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Thread: Club Q Q107-Loyalty Club (Southern ON Only) v4

  1. #30556
    GreatScent Mmmme...'s Avatar
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    # How do they serve alcoholic drinks on Italian cruise ships? - On the rocks

    # What vegetables do you get with dinner on Italian cruise ships? - Leeks

    # What's the fastest way to get off an Italian cruise ship? - Follow the captain

    # When the captain of the ill fated Costa Concordia was asked if he knew where he was going he replied "off course."

    # So the captain of the Costa Concordia will soon be in the dock. That's more than can be said for his ship.

    # The Costa Concordia is probably the most expensive thing to go down in Italy since Berlusconi's last hooker.

    # What's the difference between the Italian economy and the stricken cruise liner Costa Concordia?
    Nothing - The bottoms dropped out of both.

  2. #30557
    GreatScent Mmmme...'s Avatar
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    Welcome back fumius!
    Glad to hear you had a great visit and thanks for sharing the pics.


    Very busy at work.... just wanted to say hi.....
    and anyone who got through yesterday was lucky.
    I didn't get through at all
    There is always next week....

    Thank you for all the reps... notes/PMs
    I am repping where I can... not sure I understand why there are a few of you
    I am unable to touch! I will keep trying....
    Have a n excellent day and an enjoyable weekend!

  3. #30558
    ('.') feetfrown's Avatar
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  4. #30559
    Mastermind the H team's Avatar
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    Bienvenido de vuelta fuimus y liz. que tomaron algunos grandes fotografías. ¿traen de vuelta el clima cálido con usted?
    NASCAR SEASON is complete for 2021.
    Kyle Larson wins his 1st Nascar Championship.

    nascar:a way of life
    everything else is just a game

  5. #30560
    Smart Canuck hmjm61's Avatar
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    Have a great weekend everyone!

  6. #30561
    GreatScent Mmmme...'s Avatar
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    Who would like to do my work today so I do not have to????

    Whoa....... no need to answer me all at once.....

  7. #30562
    Still keeping the faith SillyLoocie's Avatar
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    Do you know that I don’t think the Super Bowl is really all the super?
    & if I do not tune in to watch will you think I’m a party pooper?
    Do you know I am not well versed on the subject & don’t get the play by play?
    Why the heck is it a game that has delay upon delay?
    Is it more about the chicken wings & a round or two of suds?
    Is it a time for bonding & hanging with your buds?
    Is the halftime show gonna rock & will the pyro go poof on queue?
    Will there be a wardrobe malfunction that can add to the ballyhoo?
    Will Madonna sing Like a Virgin or maybe Into the Groove?
    Do you think they’ll have a fancy stage, with dancers on the move?
    Do you know you can have huddles & tackles in the comfort of your own home?
    & you can play a painless revised game with a football made from foam?
    Did you know the traditional football swansong rakes in them mega bucks?
    & are there any other football non watchers here on Smart Canucks?

  8. #30563
    craziest canuck crazyredneck's Avatar
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    good afternoon all, tried to have a nap, not sure if i really had one or not really nice pics fumius, i bet you had a nice steak there , time to go out for a bit
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  9. #30564
    Fuimus fuimus1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyredneck View Post
    really nice pics fumius, i bet you had a nice steak there ,
    The steak is great!!
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    SillyLoocie likes this.
    "If you want it, you can get it, but to get it, you gotta want it. Anything you want to try, just let go, fly HIGH,...and make a wish." Harry Chapin

  10. #30565
    Mastermind the H team's Avatar
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    nice steaks!
    NASCAR SEASON is complete for 2021.
    Kyle Larson wins his 1st Nascar Championship.

    nascar:a way of life
    everything else is just a game

  11. #30566
    Canadian Guru WolfDio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuimus1 View Post
    The steak is great!!

    Salivating here!!!!!!!!

    I live in a Cartoon World as I am surrounded by Characters.

  12. #30567
    craziest canuck crazyredneck's Avatar
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    now i'm jealous , and i take it the plates are not small ones

  13. #30568
    CrazyGilligan psells's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuimus1 View Post
    Cattle drive at the ranch. There are 500 cows and 12 bulls!
    Better ratio than Surf City!

    If I were one of those 12 I would want to stay there for heifer and heifer and heifer.

  14. #30569
    Septuagenarian The Jester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SillyLoocie View Post
    Do you know that I don’t think the Super Bowl is really all the super?
    & if I do not tune in to watch will you think I’m a party pooper?
    Do you know I am not well versed on the subject & don’t get the play by play?
    Why the heck is it a game that has delay upon delay?
    Is it more about the chicken wings & a round or two of suds?
    Is it a time for bonding & hanging with your buds?
    Is the halftime show gonna rock & will the pyro go poof on queue?
    Will there be a wardrobe malfunction that can add to the ballyhoo?
    Will Madonna sing Like a Virgin or maybe Into the Groove?
    Do you think they’ll have a fancy stage, with dancers on the move?
    Do you know you can have huddles & tackles in the comfort of your own home?
    & you can play a painless revised game with a football made from foam?
    Did you know the traditional football swansong rakes in them mega bucks?
    & are there any other football non watchers here on Smart Canucks?

    Hey Loocie, that's me in your corner
    Don't want to sound like a football scorner;

    but if you're gonna pick it up with your hands
    and pass it to another's
    It must be called handball
    would you agree with a brother?

    you'd call my game soccer
    yet its really called football
    the goalie is the only one
    whose hands are allowed on the ball
    Some say my game is slow
    but its 90 mins long
    No half time show;
    and the fans sing the songs

    The thing that stands out in my game
    is the violence by the fans.
    That makes me sad
    and want to wring my hands

    But whichever you prefer
    Enjoy with all your heart
    But careful with that chilli
    In case you should f@rt

  15. #30570
    craziest canuck crazyredneck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psells View Post
    Better ratio than Surf City!

    If I were one of those 12 I would want to stay there for heifer and heifer and heifer.
    as an ex farmer i cant even comment on the puns in this one

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