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Thread: Tripcentral Play To Win A Trip A Week

  1. #3376
    Boys of Summer, Go Jays! habs rule's Avatar
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    June 17

    If there were no hydro water diversion on the Niagara river, the level would rise
    Answer: 5 meters

    What animal is known in Latin as the tooth walker
    Answer: the walrus

    What do Costa Rica and the Vatican have in common?
    Answer: neither has a standing army
    Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bones by the telephone,
    lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer!
    Take second best, put me to the test, things on your chest, you need to confess!
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver!

  2. #3377
    Boys of Summer, Go Jays! habs rule's Avatar
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    June 18

    In China, if someone says, 'You have a pretty green hat' it means
    Answer: your wife is cheating on you

    Which city has been called the City of the Violet Crown?
    Answer: Athens, after perhaps a legendary king named Ion which I'm told is violet in Greek

    Which US State was called Quinnehtukqut by the native Americans
    Answer: Connecticut because Connecticut is so much easier to spell and pronounce
    Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bones by the telephone,
    lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer!
    Take second best, put me to the test, things on your chest, you need to confess!
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver!

  3. #3378
    Boys of Summer, Go Jays! habs rule's Avatar
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    June 19

    Approximately how much of the actual available water flows over Niagara Falls?
    Answer: 25 percent

    What are Gombak and Klang?
    Answer: 2 rivers that meet at Kuala Lumpur

    Which continent has the most countries?
    Answer: Africa
    Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bones by the telephone,
    lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer!
    Take second best, put me to the test, things on your chest, you need to confess!
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver!

  4. #3379
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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    * June 20 *
    This Chinese landmark was viewed from outer space ===>: The Great Wall of China
    What flower is prominently displayed during the Day of the Dead fest in Mexico? ===>: Marigold
    What is the Tibetan name for Mt. Everest? ===>: Chomolungma

  5. #3380
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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    * June 21 *
    60% of the world's active geysers are in one place. The place is ===>: Yellowstone National Park
    The water in the Niagara river is bright green because ===>: about 60 tons of dissolved minerals in the water go over the falls every minute
    What is the first language most widely spoken in the European Union? ===>: German

  6. #3381
    CaToonie sl1965's Avatar
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    For most of the 20th Century, St Petersburg was named for what hero? Your Answer: Lenin
    The 'CharlieCard' is used on this subway system Your Answer: Boston named in honour of a Kingston Trio song's fictional character

    The third brightest sight in the sky after the sun and moon is Your Answer: Venus

  7. #3382
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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    * June 23 *
    In Arizona there is a town called Why. In Mississippi they have ===>: Why Not
    The French call this thing La Manche, but the English speaking world know it as ===>: the English Channel
    The now extinct Dodo was a native of ===>: Mauritius

  8. #3383
    Boys of Summer, Go Jays! habs rule's Avatar
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    June 24

    This US area claims to experience the most hailstorms
    Answer: in the area of Nebraska, Wyoming, and Colorado is known as Hail Alley

    What Arab nation has the highest percentage of Christians?
    Answer: Lebanon

    Where is the 'wine dark sea' and who originally called it that?
    Answer: the Aegean Sea, and it was Homer but not Simpson
    Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bones by the telephone,
    lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer!
    Take second best, put me to the test, things on your chest, you need to confess!
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver!

  9. #3384
    Boys of Summer, Go Jays! habs rule's Avatar
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    June 25

    If you go to the Southern States and order Grits, you are
    Answer: getting ground hominy without the germ removed

    The Lunatic Express is
    Answer: the railway in Kenya running between Nairobi and Mombasa

    The mammal found in the most southern area is
    Answer: Weddell Seals
    Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bones by the telephone,
    lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer!
    Take second best, put me to the test, things on your chest, you need to confess!
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver!

  10. #3385
    Canadian Guru kawam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by habs rule View Post
    June 25

    If you go to the Southern States and order Grits, you are
    Answer: getting ground hominy without the germ removed

    The Lunatic Express is
    Answer: the railway in Kenya running between Nairobi and Mombasa

    The mammal found in the most southern area is
    Answer: Weddell Seals
    Thanks for the answers Habs
    ROMEO and habs rule like this.

  11. #3386
    Boys of Summer, Go Jays! habs rule's Avatar
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    June 26

    Half of Somalia's population are nomads. Their main mode of transportation is
    Answer: camel

    What geographic feature separates Europe from Asia?
    Answer: the Ural Mountains

    Which is larger in surface area, Asia or the surface of the moon?
    Answer: Asia by about 2 million square miles or 6.7 million square Km

    Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bones by the telephone,
    lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer!
    Take second best, put me to the test, things on your chest, you need to confess!
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver!

  12. #3387
    Boys of Summer, Go Jays! habs rule's Avatar
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    June 27

    Helping to guard the treasures of the Hermitage museum
    Answer: are a group of cats currently numbering about 60

    Not designed as a tourist magnet, whose has an AK-47 featured?
    Answer: Mozambique

    The Pentagon has twice as many washrooms as usual because
    Answer: at the time it was built there was still washroom segregation in the US

    Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bones by the telephone,
    lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer!
    Take second best, put me to the test, things on your chest, you need to confess!
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver!

  13. #3388
    heartgirl99 heartgirl99's Avatar
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    * June 28 *

    Mocha, the seaport name immortalized as a coffee name is in ===>: Yemen, currently infamous for other exports
    This place drives on the right except for two densely populated places on the left ===>: China except for Hong Kong and Macau which might explain some things noticed here
    Which US State motto is Excelsior? ===>: New York, they think it means Ever Upward, maybe referring to the office towers

  14. #3389
    Boys of Summer, Go Jays! habs rule's Avatar
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    June 28

    Mocha, the seaport name immortalized as a coffee name is in
    Answer: Yemen, currently infamous for other exports

    This place drives on the right except for two densely populated places on the left
    Answer: China except for Hong Kong and Macau which might explain some things noticed here

    Which US State motto is Excelsior?
    Answer: New York, they think it means Ever Upward, maybe referring to the office towers
    Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bones by the telephone,
    lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer!
    Take second best, put me to the test, things on your chest, you need to confess!
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver!

  15. #3390
    Boys of Summer, Go Jays! habs rule's Avatar
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    une 29

    What happened to the Chicago River in 1900?
    Answer: the flow was reversed away from lake Michigan

    What is the capital of Florida?
    Answer:Tallahassee because it is the most difficult place name to spell and pronounce

    What is the northernmost country if Africa?

    Feeling unknown and you're all alone, flesh and bones by the telephone,
    lift up the receiver, I'll make you a believer!
    Take second best, put me to the test, things on your chest, you need to confess!
    I will deliver, you know I'm a forgiver!

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