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Thu, Jul 4th, 2019, 07:02 AM #6181HAPPY 4th of JULY
Thursday, July 4th, 2019
Coney Island
Where was the first ever Nathan's Hot Dog stand
Correct Answer:
Al Capone
This legendary American gangster would always hit up Nathan's Famous whenever he travelled back home
Correct Answer:July 4th 1916
When did Nathan's Famous in Coney Island hold the first ever Hot Dog eating contest
Correct Answer:
Fri, Jul 5th, 2019, 01:02 AM #6182
Friday, July 5th, 2019
The Calgary Stampede serves this breakfast for free and has been a tradition since 1923
Correct Answer:1923
The Calgary Stampede didn't become an annual event until what year
Correct Answer:The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth
The Calgary Stampede bills itself as
Correct Answer:
Sat, Jul 6th, 2019, 01:01 AM #6183
Saturday, July 6th, 2019
Yellow River
Because of its colour, the second longest river in China, Huang He, may be better known as
Correct Answer:Ginza
Tokyo’s most high-end shopping district
Correct Answer:
What is the most commonly used colour in national flags
Correct Answer:
Sun, Jul 7th, 2019, 01:12 AM #6184
Sunday, July 7th, 2019
The first tennis balls were stuffed with
Correct Answer: human and horse hair
This country is also known as Ratna Dweepa which translates to Gem Island, because of its ruby deposits
Correct Answer: Sri Lanka
Mexico City, Mexico lies on the same latitude as this Indian city, which is also India's commercial centre
Correct Answer: Mumbai
Mon, Jul 8th, 2019, 05:54 AM #6185
MONDAY, July 8th, 2019
This major Russian city which has undergone several name changes in recent history
Correct Answer: Saint Petersburg
Which of these 3 cities is home to the Phare de Sainte Marie, an inactive lighthouse, on the coast of the Mediterranean
Correct Answer: Marseille
Karni Mata Temple, also known as the Temple of Rats is located in this country
Correct Answer: India
Tue, Jul 9th, 2019, 06:29 AM #6186
Tuesday, July 9th, 2019
Which of the 3 Scandinavian countries is the most populous
Correct Answer: Sweden
The Door to Hell is a continually burning crater located in this remote country
Correct Answer: Turkmenistan
Tashirojima Island in Japan is where this animal vastly outnumber its human residents
Correct Answer: Cats
Wed, Jul 10th, 2019, 06:33 AM #6187
Wednesday, July 10th, 2019
The Montmorency Falls is a large waterfall located in this Canadian province
Correct Answer: Quebec
Oaxaca cheese from Mexico, is made from the milk of which animal
Correct Answer: Cow
Which body of water is to the south of the Dominican Republic
Correct Answer: Caribbean Sea
Thu, Jul 11th, 2019, 06:43 AM #6188
Thursday, July 11th, 2019
What colours are found in Cuba's flag
Correct Answer: blue, white, red
Which god, in Greek mythology, was the twin brother of Apollo
Correct Answer: Artemis
In France if you were served le miel what would you be served?
Correct Answer: Honey
Fri, Jul 12th, 2019, 01:03 AM #6189
Friday, July 12th, 2019
Cordillera Central in the Dominican Republic is also known as
Correct Answer: Dominican Alps
Small seedless grapes called currants were named for their place of origin. Where was it
Correct Answer: Cornith, Greece
Santiago is the capital of Chile. What does it mean
Correct Answer: Saint James
Sat, Jul 13th, 2019, 01:02 AM #6190
Saturday, July 13th, 2019
In China what colour does the bride traditionally wear
Correct Answer: Red
The tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts most probably began in this country
Correct Answer: Italy
What year did the Disneyland attraction It's a Small World open
Correct Answer: 1966
Sun, Jul 14th, 2019, 01:02 AM #6191
bastille day
Sunday, July 14th, 2019
Today, this country will be celebrating a national holiday. Its main rivers include the Seine and Rhone. Name the country and the holiday.
Correct Answer: Bastille Day, France
In Mexico, what is the name given to the fresh water drinks that are made by mixing fruits with sugar and water?
Correct Answer: Aguas frescas
The Beatles' final live concert took place here in 1966
Correct Answer: Candlestick Park in San Francisco
Mon, Jul 15th, 2019, 01:03 AM #6192
ides of july ??
MONDAY, July 15th, 2019
Where were the 1980 Winter Olympics held
Correct Answer: Lake Placid, NY
The JW Marriott in Cancun features this may different kinds of Margaritas on their bar menu
Correct Answer: 150
Diamonds are made of a single element, they are nearly 100 per cent
Correct Answer: Carbon
Tue, Jul 16th, 2019, 06:36 AM #6193
Tuesday, July 16th, 2019
If you are eating a chapulines a Mexican delicacy, what are you actually eating?
Correct Answer: Grasshoppers
Resembling tiny pumpkins, these hot peppers are indigenous to Jamaica and go from green to yellow to orange to red in color.
Correct Answer: Scotch Bonnet
Hades is the Greek word for what
Correct Answer: Hell
Wed, Jul 17th, 2019, 06:30 AM #6194
Wednesday, July 17th, 2019
In what city would you find Giacomo Marconi airport?
Correct Answer: Bologna, Italy
Travelling at 267 mph this is the world's fastest high-speed train in commercial service
Correct Answer: Shanghai Maglev
If sleeping through the winter is called hibernation what is sleeping through the summer called?
Correct Answer: Estivation
Thu, Jul 18th, 2019, 06:41 AM #6195
Thursday, July 18th, 2019
The Yucatan is known to have the world's most widespread range of underwater sinkholes and caves called
Correct Answer: Cenotes
Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) was born in this country
Correct Answer: Nepal
Jamaica famous Doctor's Cave beach is located in
Correct Answer: Montego Bay
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