selling them for $10US, is selling them for $18+. Dollarama has them for $1.50 + taxes!

    They come in pink, blue, and green. If you pick one up, make sure the vent works ok.

    Last edited by Silk; Fri, Jul 6th, 2018 at 01:58 AM.

  14. #3719
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silk View Post
    I'm in Quebec and don't find a lot of the great deals mentioned here, but a nagging voice told me to pop into Dollarama last night and I found the Sistema microwave egg cooker. I already have one I picked up in the US last year but didn't really use it because I couldn't figure out how to make poached eggs in it - until a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm a fan. So picked one up tonight as a backup.

    I paid $5US plus taxes with coupon for my old one (in red). is selling them for $10US, is selling them for $18+. Dollarama has them for $1.50 + taxes!

    They come in pink, blue, and green. If you pick one up, make sure the vent works ok.

    nice find
    nice to get a 'real' Dollarama price @ $1.50
    Newfiescreech, Silk and barbis9 like this.

  15. #3720
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    Is epsom salt from the Dollar Store legit or safe?
    Newfiescreech, barbis9 and dededi like this.
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