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  1. #241
    CaNewbie KathieL's Avatar
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    I had two cards. I went yesterday and bought two pairs of kitchen gloves for $4.50 and won a tims card...bought a 20 pack of timbits and had to spend .39. Today my husband went to get an adapter for the car. It was on sale for about $17 down from $35 or something like that. I cleaned out my bedside table and found a gift card from 4 years ago. It had $10 on it and he won a $5 gift card...he only spent about $4.
    I told him "see...your getting it!"
    Do a good deed...give a Coupon
    to a stranger !

  2. #242
    Smart Canuck The_Scarecrow's Avatar
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    Just came back from CT, got 4 Tim's GCs, all different cashiers(one from Garden Centre) and all times I bought nothing.

    So a total of 7 Tim's cards, 1 $5 off, Charmin's TP, and 3 cat food cans, total OOP.... $3.12. Can't wait till next one.
    Last edited by The_Scarecrow; Sun, Jul 3rd, 2011 at 03:44 PM.

    I earned $50 in Amazon Gift Cards in my first month at Swagbucks!!

  3. #243
    Smart Canuck
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    Here is my trick to know what kind of card I have in my hand..... a small scratch to see if its 5.00 or times....if I see 3 or quick I kow its!! ( done before \I enter the store!
    Hold my thumb over the scratch, with my can of cat food on the card, stand in line, and when I get close to cashier, start scatching....... works like a charm!!

    1 x can of cat food...including tax cost is .51c = 3.00 Tims card.......
    5.00 purchase of what ever item that was as close to that amount = free stuff!!

    so far we have gone to many different stores...had a variety of great attitudes, including the usual yeah, congrats, and on occasion, a cashier would say, only one per person. When that happens, we would leave and go to the next store.

    We work hard to find extra inserts.... including being innovative, and I shop for 9 family members.....give away lots of stuff to less fortunate than us, so have no qualms using what ever ones we can find.

    Yesterday I slipped a 5.00 card to the guy infront of me..and he was so grateful, .made me feel very good to see his beaming smile at being able to save 5.00!!!!
    I have goven cards to other shoppers as well.

    Used our 5.00 cards to get:
    2 beautiful plants, plan to go thru garden centres today.
    bird feeder
    3 pk suet for the bird feeders x 2
    37.00 rechargable flashlight was on sale for 7.00
    plant pot for the garden
    bounty papertowels
    3 x cheap paper towels
    hose multi connector
    hairball paste

    many cans of cat food that our cat will devour as per usual.

    Good luck and happy shopping to all who are out there today!

  4. #244
    Mastermind Shwa Girl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by minouchefreedom View Post
    Yesterday I slipped a 5.00 card to the guy infront of me..and he was so grateful, .made me feel very good to see his beaming smile at being able to save 5.00!!!!
    I have goven cards to other shoppers as well.
    Good luck and happy shopping to all who are out there today!
    Very kind of you.

  5. #245
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    I dragged my family in to Can Tire with me today...hehe.

    First you should know...I have a son who delivers flyers...and while he gave me the 5 extra that he had when done....I DID NOT steal his can tire cards....they all got delivered.

    HOWEVER...while out recycle bin walking about a month ago I found the place a DIFFERENT flyer guy dumps his/her stuff instead of delivering it. It hasn't meant anything good for ME until now...hehe. I found 4 bundles of can tire flyers!!!

    I shared most of them with local couponers but I still had a number left for me.

    Each store we went to we approached customer service first and asked if we could "see what we won" before doing our shopping. 4 tim's cards! (4 of us in my family)
    Then we'd go pick a few things to buy and go to a cash register where they'd also let us check before we bought. We didn't buy anything to get the tim's cards. It does say on the back "no purchase required."

    In total....
    18 Tim's cards for grammy! (She's coming tomorrow to visit for 3 weeks and I don't drink now we can get her morning coffee!
    3 charmin toilet paper
    1 can almonds and a bbq lighter
    2 cases of iced tea(with bogo movie coups!) with 2 chocolate bars to top up
    a purple fishing lure my daughter was enamored of and a hook for hanging bikes to top up
    3 can's of bondo for my hubby's car hobby

    Um....that's it. Oh. Two suckers to top up the TP after coupon. One cashier wouldn't let us get by at $4.97. The kids lucked out!

  6. #246
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    Somewhere between the inserts put in paper to delivered to stores in Duncan, someone decided to scratch a lot of them in the same one spot on every card. Picked up papers from
    around town and almost all had the same swipe thru them. The store ones and delivered ones.... Not good !!!!

  7. #247
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    Me and hubby made a number of trips over both days to a few different stores:::
    We got:
    2 cases of 24pkg water + 1 $.10 sand paper($2.49 each...used the $5 and got both for $.08, didnt' know how to do bottle deposit at any of the locations, very strange)
    2 cases of coke ( used $5 on each and only paid $.27 a case, they didn't know how to do bottle deposit)
    A pair of training wheels for my son ($9.99 used $5 off and got them for $6.29 tax in)
    For the tim's cards we got 3 pkgs of paper towels $2 a pack with tax so a total of $6
    and 1 pkg seran wrap for $.89 tax in. and received 4 tims cards.
    Paid $13.80 and got back $15 in Tim's card so technically we made $1.20 because we have coffee every morning at tims.

  8. #248
    **Coupon Queen** sweetnlow30's Avatar
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    Darn! I didn't make it to Canadian Tire before it closed today. I scratched my card at home and it was $5.00 off. Hangs head in shame now LOL. At least it wasn't a BIG winner

  9. #249
    Junior Canuck EdLeafs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinglehopper View Post
    This promotion was a hassle.

    One Canadian Tire said it was "no purchase necessary" to get a card. So I had to make a purchase to get my Tims Card.

    A second Canadian Tire said that it was minimum $5 puchase to even get the $3 card.
    Was this the CT at Bay and Dundas? I had a hard time there too at that one. Just go to another location.

  10. #250
    Canadian Genius
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    Eeek!! Went to one CT and bought a box of White Swan with the $3 Timmy and cashier told me that I had to buy $5. I said no, scratch card said no purchase necessary. She said no purchase necessary means you get the scratch card with no purchase necessary, not a $3 Timmy GC.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by couponmummy View Post
    Eeek!! Went to one CT and bought a box of White Swan with the $3 Timmy and cashier told me that I had to buy $5. I said no, scratch card said no purchase necessary. She said no purchase necessary means you get the scratch card with no purchase necessary, not a $3 Timmy GC.
    Same thing they told me today about no purchase necessary. But she told me that i had to buy something even if i win the tims card but it didnt need to be $5 could be 10 cents. I had 13 cards all were $3 tims cards. Sucks

  12. #252
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    Hi All, Here is what we came up with our 35 cards...25 cards with 5$ turning Charmin paper at 1,23$ tx included and 10 3$ Tim cards. I was really surprised since the odds should of been the other way around!!

    A very happy trooper!!!


  13. #253
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    I saw a man today with a bag of milk and his scratch card...and when the teller revealed 5 dollars off...he gave the man change...and CT money back.

  14. #254
    dreaming of Jann.... SarahS83's Avatar
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    I got 12 cards which were 12 $5 off coupons

    We bought some of the storage bins on sale and the clothes rail that was on sale. Moving to a new place so all will come in handy. Went back for some Tide, Charmin and Cat litter. Also got a pack of 2 light bulbs that were $5.29 and a smoke detector.

    First CT scratch and win sale I have done and very happy with the results. I had no problems with any cashier but the woman next to me was getting terrible attitude when trying to use scrubbing bubbles coupons. Even I was shocked at how rude the cashier was being!
    Win Amazon Giftcards just by searching with Swagbucks! I've made over $700!!!

    Ask me for more information on how

    Tangerine Orange Key is 14221156S1

  15. #255
    Freebie queen! Hermoine's Avatar
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    I got the Tims card - there's always something I need at Can Tire so not a big deal to make a purchase. It was busy but everything went quickly.

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