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  1. #1
    Senior Canuck Slaney's Avatar
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    Friday I was at the Gordon Road Supercentre my cahier (Kyla) was quite rude because I had alot of coupons. First she tried to argue what "one per purchase" meant. Instead of calling a CSM she went to the next cashier (who didn't seem any smarter) then the next one who told her to accept it. Now not only was she holding up my line but thiers as well! Everything is going fine until she gets to the Nivea coupons at which point she says she can't take them becaus ethey are more than the price so I pulled Walmart's coupon policy. she rudely threatens to ask a CSM to which I replied "yes please". She was a little surprised by that I think she thought she could get me to back down but I was doing anything wrong so nice try. She she walks 2 tills away again to ask that guy who finally tells her to take them. Then at the end of the purchase when she needed a CSM a lady came, why didn't she just call one over instead of walking away twice!?
    Yesterday I'm at the same Walmart. My husband & I each had a purchase because I was prepared for them to argue "one per customer" on the scrubbing bubbles coupons & we also bought some Listerine. My husband went first with 2 coupons. The cashier (Jay) tried to argue the coupon ammount & we told him we get the overage, He didn't even question that he rang then through. Yet when I'm next he argues "one per perchase"! How did that change from one customer to the next! I asked him to call a CSM since any other time this has happened the CSM puts the cashier in place & tells then I can buy as many items as I have coupons. The CSM that arrives is the one that girl kept asking on Friday. His name isn't Abdul but it's something close to that...anyways, he wouldn't even talk to me! Just whispered to the cashier who tells me no, & ran off right away! I asked how they can not only change thier mind not only from week to week & day to day but person to person & was given the "well the last person shouldn't have" answer.
    So today I called Walmart Customer Service to make my complaint. The lady I talked to never asked for any of the staff's names. She said each Walmart doesn't have to follow their coupon policy. Then called me "people like you" and told me not to shop at Walmart! She said she would talk to the manager at that Walmart to see "what really happened "and if they could call me if they wanted to! I said I damn well better get a phone call from that manager!
    Not expecting to after that I called & left a message at the number on Walmarts Coupon Policy then called this Walmart, A rude lady answered the phone, transfered me to a manager, yet just some random lady answered. She transfered me to the manager on duty who also did not ask for the names of any of these staff I've had problems with! He just tried to rush me off the phone & said he'd have his front end manager go over the coupon policy with the cahiers. I told him I'm already driving in from Moose Jaw to shop there I have no problem taking my buisiness to Rochdale, I only shop at Gordon Road cuz it's convenient. So ya know what, that's what I will do if I have to shop at Walmart (or the Vic East one one it's done) or I'll just start price matching at different stores & not give Walmart any business!

    Thanks for listening to my rant! I know it was a long one but I'm just so mad now! lol
    This thread is currently associated with: Walmart
    I am currently looking for coupons for non parishable foods or grocery coupons good until December to help with Christmas food helpers.
    If you have any to trade please PM me.

  2. #2
    . Monty temmy_34's Avatar
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    kudos to you! I got so mad the one day that I wanted to go to that store over night and post the coupon policy all over their doors and windows, when they came to work they have no choice but to look at the policy and possible learn it!

  3. #3
    Canadian Guru scbpooh's Avatar
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    This is why if I know Im going to be using alot of coupons I refuse to shop at the south store. This store HATES coupons! I go up to Rochdale and very rarely have any problems

  4. #4
    Senior Canuck Slaney's Avatar
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    I am going to start going to Rochdale, Like I said I really only go to this one because it's close to the highway but it's never stocked, & it's kind of ghetto & the staff are horrible! There was one cashier that I used to go to all the time but I haven't seen her there for months, she was weird & talked alot but she was a couponer too so she knew what she was doing lol.
    And last night I remembered something else about my call to Walmart Customer Service that I forgot about because I got so mad at everything she said after "you people". When she asked for my name I told her & she said "April? Ohhhh that sounds familar. I just talked to you" & I said no that wasn't me & she said "oh you didn't just call & make a complaint?" as though she didn't believe me! So now I wonder if she thought I was someone else calling & making stuff up & that's why she was so mean??? :/
    I am currently looking for coupons for non parishable foods or grocery coupons good until December to help with Christmas food helpers.
    If you have any to trade please PM me.

  5. #5
    CaNewbie Kendra7's Avatar
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    Wow I must be hitting the south store on good days, I've yet to have a problem. Hopefully I don't run into the same troubles! @Slaney I also love that cashier (crazy lady as we lovingly call her). I don't understand why the cashiers have to act like the money for the coupons is coming out of thier pocket.

  6. #6
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    Ugh, South Walmart....grrrrrr

    I too had an awful couponing experience at this store, as have others:

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaney View Post
    I am going to start going to Rochdale, Like I said I really only go to this one because it's close to the highway but it's never stocked, & it's kind of ghetto & the staff are horrible!
    Funny, I find this to be case at North Walmart. In my experiences the store is dirty, shelves are never stocked, the Customer Service is terrible and most of the employees act like unsupervised young children. I just returned a coffee maker there the other day and it took 25 minutes and 6 employees to get it right, and I must say the banter going on between them all, including "management" was completely unprofessional and even embarrassing (name calling, "I hate my !@#$ing job, etc). Both of my teenagers work at this Walmart, and believe me when I say I gave them both a nice long reminder on how NOT to treat adults/customers when I got home

    I tend to use most of my coupons at North Superstore now. I can honestly say I haven't had any issues at all with them accepting any of my coupons including printables and the staff is so much better in my opinion.

  7. #7
    CaToonie MazyMay's Avatar
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    I've always enjoyed going to the Rochdale Walmart. No problems at all.
    I'd have to agree I've had a harder time shopping at the East Walmart than the South Walmart. I've heard quite a few bad experiences from a friend. I don't shop there often enough to know but I'll be moving in January and that's the closest Walmart. Guess that’ll mean I'm coming armed and ready. Coupons, policies, head office numbers and maybe even some definitions. I don’t have time to argue when I know I’m right.

  8. #8
    Senior Canuck Slaney's Avatar
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    I never have got a call back from the message I left at the number on the walmart coupon policy. I'll try emailing them & see if I get a reply...
    I am currently looking for coupons for non parishable foods or grocery coupons good until December to help with Christmas food helpers.
    If you have any to trade please PM me.

  9. #9
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    It really does depend on the cashier, I have a few "favorites" at each store that are really quite coupon friendly and haven't had issues at either the South or the East.

  10. #10
    Senior Canuck Slaney's Avatar
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    well I'm completely shocked now! The horrible customer service woman actually did forward my complaint on to the manager...of the wrong Walmart. I'm just shocked she did anything! lol
    This afternoon the manager of the North walmart called me, I told him it wasn't his location I had the problem with & because of what happened at the South Walmart I was going to be taking my business to his store & he said it shouldn't matter how many coupons someone has. He said as long as they're valid coupons they'll take them & if I ever have a problem not to hesitate to ask for a manager on duty
    I am currently looking for coupons for non parishable foods or grocery coupons good until December to help with Christmas food helpers.
    If you have any to trade please PM me.

  11. #11
    Former SC lurker :)
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    the north store is the best! Thanks for sharing your good news!

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    Here is a horrible experience for the North Walmart. My husband tried to use a coupon that created an overage. He was shot down in so many ways. First it was becuase it was printed, then it was becuase the item purchased wasn't part of the picture and the main reason she wouldn't give it to him was because it created an overage. They all read the coupon policy together. In the end they did not allow him the overage and he did not buy the product. I hate when you understand the store policy but are unable to purchase your item because the staff is misinformed.

  13. #13
    Senior Canuck Slaney's Avatar
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    Really? Did you ask for a manager? at this point I've had it with CSM's. If I ever have a problem using any coupon at any Walmart I want a real manager.
    No one from the south Walmart has called me & I emailed Walmart to tell them what happened & about the response from their Customer Service Representitive & I've never heard back from anyone ther either
    I am currently looking for coupons for non parishable foods or grocery coupons good until December to help with Christmas food helpers.
    If you have any to trade please PM me.

  14. #14
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    My husband did ask for a manager and the cashier said she couldn't find one. She didn't actually try. I don't understand why the cashier takes it so personally when someone is using a coupon you would think it got deducted from her pay. I think that my husband and I will need to develop a tougher skin if we are going to keep doing this.

  15. #15
    . Monty temmy_34's Avatar
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    I think we need to start finding special times for couponers to meet up and go shopping together! This way we can use coupons together and collectively support each other against the employees/managers! If there was a group of us all saying one thing I wonder what the response would be! maybe change couponing in Regina!

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