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Thread: What do you think trades should be worth 2.0

  1. #346
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    totally not kidding! lol!! And the person had a 180 trade rating too!!!
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  2. #347
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    I have been very lucky so far with trades. I totally agree about the nexxus coupons. I wouldn't buy just shampoo i would have to get the conditioner to so that would be 3+2 +tax that's 5.65 so you get .45 for the aggravation of little bottles, not worth the pain in the a** to me. However I am going to try it to see if it helps my hair after talking with Jenny and if its good I might try and get some big bottles. Gee is their even enough in those little bottles to know if you really like it?
    JennyFromTheRock likes this.

  3. #348
    Axiomatic Canuck Tbites's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by momof5boys View Post
    Oh my, no lol....I am saying that if I would be looking for $3 Nexxus and I have say $1 Oasis juice boxes, I would trade as coupon for coupon....hope that makes sense
    I'm doing very few $ for $ trades anymore but if we're talking value... I'm not sure I understand your statement Are you saying 3$ = 1$ ?

    For what it's worth, I just refuse to buy into the high demand = high value.... at the end of the day... they're still JUST tearpads.
    Last edited by Tbites; Thu, Apr 26th, 2012 at 08:04 PM. Reason: spelling

    Friends don't let friends trade at max value

    RRLF 2014 -> RENEE'S !!! Lactantia butter, Marc Angelo, Casa di Mama

  4. #349
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    Yeah, and they are high demand partially because those are the tear pads that a lot of people just take in whole. Not accusing people here of taking whole pads, but when I see quantities like 40-75 of Nexxus on some peoples' trade lists, that's a lot and makes me wonder if that's all they took (since most of us keep some for ourselves). That's quite a few to take from one tear pad and since the Nexxus seems to be only at certain locations, I'm pretty sure the people who are finding them are taking them at once, not "oh I'll take some more later/ elsewhere". It's sounding like the Nexxus is the new Catelli coupon lol..Only a select bunch will get a crack at 'em on the shelves!

    I had someone a few month back try to get HV coupons from my trade list for less than equal $ amounts because she was offering Catelli to me. ? Her reasoning was that it was OK to offer $7.50 in Catelli for $12 of HV from my list since the Catelli was "hard to find and lots of people want it".

    I passed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tbites View Post
    I'm doing very few $ for $ trades anymore but if were talking value... I'm not sure I understand your statement Are you saying 3$ = 1$ ?

    For what it's worth, I just refuse to buy in to the high demand = high value.... at the end of the day... they're still JUST tearpads.

  5. #350
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    Wow I just seen a trade list of a new trader wanting 10.00 gc for 40.00 in coupons. She will not trade GC's. Am I crazy or is this nuts?

  6. #351
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tabby40 View Post
    Wow I just seen a trade list of a new trader wanting 10.00 gc for 40.00 in coupons. She will not trade GC's. Am I crazy or is this nuts?
    Nope, your not crazy.... that trader is out of wack!!
    annedougherty and Tabby40 like this.
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  7. #352
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    Found another really nice one:

    RRLF $5 Chapmans and cottage cheese fpc

    will trade 1 full insert of p and g for 2 $5 chapmans

  8. #353
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tabby40 View Post
    Found another really nice one:

    RRLF $5 Chapmans and cottage cheese fpc

    will trade 1 full insert of p and g for 2 $5 chapmans

    Thats another crazy one!! Especially since the inserts are so plentyful now!! I have about 80 of them and I give them away to anyone who wants them. I would probaly understand back when they were stackable ( and not even that high of a value then ) but the PG inserts ( last one especially ) is pretty useless. Lots of low value coupns
    annedougherty likes this.
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  9. #354
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    Wow, I think my head just exploded.

    SIGN UP!!! SIGN UP!!!

  10. #355
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    wow interesting post reading all this -wow i have used coupons for years and some are getting out of hand -i turned down one last week -but all the other trades i have done-the last few days are great -i even send 1 or 2 extra -tear pads to the traders -some send me a few extras too -we need to get back into that mode of remembering they arer still only coupons-yes i traded 2 free coupons a month ago for coupons i needed-who cares in the bigger picture we all are here to save money on what we buy-with a coupon to help
    scbpooh and MiaowTheCat like this.

  11. #356
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    Sorry if I offended anyone I thought that was a fair based on other peoples trades I have never traded full inserts before! I still would appreciate is someone would message me and let me know that is a bit crazy instead of reading it on here in another post. This is why some people just don't trade anymore they read things like this and get discouraged.
    Last edited by Smartshopper21; Thu, Apr 26th, 2012 at 10:35 PM.

  12. #357
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    Your right I do apologize I had to reread your post and I do agree with you I should have sent a pm to the new trader.
    Last edited by Tabby40; Thu, Apr 26th, 2012 at 10:36 PM. Reason: edited

  13. #358
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    I changed my post and I quoted the wrong thing sorry

    Quote Originally Posted by Tabby40 View Post
    Your right maybe I should have sent a pm to you however you are not the newbie asking for a 10.00 gc you are the one asking for 2 x5.00 chapmans for 1 p&g insert and I figured with a 60 trade rating you knew what you were asking for. I do apologize
    Last edited by Smartshopper21; Thu, Apr 26th, 2012 at 10:36 PM.

  14. #359
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennyFromTheRock View Post
    I know right? rare is bunched in the same category as FPC's usually, so if anything it would be worth a $1 FPC or the 2 tassimo ( $2 each ) and the cloverleaf could combine to a $5 FPC... but really, thats pushing it.

    It makes me a little sad because you have to wonder how many newbies they have suggested trades like that with who didnt know any better
    With 23 trades under my belt I still consider myself decently new and I REALLY wished when I had first started that there had been a sort of "adopt a newbie" program.....but just for traders (I realize there is a general Adopt a Newbie offer for the site) that newbies could have someone to message privately to ask about trades. I had a few odd offers pop up when I was first starting and I didn't ever want to post them and openly ask on here because I didn't want to offend the person I was posting about or stir the pot.
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  15. #360
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tbites View Post
    I'm doing very few $ for $ trades anymore but if we're talking value... I'm not sure I understand your statement Are you saying 3$ = 1$ ?

    For what it's worth, I just refuse to buy into the high demand = high value.... at the end of the day... they're still JUST tearpads.
    I'm saying exactly what you mentioned - not buying into the high value of Nexxus! Today our Safeway JUST put out the new coupons - all the coupons pads were full but the Nexxus gone - every single last coupon on that tearpad. Sad....

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