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  1. #61
    Smart Canuck Jody22002's Avatar
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    I got my pkg today!! Thank you Ilikefree!!

    Here's what I got:

    A full size bottle of OFF
    A mini bottle of OFF
    RAID mosquito coils
    Plaid Cupcake Liners!
    Partylite Candle
    Dove body spray
    Crayola Pencil crayons wetstick
    Soft lips
    4 bowls
    A metal thing that I am pretty sure is a Beer Can Chicken Cooker? But I'm not sure!!
    And a bunch of coupons that I needed!

    Love it!

  2. #62
    Smart Canuck Jody22002's Avatar
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    And bubbles! I forgot that because my kid took them.

  3. #63
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    A HUGE thank you going out to Momto2Ks for being such an incredible secret buddy...all I can say is WOW!!!!!!

    My gifts came in a reusable grocery bag - which is perfect because I actually planted a vegetable container garden for the first time and I planted everything in bags like this...

    I'm not too sure about how to insert pictures so will list my bounty items in case the pics don't work

    - sudoku book
    - chicken soup for the soul word find book
    - deck of cards
    - pr of gardening gloves
    - choc pudding mix
    - 2 herb garlic herb dip mixes
    - beaded keychain
    - teriyaki rub
    - lip moisturizer
    - toothbrush
    - toothpaste
    - cucumber melon body lotion
    - a Disney cross stitch christmas ornament kit
    - a pkg of nail jewels (perfect for the beach!!)
    - a pkg of fruit/veggie pics (gonna be great for those tropical drinks!)
    - a Margarita mix (oh baby!!!)
    - a plastic sport bottle (with key/$ compartment...beach here I come!!!_
    - a pkg of travel bottles
    and last but certainly not least:
    - 2 beautiful books with scrapbooking supplies (for all those holiday pics)

    Thank you again so very very much!!!!!! Gonna put most of these items right into my suitcase for the Dominican now...then gonna break out the frozen drink maker and have me some Margaritas!!!!!

    Hasta luego amiga...OLE
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    Last edited by LindaPinda; Tue, Aug 2nd, 2011 at 02:54 PM.

  4. #64
    CaLoonie That Jones Thing's Avatar
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    I got my package today! Thanks to my buddy Brianna079 (I knew it was you because I recognized your address from when I sent you your parcel!).

    I received:

    A pair of rubber gloves (pink!)
    A brownie mix
    A pretty flower notepad
    fuzzy comfy socks
    citronella candles in cute little buckets
    3 pkgs of lettuce seeds (patio planter here I come)
    Some shower gel
    a sudoku book
    and a paperback to read out on the patio.

    Thanks so much, will keep me busy.

    OK...I'm ready to do another package train... was fun.

  5. #65
    Coupon Princess sheetsofemptycanvas's Avatar
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    Wow! Awesome packages so far I'm so excited to get mine!!

    As for the next package exchange, I call dibs!!
    Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur... happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr

  6. #66
    CaNewbie brianna079's Avatar
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    So excited because I picked up an AWSOME parcel at the PO this evening...will post pic THANK YOU to That Jones Thing for such a thoughtful package! I was sooooo spoiled! Pics tomorrow night
    Adopting one dog may not change the world, but the world will surely change for that one dog.

    Proud Dober-mom to:
    Kurn aka Bear & Jasper aka Mutt

  7. #67
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    wow Canada post website is so screwy since they came back.
    Saying my package was a COD when i clearly paid for it.
    And apparently needed to be processed at its destination 5 times

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jody22002 View Post
    I got my pkg today!! Thank you Ilikefree!!

    Here's what I got:

    A full size bottle of OFF
    A mini bottle of OFF
    RAID mosquito coils
    Plaid Cupcake Liners!
    Partylite Candle
    Dove body spray
    Crayola Pencil crayons wetstick
    Soft lips
    4 bowls
    A metal thing that I am pretty sure is a Beer Can Chicken Cooker? But I'm not sure!!
    And a bunch of coupons that I needed!

    Love it!
    I'm glad you liked it! I stressed about it from the moment I received your wish list as I've never been on a pkg train and didn't want to disappoint you.
    The metal thingy is for the Beer Can Chicken.
    I had no clue what it was or looked like till my sister helped me find it at CT. Let me know how it works out. We don't drink beer but I'm sure our friends would be sent back on their hiney's to hear me ask for a beer.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheetsofemptycanvas View Post
    Wow! Awesome packages so far I'm so excited to get mine!!

    As for the next package exchange, I call dibs!!
    Save a seat for me ... oh wait, I better find out what the theme is first.

    I can't wait to receive my package!

  10. #70
    Junior Canuck PrincessPennyPincher's Avatar
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    I came home late last night to a fantastic gift box! I received: a bath puff (pink my favourite color), body wash, treats for my cat and dog, colored gel pens, baggies for my coupons, BBQ sauce, pink nail polish, nail files, dove deoderant, glue stick, 2 bingo dabbers, tape, and nail polish remover and a change purse! Very generous pkg!
    Let's go shopping! Let's save some money

  11. #71
    Coupon Princess sheetsofemptycanvas's Avatar
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    I received a fabulous package today from javamama!! I was having THE worst day and your package totally cheered me up! Thank you so much for your generosity... my kids thought it was Christmas!!

    Here's what we got:
    -sponge painting kit
    -HUGE thing of lilac bubble bath (smells amazing!)
    -2 of the cutest baseball caps for the boys
    -sidewalk chalk
    -2 paperbacks (can't wait to read them!)
    -muffin cups
    -cake decorating set
    -toothpaste and toothbrush
    -2 coloring books
    -a really cute makeup bag filled with goodies! body lotion, nail polish, nail clippers, nail file, all sorts of stuff!
    -and the cutest bunch of pens I've ever seen!! All sorts of funky ones and TONS of them! My boys LOVED them

    There is probably a ton more but they raided the box before I could see everything, lmao.

    Thank you so much javamama, you are awesome
    Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur... happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr

  12. #72
    Smart Canuck javamama1974's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheetsofemptycanvas View Post
    I received a fabulous package today from javamama!! I was having THE worst day and your package totally cheered me up! Thank you so much for your generosity... my kids thought it was Christmas!!

    Here's what we got:
    -sponge painting kit
    -HUGE thing of lilac bubble bath (smells amazing!)
    -2 of the cutest baseball caps for the boys
    -sidewalk chalk
    -2 paperbacks (can't wait to read them!)
    -muffin cups
    -cake decorating set
    -toothpaste and toothbrush
    -2 coloring books
    -a really cute makeup bag filled with goodies! body lotion, nail polish, nail clippers, nail file, all sorts of stuff!
    -and the cutest bunch of pens I've ever seen!! All sorts of funky ones and TONS of them! My boys LOVED them

    There is probably a ton more but they raided the box before I could see everything, lmao.

    Thank you so much javamama, you are awesome

    So glad you and your boys liked everything and that it made a better day for you ... it was so fun shopping for you as well... totally fell in love with the pens I couldn't just pick 1 or 2 LOL ... so thought what the hell buy them all ...
    MY WISHLIST - (click link below please)

  13. #73
    Just Jez
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheetsofemptycanvas View Post
    Wow! Awesome packages so far I'm so excited to get mine!!

    As for the next package exchange, I call dibs!!
    they both may be reserved already

  14. #74
    Smart Canuck Jody22002's Avatar
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    I want in on the next one too. I love pkg trains!!

    Crazyhockeymom got my gift! She pm'd me today!

  15. #75
    Coupon Princess sheetsofemptycanvas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jezzeebelle View Post
    they both may be reserved already
    I want to do a Halloween one!! lol
    Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur... happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr

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