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Thread: Last thing you baked?

  1. #3316
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    this is all @alex78 's fault! ha ha I gave a shout out in another thread to him for suggesting another " crunch " option for my salads. I've been making julienne strips of parsnips and deep frying them, which was a better choice ( carb wise ) than croutons. However, after reading about these Papadums, I decided to give it a go since I had plenty of chickpea flour on hand. There are 12 in the low oven ( 170 degrees ) atm, says they need to stay in there for 2 hours!
    Then I will vacuum seal them in my Foodsaver canister until I decide to fry one up. Apparently they puff, blister and crisp up beautifully in hot oil! I will use these just as sparingly
    in my salad like the parsnip crisps.

    Attachment 379308

    So....this is a huge update! SO EXCITED!! I was able to finally track down packages of Patak's Pappadums on
    They had a few flavours but I went for the black pepper version. They were so cheap! I got 3 pkgs. ( 10 in each ) for total OOP of $11.97 ( free delivery ) .
    Anyhow I tried the microwave method of puffing these up crispy and light and it took exactly 30 seconds! Sprayed a slight spritz of EVOO on each side,
    placed it inside a sheet of paper towel and POOF!

    The flavour is great! ( nice peppery taste ) , the crispness is the best. Light as a feather. So these will be THE perfect thing that I will break up into my garden salads to avoid croutons. I even compared the nutrition info and ingredients list of each and the Pappadums win out easily!

    A second shout out to @alex78 !! I had never heard of these before.

    In the photo the one on the right is the way they come in the package and on the left is the puffed up one.
    You can see I already ate some of it! Had to taste test. lol

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    Last edited by walkonby; Wed, May 3rd, 2023 at 04:11 PM.
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  2. #3317
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    I still say buying pork ribs on sale is the way to go. I added about 2 cups of water to my pressure cooker, placed the 2 slabs in ( cut them up first ), processed for 30 min.
    Strained them in the sink, drizzled thin threads of honey over them, coated with dry Cool Running's herbs, parsley and garlic powder. Into a 400 degree oven for 30 more minutes and VOILA! OOP was $23.00 for the 2 slabs. Don't tell DH or DS but I ate 4 pieces before this picture was snapped...ha ha....
    so much better than the messy sauced up crap you get at restaurants. These were very tender and sort of crispy in spots. They'll love them!

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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  3. #3318
    Smart Canuck Purdee's Avatar
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    do you peel the thin skin from the back of the rib rack before you cook it? i don't know what that thin membrane is called.
    Quote Originally Posted by walkonby View Post
    I still say buying pork ribs on sale is the way to go. I added about 2 cups of water to my pressure cooker, placed the 2 slabs in ( cut them up first ), processed for 30 min.
    Strained them in the sink, drizzled thin threads of honey over them, coated with dry Cool Running's herbs, parsley and garlic powder. Into a 400 degree oven for 30 more minutes and VOILA! OOP was $23.00 for the 2 slabs. Don't tell DH or DS but I ate 4 pieces before this picture was snapped...ha ha....
    so much better than the messy sauced up crap you get at restaurants. These were very tender and sort of crispy in spots. They'll love them!

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  4. #3319
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purdee View Post
    do you peel the thin skin from the back of the rib rack before you cook it? i don't know what that thin membrane is called.
    @Purdee nope! I never do that even though it's suggested and /or recommended. The pressure cooker makes them nearly fall off the bone tender and the oven
    crisps and browns them up. No work for me except to slice the long slab into individual rib pieces.
    Years ago before I even considered par cooking them in a pressure cooker I used to par-boil them in a large roasting pan, then I'd dump one of those VH sauces
    over them. No more though as we've discovered all 3 of us prefer the taste of the rib more than sauces. Plus who needs all that sugar?
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  5. #3320
    Smart Canuck Purdee's Avatar
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    @walkonby I don't have a fancy digital pressure cooker; we have the old fashioned one for the stove top and only my husband uses it once in a blue moon; that thing scares me. We can't have any more gadgets - no space to store them.
    I'll try par-boil the ribs then bake or throw them on the grill would be good too eh?

  6. #3321
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purdee View Post
    @walkonby I don't have a fancy digital pressure cooker; we have the old fashioned one for the stove top and only my husband uses it once in a blue moon; that thing scares me. We can't have any more gadgets - no space to store them.
    I'll try par-boil the ribs then bake or throw them on the grill would be good too eh?
    Well.. @Purdee call me old fashioned because the only type of pressure cooker I have ever used is the same kind your DH uses. Stove top type, but my newest one was purchased about 9 years ago ( I think ) at one of those fly by night pop up liquidation places. The price tag was only $40.00 but we bit the bullet and I tell you this thing is a massive size compared to my other ones. I loved it as soon as I saw it and we have never had any issues with it. All Stainless steel.
    Those digital ones scare me more! ha ha
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  7. #3322
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    I went onto a tiktok thing to see the transformation of this gal who had lost 100 pounds. Her eating plan was quite healthy. Anyways , thought I'd try making a couple of her baked items that she eats for breakfast. For MY personal 1200 calorie a day limit her recipes would not jive., as she does not count calories.
    The 3 things I did make ( P.Butter. banana loaf, Gingerbread donuts and Pineapple/pecan/coconut/banana cookies ) cost me very little in actual ingredients.
    Spices and extracts make up the difference for flavour, however....just 1 small loaf of that banana bread is 273 calories! For 7 small cookies ( which was half of the yield ) it's 220 calories. I never ate any of the donuts ( only got 4 from the batter and they are so thin! ), but each one will be 57 calories!

    I had fun but will probably not repeat these recipes. The cookies are not on the plate, way to delicate to move

    Name:  Ginger bread donuts and peanut butter banana cake.jpg
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  8. #3323
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    This morning I tried that gal's recipe for a ONE ingredient flatbread or Tortilla. I had soaked about 1 + 1/3 cups of red lentils in 2 cups water overnight. This morning I dumped the whole thing into my more powerful blender ( like a Vitamix but NOT ) .
    After pulsing, scraping down, repeated blending the " batter " actually came out smooth enough to ladle 1/4 c. onto a crepe pan.
    A bit finicky using the back of a spoon to spread each one to the necessary thinness and diameter. The 1 + 2/3 cups of batter made 6 Tortillas.
    A personal choice, I added some cinnamon and vanilla extract to the batter to give them a sweetness.

    This no sugar, no flour wrap can be used for anything. Next time I might make them savory with garlic, onion powder + turmeric. As far as most of her recipes go they aren't actually beneficial to me because of the " cost " in calories, protein, carbs and sugars. Just a nice distraction! lol
    Last edited by walkonby; Wed, May 31st, 2023 at 09:52 AM.
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  9. #3324
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    I posted my intentions in the Chat-A-Thon thread about attempting to make 6 of these Turkish Flatbreads. ( Shout out to @flemeth and @Lynn49 )
    It was a new recipe to me. I agree Lynn, she was a bit slow in the was a smashing success! I have 6 moist, pliable, large, roll-able, naan equivalent items.
    This particular recipe suggested a very light brush on both sides ( after they are cooked and cooled ) and then a sprinkle of dried Parsley.
    I have them inside of a large ziploc until later this afternoon where they will be paired with the pork kebabs. The tzatziki sauce is also already made up and chilling. I'm going to roast these peppers and a sleeve of tomatoes on the grill too!

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    Last edited by walkonby; Sun, Jun 4th, 2023 at 12:38 PM.
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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  10. #3325
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    I had some blueberries to use up but was not feeling Muffins which is my normal go-to, I wanted something different so I made a Crustless Blueberry Pie.
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  11. #3326
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    24 lemon blueberry crumble muffins and still have tons of fresh blueberries left and pounds in the freezer . Good thing we’re a blueberry lovin family here

  12. #3327
    Smart Canuck SnowFlakey's Avatar
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    I havent baked since Christmas excwept for making Date Squares. Cant seem to get into it, mainly because of failing eyesight.
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  13. #3328
    no more door to door! :) walkonby's Avatar
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    no sweet baked items have been made since Easter, however I did bake up 2 different types of zucchini boats.
    The first kind was stuffed with a mixture of browned x-lean gr. pork, sauteed mini diced veggies ( red pepper, celery, onion, carrots, ) bread crumbs, garlic, Parm and Mozz cheeses and pasta sauce. Laid the halved boats in sauce before filling , then topped with a bit more sauce to bake.
    The other one was more pizza inspired. Very simple to bake directly on parchment lined pan. fill boats with pizza sauce, any cheeses of choice and pepperoni slices ( I use the Butterball
    turkey pepperoni slices ), then more cheese on top.

    Both types were made using the most recent harvest of yellow zucc's that I picked out back.The boats are ALL eaten now, wah!!
    That's to be expected when you bake with CHEESE!

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    Charles R.I.P. passed October 29th 2024 52 years old

  14. #3329
    Canadian Guru harbie's Avatar
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    I made 2 peach and blueberry crumbles. One for my parents and one for us

  15. #3330
    Must Coupon, Must Save :) SassyAshley's Avatar
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    Trying to get back in the groove of my weekend prep especially using up what we have. Today I made:

    Blueberry Muffins because I have an abundance of Blueberries

    Peanut Butter Blossom Bars because I have been craving some cookies but bars are so much quicker to make
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    2022 is going to be my year, the year I find organization in my life and the year I focus on myself,
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