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Thread: What do you think trades should be worth 2.0

  1. #361
    Smart Canuck i_love_to_save's Avatar
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    wowwww...... and i thought Jenny's offer was crazy!!!! i just read my inbox and i got a reply to my request of FPC cottage cheese and the lady wanted 4 stamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    so that means i would have to spend $2.xx in order to get a $1.99 product???
    JennyFromTheRock likes this.

  2. #362
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    Just want to mention... NOT everyone has access to Toronto prices. And maybe laughing at offers may not be the most constructive way of helping folks find an equitable trades.
    scbpooh, Ceren, Insane and 2 others like this.

  3. #363
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    I agree. We should educate newbies who are unfamiliar with the rates. When I first started I made someone an offer that I now was too much. But she sent me a message explaining what a reasonable rate would be. Now we trade often because she is great and we both had a good experience and I know how to make offers that are reasonable to other traders.

    Quote Originally Posted by marmaduke View Post
    Just want to mention... NOT everyone has access to Toronto prices. And maybe laughing at offers may not be the most constructive way of helping folks find an equitable trades.
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  4. #364
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing odd trade requests.

    In response to a trade for a coupon valid on "any" product, I was sent a coupon valid on one specific product that I didn't use. I left a positive trade rating because it technically (sorta, kinda, not really) applied, even though it was not what I was looking for at all. In addition, this trader put stamps on the envelope amounting to $0.15 and kept putting it in the post again and again until it went through. The coupons were a few days from expiry when I finally got them. Canada Post was tired of sending it back. Too bad there isn't a way to change an old rating!

    Another trader, I traded for postage stamps. She sent stamps so old, I had to buy an extra set of stamps just to use the ones she had sent. The Queen was still young in those pictures!! Now I can see why SCers have to specify "P postage stamps". Another positive trade rating left because they were "technically" stamps. I didn't think I had to specify readily usable stamps.
    Last edited by sweet sparrow; Fri, Apr 27th, 2012 at 01:06 PM.

  5. #365
    Contradiction in progress sweet sparrow's Avatar
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    Lucky for you! When I first started, I traded $42 in HV coupons for about six stamps. I had no idea what constituted HV coupons back then. I would have traded 8 x $5 Chapmans coupons for six stamps!! I should have had my head examined....

    Quote Originally Posted by torontogal12 View Post
    I agree. We should educate newbies who are unfamiliar with the rates. When I first started I made someone an offer that I now was too much. But she sent me a message explaining what a reasonable rate would be. Now we trade often because she is great and we both had a good experience and I know how to make offers that are reasonable to other traders.

  6. #366
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marmaduke View Post
    Just want to mention... NOT everyone has access to Toronto prices. And maybe laughing at offers may not be the most constructive way of helping folks find an equitable trades.
    Quote Originally Posted by torontogal12 View Post
    I agree. We should educate newbies who are unfamiliar with the rates. When I first started I made someone an offer that I now was too much. But she sent me a message explaining what a reasonable rate would be. Now we trade often because she is great and we both had a good experience and I know how to make offers that are reasonable to other traders.

    Yeah I totally agree....... IF that person is a newbie, with just a few trades under their belt OR new member for only a few months.... BUT the 2 outrageous offers I got were both from Members who have been online as long, or longer than me.... bot with 100+ trades.... these people know exactly what trades are worth and just wait to pray on people who unfortunately do not
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  7. #367
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    This has happened to me. I asked for a coupon with a June expiry, instead she sent one that expired in two weeks for a flavour I hate. I left a positive anyway and didn't bother telling her she had made a mistake because I didn't want her to pay an extra stamp to fix it.

    But after I made mistakes on a train that the conductor didn't bother to even ask me to correct, I got complaints from the recipient riders so I sent replacements. Since then, I have decided that I am now going to make people hold up their end of the bargain since others demand the same from me. I don't care if it costs them more stamps to send since some people didn't care that it cost me extra to send them replacements (even though conductor didn't do her job). Conductor didn't bother to leave anyone feedback either!

    Don't get me wrong, some riders said I could just send extra next time, but some had been pretty rude about it. Everyone makes mistakes on their first trains...

    Quote Originally Posted by sweet sparrow View Post

    In response to a trade for a coupon valid on "any" product, I was sent a coupon valid on one specific product that I didn't use. I left a positive trade rating because it technically (sorta, kinda, not really) applied, even though it was not what I was looking for at all.
    Last edited by torontogal12; Fri, Apr 27th, 2012 at 01:33 PM.
    Apply every possible promo code to your cart, at every store that you visit (and get points for cash back on top of that?). It's sweet and easy with HONEY.

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  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smartshopper21 View Post
    Sorry if I offended anyone I thought that was a fair based on other peoples trades I have never traded full inserts before! I still would appreciate is someone would message me and let me know that is a bit crazy instead of reading it on here in another post. This is why some people just don't trade anymore they read things like this and get discouraged.

    Thanks for posting this....we have to be respectful of one another - if you don't like a trade move on...

  9. #369
    Senior Canuck Speckled28's Avatar
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    29 (100%) now I'm looking for some advice on a trade....but hoping maybe someone would let me ask them through a pm. Like I said.....I've always worried about putting stuff up here and having the person see it......especially if they are moderately new and might not know how odd a trade sounds, lol.

  10. #370
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    Speckled, if you haven't already PMed with someone, you can send me a message and I can try to help

  11. #371
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    What did the conductor do if they didn't check the coupons and leave feedback, beside collecting BP??? I would ask for my BP back...

    Quote Originally Posted by torontogal12 View Post
    This has happened to me. I asked for a coupon with a June expiry, instead she sent one that expired in two weeks for a flavour I hate. I left a positive anyway and didn't bother telling her she had made a mistake because I didn't want her to pay an extra stamp to fix it.

    But after I made mistakes on a train that the conductor didn't bother to even ask me to correct, I got complaints from the recipient riders so I sent replacements. Since then, I have decided that I am now going to make people hold up their end of the bargain since others demand the same from me. I don't care if it costs them more stamps to send since some people didn't care that it cost me extra to send them replacements (even though conductor didn't do her job). Conductor didn't bother to leave anyone feedback either!

    Don't get me wrong, some riders said I could just send extra next time, but some had been pretty rude about it. Everyone makes mistakes on their first trains...
    torontogal12 likes this.

  12. #372
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    same here - i traded my Similac cheques and Enfamil HV for regular coupons, LOL. at least i didn't need them not like Maple Leaf $5 or Chapman $5...

    Quote Originally Posted by sweet sparrow View Post
    Lucky for you! When I first started, I traded $42 in HV coupons for about six stamps. I had no idea what constituted HV coupons back then. I would have traded 8 x $5 Chapmans coupons for six stamps!! I should have had my head examined....
    dahliagrower likes this.

  13. #373
    CaLoonie gilligan34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JennyFromTheRock View Post
    Yeah I totally agree....... IF that person is a newbie, with just a few trades under their belt OR new member for only a few months.... BUT the 2 outrageous offers I got were both from Members who have been online as long, or longer than me.... bot with 100+ trades.... these people know exactly what trades are worth and just wait to pray on people who unfortunately do not
    This is so totally true. As a fairly new member, I have had a couple experiences... Just thought I would take a moment to share a couple things with you from a newbie's point of view.

    I was looking for $3 Aveeno call-ins, and had a very active member with tons of trades under her belt PM me she had 2 and would trade them for a GC... I asked her how much, and her reply was "$5 would do"... For $6 worth of coupons, not to mention the fact that I have to send time and gas to go get the GC, and spend $ on an envelope/stamp to mail the GC! It would be cheaper to go buy the product without the coupon! She knew exactly what she was doing, and was trying to take advantage of a newbie who didn't know any better (unfortunately for her, I did know better). I often see her responding "PMed you" on newbies "looking for" threads, and have from time to time sent PMs to the newbies pointing them to this thread and without mentioning usernames warning them that not everybody is fair.

    Also from a newbie's point of view, after being taken advantage of (and yes, I have been - I know that now), I had a skewed view of what trades were worth because of what these not-so-honest members were trading with me. So when I would PM people and offer trades, the trades I offered were sometimes pretty outrageous... but I thought they were reasonable because of my past experiences. There are a few members who very graciously explained to me what fair trades were worth, and helped to teach me.

    And of course there were others who probably thought I was ridiculous, shot me down, and I never heard boo from again, even though I asked them to tell me what "fair" was since I was new.
    torontogal12 likes this.

  14. #374
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    Wow gilligan. Sorry to read that!!!

  15. #375
    Super Saver JennyFromTheRock's Avatar
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    I have had a couple newbies pm me today because of my activity on this thread.... they have all been taken advantage of one poor girl was taken for 3 stamps ( plus one to mail ) for about $10 of regular coupons ( VERY COMMON coupons too like the scrubbing bubbles ones from inserts ) unfortunately, her end was already mailed. So I would like to open up myself to any newbie who has been proposed a trade that they have questions on. If you get a trade request and your not sure, send me a PM and I will be more than happy to let you know if its a reasonable offer or not

    I hate when people get taken for, I see too much of that go on
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