Just a reminder that if you get creative, sometimes you can save a few extra $ by buying more if you buy the right combination.

I had the mother of all Aveeno stacks burning a hole in my coupon folder:

- $3 any Aveeno / Neutrogena / etc. (call-in coupons)
- $3 WUB 2 Aveeno peelies (from Listerine)
- $3 WUB 2 Aveeno printables
- $3 WUB 2 Aveeno tear pads (a while ago, haven't seen them recently)
- $5 WUB 2 Aveeno Fresh Essentials (magazine tear-out - this one was from Elle Canada Aug 2011)

Superstore has the Fresh Essentials moisturizers advertised for $14.99 - these are their nice ones with vitamins, day one has sunblock, etc (LD price is $19.99). I didn't have enough to get them for free, but I was willing to spend a little for them. I wanted the eye roller and the day moisturizer!

If I had just bought the two Fresh Essentials ones it would have been $30 - $20 = $10. (3+3+3+3+3+5). However, I found the cheapest (coupon-eligible) Aveeno item in the store, men's shave gel on sale for $5, and bought two of those, grouping each shave gel with a moisturizer for a total of $40 - $35 = $5. (4 x the $3 on one and 2 of each $3 WUB 2 = $30 and the $5 WUB 2 = $35).

I was happy to get my expensive products for pretty cheap. They also had less expensive Fresh Essentials items (facial cleanser / facial scrub) for around $8, so you could get those for free easily with the $5 WUB 2 coupon and a few others.