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Thread: What are you thankful for today?

  1. #5626
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Skippy, he's been looking for, and had some interviews already, for jobs as a mechanic - then hopefully be sponsored to get into apprenticeship training. He's now got the equivalent of second year apprentice in schooling, now just needs to catch up on work hours in the field.

    But the stinker isn't going to wait - he is starting Monday back working for the same company he did the two years previous to going to school, as a labourer for a properties management place. They are being very flexible with him - he'll be able to leave during the day for job interviews, etc. - they are SO good to him!
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  2. #5627
    Canadian Genius Abby5's Avatar
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    Wishing I could be thankful
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    New mom October 2014!

  3. #5628
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    I get to go visit my 87-year-old Grandma this weekend; she's now my only surviving grandparent. I am so thankful that I have been able to have a wonderful relationship with her over the years... I wasn't so lucky with my Grandfather (Mom's Dad), who died 10 years before I was born. I treasure the relationships I have and have had with my grandparents; they have taught me so much and enriched my life with their love, guidance and wonderful personalities

    To all the SC grandparents: your relationships with your grandkids are some of the most important in their lives, not just yours! Congrats to you all for being awesome role models!
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  4. #5629
    Smart Canuck glowworm2k's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalka View Post
    Skippy, he's been looking for, and had some interviews already, for jobs as a mechanic - then hopefully be sponsored to get into apprenticeship training. He's now got the equivalent of second year apprentice in schooling, now just needs to catch up on work hours in the field.

    But the stinker isn't going to wait - he is starting Monday back working for the same company he did the two years previous to going to school, as a labourer for a properties management place. They are being very flexible with him - he'll be able to leave during the day for job interviews, etc. - they are SO good to him!
    Glad to hear things are working out for your son! It sounds like he's on track for a great career... my DH is an auto tech, has been with the same dealership for 15 years, and loves the trade! It might not be glamourous, but as DH always says: "You might get dirty, but you'll always have food on the table!"
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  5. #5630
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    Thanks, glowworm, it's so very true. He could have really gone into anything he wanted, had flirted with the idea of university for engineering, but decided he wanted to go the trades route - and especially with apprenticeship, so he could earn as he learned.
    Today is his graduation - he already received an award (expensive set of rachet wrenches) for perfect attendance, and he's maintained an "A" average! I'm thankful he took school very seriously, and worked hard!
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  6. #5631
    Judstir Judstir's Avatar
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    Right at the moment I am thankful for the wood stove in the cabin for tonight. The temp is going down to plus 2 but feels damp and cooler then that.
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  7. #5632
    Senior Canuck Kalmel's Avatar
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    today i was thankful for the awsome weather! did some gardening with my girls and then we went for a nice walk.
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  8. #5633
    Merician Loving Nuck! kparker1786's Avatar
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    I like this thread

    I'm mostly thankful for right now is having a great church family and Pastor who checks in on me and my progress with my broken foot Plus also thankful that I have a bunch of friends with cute babies that I can coo over :p

  9. #5634
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    Thankful for breath and blood, the life they make possible, and loved ones with whom to share it.
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  10. #5635
    Mastermind Natalka's Avatar
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    I'm so very thankful my son has gotten his first job in his field (different than what I posted above!), and he started work yesterday. He's happy, and that means we are too!

  11. #5636
    Still keeping the faith SillyLoocie's Avatar
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    Thankful for the people who get involved in their community & understand the importance of the simple gift of a bit of time to raise awareness for very important issues & causes.

    This picture is from 100.5 KRUZ-FM Walk a Mile in Her Shoes. A walk for the YWCA.

    Partipants collected donations, shoes or slippers were donated in advance & then returned. Just think more people could give the gift of a bit of their time the difference you can make in the life of someone who is in need.

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  12. #5637
    Canadian Genius Skippy's Avatar
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    Thankful DD took me up on my offer and we went to Timmies for a bit. It is meaning so much more to me these days.
    Always remember the What are you thankful for today? thread as there always is something to be thankful for.

  13. #5638
    Judstir Judstir's Avatar
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    Thankful for the rain for the people around Timmins.
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  14. #5639
    Senior Canuck
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    I am thankful for so many things: my 1 month old GD! My job that allows me to able to stay on days that I am not feeling so great (like today). My 2 wonderful sons, my yard that I love to get out in and play in the mud growing flowers and veggies and fruit for my family. My only grandma that I have left and so much more. Its easy to forget all the good things sometimes. Have a great day everyone, any day above ground is a good day. My God bless all those who need it today.
    Natalka and Kalmel like this.
    The most serious gardening I do would seem very strange to an onlooker, for it involves hours of walking round in circles, apparently doing nothing." --Helen Dillon

  15. #5640
    Senior Canuck Kalmel's Avatar
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    I am thankful that my sister, after 13 years of trying to have another child, will know today if it's going to be a girl or a boy!!! What a ride this was.. so much tears over the years and bad news over and over... i'm so Happy for her!!!!
    SillyLoocie and Natalka like this.

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